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Well-Known Member
Relax guy, I’m just saying I don’t trust the government to protect us which was the argument put forth, bigger government = safer. Example, want to stop oil spills? Sue them till it hurts so much they have no choice. But the other side thinks bigger government (paid by the oil companies) with more inspectors (wined and dined by the oil companies) is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Relax guy, I’m just saying I don’t trust the government to protect us which was the argument put forth, bigger government = safer. Example, want to stop oil spills? Sue them till it hurts so much they have no choice. But the other side thinks bigger government (paid by the oil companies) with more inspectors (wined and dined by the oil companies) is the way to go.
How long will it take for a lawsuit to stop oil extraction? And under what jurisprudence?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Dude, I’m on my iPhone in my office. I’m speaking in general terms. The idea of a small government and classic Republicans are still important as a counter measure to unbridled spending and government getting too big. I get it, you think the governments got your back. Good for you. I don’t.
no, you think big business has your back...i don't


Well-Known Member
Relax guy, I’m just saying I don’t trust the government to protect us which was the argument put forth, bigger government = safer. Example, want to stop oil spills? Sue them till it hurts so much they have no choice. But the other side thinks bigger government (paid by the oil companies) with more inspectors (wined and dined by the oil companies) is the way to go.
But you trust an internet search engine? Or Q? Or what. ...??

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Example, want to stop oil spills? Sue them till it hurts so much they have no choice. But the other side thinks bigger government (paid by the oil companies) with more inspectors (wined and dined by the oil companies) is the way to go.
sue them in the courts they have bought and paid for? a long time ago? at least with the government monitoring them, they have new people to deal with every few years, and no, i don't think all politicians are bought and paid for, but some of them are, so why make it any easier of the criminal businesses that abuse the system?


Well-Known Member
No you aren’t fool, you’re laughing at a post from a guy making a joke. I made you laugh. Now make me a snack.
Hey, @DaFreak , how has LA government done to protect Asians? There was a 75% rise in hate crimes against Asians last year, most involved violence.

Please explain how cutting government would reduce this.

L.A. County reports 76% increase in anti-Asian hate crimes


Well-Known Member
Lol, I didn’t say no government. How has government done protecting our kids in public schools? Another 6 shot today.
Attorney General James Files Lawsuit to Dissolve NRA

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today filed a lawsuit seeking to dissolve the National Rifle Association (NRA), the largest and most influential pro-gun organization in the nation.
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