“I planted the seeds from what i smoked but these leaves...”its a stramonium dont smoke it .. no joke
unless youre a shaman
Took the words right out my mouth bro.. does resemble ducksfoot...It resembles picture I’ve seen on this site of ducksfoot strain. Not 100% but could be
I’m pretty sure this is definately not cannabis...Took the words right out my mouth bro.. does resemble ducksfoot...
I grew this strain last year outdoors in the U.K.
I agree it doesn't look like a cannabis plant , I'm only saying it looks like ducksfoot.I’m pretty sure this is definately not cannabis...
I’ve grown Frisian duck which is a ducksfoot strain and although similar, you can see the plants in the picture above have super thick rubbery like leaves unlike Mary...
similar shape I agree but you can see this ain’t cannabis...