the media and pundits should be held responsible for the consequences of their broadcasted opinions

Yep. Because they are dishonest..

after what that man and his flying monkeys did and are still doing, that is desperate cherrypicking.
after what that man and his flying monkeys did and are still doing, that is desperate cherrypicking.
I've never defended Trump, all I said is that both sides lie. You've asked for non-bias reporting such as that from the AP, so I've presented this week's news to you to support my claim, but you choose to simply discount lies from the Hillary campaign as "cherry-picking". It really paints the picture of how bias you are yourself. Debating with you is just like debating with a Trumper; pointless due to your politicised dillusions of rightousness.
I've never defended Trump, all I said is that both sides lie. You've asked for non-bias reporting such as that from the AP, so I've presented this week's news to you to support my claim, but you choose to simply discount lies from the Hillary campaign as "cherry-picking". It really paints the picture of how bias you are yourself. Debating with you is just like debating with a Trumper; pointless due to your politicised dillusions of rightousness.
Nice try, but that thing you quoted disappears in importance next to the numerous misdeeds of the Repugs. I stand by my diagnosis of desperate cherrypicking in defense of an indefensible “both sides” calumny. You continue to carry his water.
Nice try, but that thing you quoted disappears in importance next to the numerous misdeeds of the Repugs. I stand by my diagnosis of desperate cherrypicking in defense of an indefensible “both sides” calumny. You continue to carry his water.
Nice try yourself, not even addressing the article at hand, but only dismissing it unter the pretense of "he did worse". Pathetic. Last I checked, concocting and fabricating a lie to both the american people and the FBI, simply to gain votes, is pretty bad. You go on telling yourself that it was ok, becuase "he did worse" though. I truely feel sorry for you.
Nice try yourself, not even addressing the article at hand, but only dismissing it unter the pretense of "he did worse". Pathetic. Last I checked, concocting and fabricating a lie to both the american people and the FBI, simply to gain votes, is pretty bad. You go on telling yourself that it was ok, becuase "he did worse" though. I truely feel sorry for you.
He did much worse, ruining your both sides malarkey. Live with it.
Me either, but I'm also in California where my ethics on that aren't really tested. I get to "vote" for the better of two people without actually voting. If this were a swing state, I'd probably have to abandon that belief.
that's what I was thinking when reading the OP and this

sounds like
- Gleichschaltung
- Thought crimes
- Deutschland 1933

Seriously you can neither prove your point nor that the others did do any damage.

Psychologists are whores, they will say anything if you pay them

Popper argued psychology is just a pseudo-science. They cannot prove their claims in all individual cases but instead get falsified.

On the other hand there's a genetic code and its corporeal expression as put by nature. Just disregard all that nonsense and also ignore the increasing chemicals and poisons that are disruptive to human hormones with many novel sicknesses on the rise.
Narcissists are like that, they think psychologists are cunts because they bust them. Narcissists absolutely fkin hate being busted.
Me either, but I'm also in California where my ethics on that aren't really tested. I get to "vote" for the better of two people without actually voting. If this were a swing state, I'd probably have to abandon that belief.
Or vote for a third party. I was looking at the 2016 election results today, and realized that 7million people (5% of voters) went with a third party. My feeling is that changed drastically in 2020 because there was just so much focus on the lessor of the two evils. I'm hoping that we can get back to 5% in 2024. It's crazy to me that both Trump and Biden are thinking about running again at their age.
Or vote for a third party. I was looking at the 2016 election results today, and realized that 7million people (5% of voters) went with a third party. My feeling is that changed drastically in 2020 because there was just so much focus on the lessor of the two evils. I'm hoping that we can get back to 5% in 2024. It's crazy to me that both Trump and Biden are thinking about running again at their age.

Totally. It will be pointless for a while, but maybe someday the vote for a third party will do something.
Totally. It will be pointless for a while, but maybe someday the vote for a third party will do something.
Like I said previously, all movements start small. What begins as a small ripple can become a large wave given the right conditions.
Your continued ridicule of a solid concept is not a good look.
Except that it's not a solid concept, unless you are a purveyer and supporter of the "lessor of the two evils" paradigm. To me evil is still evil. Lying to the American public and FBI to in effort to smear your opponent and gain votes in not something to be dismissed or taken lightly. It is evil. Trump is also evil. Glad I didn't vote for either of them in 2016, but then again my vote didn't count sice I live in California and we have the Electoral College. Somehow in 2020 it seemed like it mattered more to bolster the popular vote on Biden's behalf, since Hillary cried for years that the election was stolen from her, which we now know was all predicated on her lies that are now being exposed.
I would note that sometimes you don't have the luxury of voting your conscience, as the current situation impacts the future. In my state for instance, part of the republican candidates platform is to change how votes are counted such that it would dramatically alter the outcome of future elections and cement them into office.

Except that it's not a solid concept, unless you are a purveyer and supporter of the "lessor of the two evils" paradigm. To me evil is still evil. Lying to the American public and FBI to in effort to smear your opponent and gain votes in not something to be dismissed or taken lightly. It is evil. Trump is also evil. Glad I didn't vote for either of them in 2016, but then again my vote didn't count sice I live in California and we have the Electoral College. Somehow in 2020 it seemed like it mattered more to bolster the popular vote on Biden's behalf, since Hillary cried for years that the election was stolen from her, which we now know was all predicated on her lies that are now being exposed.
1) Who leases evils?
2) Proportion is a valid concept. Using your logic, a traffic violator and Jeffrey Dahmer would rate the same punishment. The lesser (!) of two evils is the right choice in my opinion.

Now, as you observed, if we had a popular vote unfiltered through electors who are as obsolete as many say our gun laws are, a nonbinary candidate would have real traction, especially since i believe that is likely to lead to coalition politics, which tend to leverage the voice of less popular parties.
1) Who leases evils?
2) Proportion is a valid concept. Using your logic, a traffic violator and Jeffrey Dahmer would rate the same punishment. The lesser (!) of two evils is the right choice in my opinion.

Now, as you observed, if we had a popular vote unfiltered through electors who are as obsolete as many say our gun laws are, a nonbinary candidate would have real traction, especially since i believe that is likely to lead to coalition politics, which tend to leverage the voice of less popular parties.
Dang, I mispelled a word, how horrible! Nice nitpicking dude. Clearly you have to stoop to a pretty low arguement at this point. I'm at least glad that we both agree that each side is evil. The rest is just personal preference.
Dang, I mispelled a word, how horrible! Nice nitpicking dude. Clearly you have to stoop to a pretty low arguement at this point. I'm at least glad that we both agree that each side is evil. The rest is just personal preference.
Just keeping up with the cherrypicker.

But a drunk driver is evil.
A terrorist in a cockpit is also evil.
One is more evil than the other, if you believe John Stuart Mill.
It is not the zero/one concept you are promoting.

Humans like to argue about where the moral divide lies. The disagreement on the boundary between good and evil has spawned thousands of religions, philosophies, denominations, schools, cults. So to be ethically complete, you would need to provide a hermetic and immutable moral compass. (giggle) good luck with that.