

Well-Known Member
More than 5 million Americans will be infected with coronavirus and 290,000 will die by the end of July if social distancing isn't adhered to, according to COVID-19 model


Well-Known Member
You didn't miss anything. It was a comment about not liking big ass joints.
Ass joints, especially big ones, are not my favorite either

Ass Joint
Bath tissue remnants deposited on and around Toilet rim. In extreme cases ass joints have been known to migrate to surrounding floor. Ass joints are created when inferior bath tissues are used on "rough" (many cases hairy) Anuses. The end result is a rolled tissue joint thats 420 for your 6:30.
I had no choice but to use the filthy public bathroom stall that was littered with Ass joints.


Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Ass joints, especially big ones, are not my favorite either

Ass Joint
Bath tissue remnants deposited on and around Toilet rim. In extreme cases ass joints have been known to migrate to surrounding floor. Ass joints are created when inferior bath tissues are used on "rough" (many cases hairy) Anuses. The end result is a rolled tissue joint thats 420 for your 6:30.
I had no choice but to use the filthy public bathroom stall that was littered with Ass joints.

Reminds me of a joke

What does toilet paper and the spaceship enterprise have in common?
The both circle uranus looking for klingons.

Could probably make a captain's log joke out of that too.