The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
Saw a article that said something like 36,000 Russian woman have come to tRUmp properties to give birth to anchor babies.
Sounds like an on going concern and another Trump scam, wonder what they paid and to who? It would be a nice ironic little scandal to add to the mountain. The King of anchor babies, Donald Trump.


Well-Known Member
Wow! If Trump and Hannity need to try to stop the wittness they aren’t doing a very good job. I just saw some really really old guy that looked like he was 115 years old on TV trying to convince the public that witnesses must not be called. He was hunched over and had a very very bad case of kyphosis and walked in tiny puttering steps with a walker. Is that the best they got? Lol. They find these old guys who they think will help with convincing the public because they look old as dirt and have unsurpassed wisdom? It’s laughable.
LOL, the face of the Republikkkan party is revealed.

In the background of that vid of Moscow Mitch, was that a ghost or a dying person held up as a threat to "turncoat Republicans"?


Well-Known Member
Turnabout is fair play, but now that both sides have experienced the incredible frustration of a president using executive privilege to dodge an investigation, maybe it is time to rework the rules so that this stops happening?


Well-Known Member
Having Trump's head mounted over his fireplace and a good place in the history books, not to mention lot's of cash from his book, would give a guy like Bolton a great deal of satisfaction. John the dragon slayer! His future book title might be, "How I did Donald"!
White House has issued formal threat to John Bolton to keep him from publishing book

The White House has issued a formal threat to former national security adviser John Bolton to keep him from publishing his book, "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir," sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.

The White House had no comment. Neither Bolton nor a spokesman for the publisher, Simon & Schuster, responded to a request for comment.
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Lev Parnas: 'Trumpworld Is Like A Cult, And A Lot Of These Senators Are In The Cult' | MSNBC

Lev Parnas attempted to attend the impeachment trial of President Trump and told reporters he would be willing to testify under oath. He claimed "Trumpworld is like a cult, and a lot of these senators are int he cult." Aired on 01/29/20.


Well-Known Member
Here is an interesting video and observation, looks like another bombshell breaking.
John Bolton ‘Implied’ Misconduct In Marie Yovanovitch Ouster In Call, Rep Eliot Engel Claims | MSNBC

House Foreign Affairs committee chairman Rep. Ellliot Engel claims that during a September 23 phone call, Ambassador Bolton suggested that the committee "look into the recall of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch," and "strongly implied that something improper had occurred around her removal." Aired on 01/29/20.


Well-Known Member
Fast and a Furious gun running investigation.
No applicable link provided. So, I ask again, Mr. interstellar soul traveler,

Turnabout is fair play, but now that both sides have experienced the incredible frustration of a president using executive privilege to dodge an investigation, maybe it is time to rework the rules so that this stops happening?


Well-Known Member
No applicable link provided. So, I ask again, Mr. interstellar soul traveler,

He does seem light years away, maybe ya gotta talk into a magic crystal or something, ole Bugeye seems to have selective hearing and vision too, so speak loudly and repeat.


Well-Known Member
Turnabout is fair play, but now that both sides have experienced the incredible frustration of a president using executive privilege to dodge an investigation, maybe it is time to rework the rules so that this stops happening?
You mean like following the law that the President can't do what Trump did with his blanket 'executive privilege'?
Fast and a Furious gun running investigation.
You mean this one with Attorney General Holder answering questions?

Where is yours with Barr on this impeachment investigation for it to be considered the same?


Well-Known Member
You mean like following the law that the President can't do what Trump did with his blanket 'executive privilege'?

You mean this one with Attorney General Holder answering questions?

Where is yours with Barr on this impeachment investigation for it to be considered the same?
That's exactly the problem, Trump can get away with not responding until it goes through the courts, hence the need to change the law.