Pandemic 2020

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If both Biden and Sanders catch this and die what happens next? Does the whole process restart? Does Trump get to stay for another 4 years?

I follow US politics for it's entertainment value but other than the basics don't know a hell of a lot about the big picture.

Honestly curious.

as of 3/22, there are 29,666 cases reported with 376 deaths..math tells us that's 12.67%, so there are many more cases not being identified to keep with a 3% mortality.

if you do the basic math you'll see that an approximate of 118.664, are infected..that means about 88,998, are walking around and don't know they are infected.

They're holding back on testing.

Because Trumpy* Optics

Look at the line on the first graph under the states table, now look at the dates on the bottom and extrapolate 14 days ahead, these are just known cases. This is the best way to visualize the magnitude of the problem and why so many smart people have been freaking out about what is about to strike America and Canada too, but hopefully not as bad here.

They can't hide the dead and dying

Look at the line on the first graph under the states table, now look at the dates on the bottom and extrapolate 14 days ahead, these are just known cases. This is the best way to visualize the magnitude of the problem and why so many smart people have been freaking out about what is about to strike America and Canada too, but hopefully not as bad here.

They can't hide the dead and dying
I see you are on board now, mortality rate for outcomes is now 12% globally

Look at the line on the first graph under the states table, now look at the dates on the bottom and extrapolate 14 days ahead, these are just known cases. This is the best way to visualize the magnitude of the problem and why so many smart people have been freaking out about what is about to strike America and Canada too, but hopefully not as bad here.

They can't hide the dead and dying

Go look at the Italy graph of daily deaths. Count back from yesterday. Count upto 14 days for symtoms to death and then count five more days for incubation period. Look how many people died on the day yesterday's dead got infected.
If both Biden and Sanders catch this and die what happens next? Does the whole process restart? Does Trump get to stay for another 4 years?

I follow US politics for it's entertainment value but other than the basics don't know a hell of a lot about the big picture.

Honestly curious.

We will hold elections & start again, just like we've always done.
Ten's of thousands are going to die in the US, that's inevitable.
But, we'll survive
Alway's have & always will
And no, Trump will not be automatiacaaly be our next POTUS.
No one will vote for that
why are you so worried about the folks at RIU? are you afraid we'll lose contact?
People should be prepared for the possibility, and more. I don't think you've gotten your head around what is about to befall you in terms of human tragedy, economic loss and personal risk to yourself. Ad revenues are gonna dry up for most online businesses and key people can become sick, many members here are over 60 and many have health issues.

I like a lot of folks around here, it's too bad many don't like you, but that's not my fault. I'm not afraid here in Canada, but I'm afraid you will be, Colorado is a hot spot.
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DO YOUR JOB MODS because he's a fucking detriment to civilized conversation in a time of urgent crisis & I'm personally sick of listening too his blather.
Ok, I got that off my chest, but really, this fucking guy is getting REALY annoying :)

I view the job I do here differently than you.

I think I should ban any member who tells me to ban someone. :lol:

'Terrified' delivery drivers are going to work sick

“I have been coming in sick because I’m worried that I’ll lose my job or just be punished if I call out,” said Angel Duarte, a package handler at a UPS hub in Tucson, Arizona. “I am 23, and I have no savings, and I have a 4-month-old son.”
I did that late last night and my palms got extremely sweaty instantly.

For the us it seems that adjusted for population you had that number of deaths on the 19th. If the virus spreads the same speed as in italy and the death rate is the same, you will be up to 6000 deaths per day in 17 days. This is hardly scientific of course, but my point is this shit escalates real quick.
Between that post and this it has hit 13%
Never read your signature before :)
Very cool writer.
Hemingway is my favorite American author though, alongside Twain & Conrad, but Fitzgerald is amongst them.
I hope that this will be an age of Literacy, staying at home. turning off the computer & simply reading a good book for a change, seemingly a lost art.
I see you are on board now, mortality rate for outcomes is now 12% globally
I never argued with the global rate zeddd, that's simple math, the Devil is in the details and mortality varies wildly depending on where you are, how old you are and what issues ya got.

For example, treatment protocols are increasing survival rates. Look at the experience of S Korea and look at the recent mortality rate, after the response was organised and treatments established.


South Korea
Coronavirus Cases:


Currently Infected Patients
5,825 (99%)
in Mild Condition
59 (1%)
Serious or Critical
Show Graph

Show Statistics

Cases which had an outcome:
2,909 (97%)
Recovered / Discharged
104 (3%)
Show Graph

Show Statistics

Total Coronavirus Cases in South Korea
For the us it seems that adjusted for population you had that number of deaths on the 19th. If the virus spreads the same speed as in italy and the death rate is the same, you will be up to 6000 deaths per day in 17 days. This is hardly scientific of course, but my point is this shit escalates real quick.

that's exactly what that means..math doesn't lie.

Trumpy* was contacted to discuss Covid-19 Back in December and all he cared about was 'when are the flavored pods returning?'

such a greedy mother fvcker..i've set choking in motion but a bad case of prostate with his mushroom dick falling off really appeals to me.
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