Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

@Tangerine_ , did you see this crazy kickstarter got approval to move forward in your neck of the woods?
The town can annex the useless land from a wealthy landowner, let his for-profit corp build a theme park.

They want to build a flagpole skyscraper with a shopping mall, small museums, lodging at the base, then carve out ledges and walls on the un-buildable part to write ALL the the veterans names on.

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I had a visitor....An old friend, the one who got me into indoor growing a few years back. We had a falling out so I hadn't seen him. First thing I said was "I have Covid, hang on and I'll come outside". He barged right in and said he didn't give a shit about Covid. OK then!!

He was telling me about another mutual old friend who is in rough shape from heroin... I was about wanting to puke hearing his description of puss and infection! You almost hope for someone like that to get arrested so they can get some medical treatment.

Well the lawn needs cutting here and tomorrow might be the day. I have to fire up the riding mower, but the battery is charging. Then I am supposed to help my buddy move on Sunday. It'll either cure me or kill me, but I feel like crap now....Not horrible, just blah with no energy mostly.
Sounds like you're healing!
Mornin. The wife was trying to throw the stereo remote onto my couch last night and it hit the back of the couch, bounced off the cushion and rolled battery compartment first into my water cup on the floor. :shock: I guess I can move quickly still with the right impetus. Grabbed it out of the cup, pulled the batteries out, shook it to get any residual out of the case and set it upright on a towel for awhile. When the buttons on the front of a stereo are never used they have a tendency to forget what their jobs are. ANYWAY I let it drip dry for awhile, dabbed it out with a kleenex, installed the batteries and crossed my fingers. It still works. I need more coffee.
Mornin. The wife was trying to throw the stereo remote onto my couch last night and it hit the back of the couch, bounced off the cushion and rolled battery compartment first into my water cup on the floor. :shock: I guess I can move quickly still with the right impetus. Grabbed it out of the cup, pulled the batteries out, shook it to get any residual out of the case and set it upright on a towel for awhile. When the buttons on the front of a stereo are never used they have a tendency to forget what their jobs are. ANYWAY I let it drip dry for awhile, dabbed it out with a kleenex, installed the batteries and crossed my fingers. It still works. I need more coffee.
I only laughed because it still works. Time for the wife to play the lotto. That was a lucky shot!
I've had a few temp/humid gauges work better than new after being rinsed with distilled water.
It doesn't hurt to try if something gets dunked in tap water or coffee, just avoid de-ionized RO on metals.
I've put a few of my bluetooth headsets through the washing machine. After finding them I just stuff them in rice for months and voila all of them have worked. I had friends who would put their keyboards through the dishwasher. That was a bridge too far for me since I use a wireless keyboard. I guess I could try it.
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Just 5th Monday

bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie

my 3 year anniversary at this company.
1 for each year.

Got some time off scheduled, in May. Gonna be in Arizona for a week hanging out with my daughter. Really excited to see her. @Paul Drake :shock: :bigjoint: :-D:-D:-D:wink::wink: Yup!

The following week, mamashark and I are going to hit up a 4 day reggae fest. Typically 3 days but they added a day due to the cancelations from the last few years.
Should be a good time.

oh look a bowl

Good morning glory
How's the weather? You have beach hopes for today?

I'm shopping orchids :lol: I started about 2 weeks ago to get one for my daughter in law for Mother's Day. I bought three for myself but still haven't found her one! I keep dithering about getting her a Cymbidium for her patio (they are on the beach it will do great at her home). Or a nice Phal. for her kitchen window, or possibly a Vanda. Sigh..... the dither continues. They have a local place that will provide orchid board and care when they aren't in bloom. With an active toddler I'm considering getting her one from there. If I choose carefully I could keep her in blooming orchids year around and it would be easy just swapping them off with that place that's barely a mile from her home. LOL

So in case the dither continues I am having a box of chocolates sent :roll:
I slept 12 hours, wife came in to make sure I was breathing. She said Sparkee was sleeping on me and he was going up and down with my breathing so I was alive.
Ate some shrooms yesterday. Kinda boring doing some alone. Brother ate golden teacher and PE last night and said WOW.
I've put a few of my bluetooth headsets through the washing machine. After finding them I just stuff them in rice for months and voila all of them have worked. I had friends who would put their keyboards through the dishwasher. That was a bridge too far for me since I use a wireless keyboard. I guess I could try it.
I've heard the rice trick is broscience. I think they key word is months to dry out
How's the weather? You have beach hopes for today?

I'm shopping orchids :lol: I started about 2 weeks ago to get one for my daughter in law for Mother's Day. I bought three for myself but still haven't found her one! I keep dithering about getting her a Cymbidium for her patio (they are on the beach it will do great at her home). Or a nice Phal. for her kitchen window, or possibly a Vanda. Sigh..... the dither continues. They have a local place that will provide orchid board and care when they aren't in bloom. With an active toddler I'm considering getting her one from there. If I choose carefully I could keep her in blooming orchids year around and it would be easy just swapping them off with that place that's barely a mile from her home. LOL

So in case the dither continues I am having a box of chocolates sent :roll:
When is Mother’s Day?