January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Trump also used the big lie "stop the steal", knowingly, to raise over a hundred million from his base of suckers, that's wire and mail fraud. They also used deception on their website to trick and defraud their donors with automatic continuing payments.

Trump Could Face Fraud Charges For Leading The Big Lie
46,044 views Jun 12, 2022 The January 6 Committee’s first hearing revealed former President Trump was at the center of a seven-part conspiracy to overthrow the election. Former U.S. Attorney Barb McQuade and Peter Baker, chief Washington correspondent for the New York Times, discuss how the Justice Department could use the new evidence.
It just pisses me off that Dump is not already jail. It' been18 months since his speech at the1-6 riot.
How much proof of sedition was needed to indite the Fucker, Mr. Garland??????

He should have been arrested when he got on AF1 to fly to Mar-a-largo and flown to Guantanemo. To be held until the rest of the seditionistsas could be gathered up to be tried, convicted and exicuted.

It is said that 100 Congress critters had signed up for the"Green Bay Sweep", I want the J6 to publish the list and Mr. Garland to arrest them all, along with the fake electors and all sent to Gitmo for trial.

I keep hearing that our democracy is at stake, but no one has been charged with their crimes yet.

For Fuck' sake!
It just pisses me off that Dump is not already jail. It' been18 months since his speech at the1-6 riot.
How much proof of sedition was needed to indite the Fucker, Mr. Garland??????

He should have been arrested when he got on AF1 to fly to Mar-a-largo and flown to Guantanemo. To be held until the rest of the seditionistsas could be gathered up to be tried, convicted and exicuted.

It is said that 100 Congress critters had signed up for the"Green Bay Sweep", I want the J6 to publish the list and Mr. Garland to arrest them all, along with the fake electors and all sent to Gitmo for trial.

I keep hearing that our democracy is at stake, but no one has been charged with their crimes yet.

For Fuck' sake!

Because you're letting your little bitch girl emotions get the best of you.

There's a reason he's not in prison and never going there snowflake, quit being a little bitch and own up the loss ( another one since Russia gate was false )
It sends a message to those who voted for Trump: You were fools, motivated by bigotry and fear, duped by an obvious psychopath and certifiable moron. You were wrong about everything and every argument you made to friends and relatives was based on a lie, you look like an idiot to anybody not in your cult. You're are moral failures who betrayed the country and constitution and persist in still doing so. Accept the truth, learn and move on, or remain a fool who has learned nothing from your life experience. The truth will set you free, from Donald's evil spell, so time for the scales to drop from your eyes and to see the light of truth shining brightly. The baggage of bigotry is getting harder the bear, especially when you carry Trump on your back too.
Is he in jail yet?
Anybody who is indicted and pulls out a secret pocket pardon will have it respected, while they are cleaned out on a grand jury witness stand with no 5th amendment protections. Then they will be indicted later and the corrupt pardon challenged, pardons were a reward for the crimes they committed for Trump. Meanwhile those with pardons will testify against the pissed off suckers who didn't get a pardon because they will have no 5th amendment protection. Even if their own testimony is not used to convict them in the future, others who they ratted out will, while dressed in orange. This is going to cost everybody involved dearly financially and ruin many financially who are not even indicted.

A lot of people are looking at 20 to life for this vast conspiracy, serious time if they were in any way a party to it. It depends on how broad a net the DOJ casts. There are as many or more involved in the various schemes and plots of the hub and spoke election conspiracy, than were involved in sacking the capitol. From the state houses to the congress and white house, including the fake electors and their enablers in the state houses, there must have been a thousand of the fuckers, more if you include those working to overturn the election in some states with bogus audits.

Donald is gonna take a lot of assholes with him when he goes down, it will be like a giant enema for the American body politic, if Garland is serious. Then there are the civil suits over all this shit and anybody convicted of the conspiracy will be liable for the damages, punitive damages too. This will go on for years, consume lives and fortunes and financially ruin those even peripherally involved, but not indicted. As each cooperating witness cracks wide open, they have to reveal any other crimes they participated in or have knowledge of, some will make deals for the crimes of other republicans who were not involved in J6.

How many crimes does the average republican politician have knowledge of? :lol:
The prosecutors will have to work shifts FFS and the process could take a long time!

Nothing's gonna happen to trump and you'rlll be screaming at the sky, it's Russia gate all over again more wasted taxes
Because you're letting your little bitch girl emotions get the best of you.

There's a reason he's not in prison and never going there snowflake, quit being a little bitch and own up the loss ( another one since Russia gate was false )
Oh, GFY asshat!
Over 50 years ago I swore the oath to "Protect and Defend", I still belive in that. You are free to join Trump in Gitmo too.
You have a problem with July 4th 1776 don't you? He's never going to prison get over it snowflake

Well, the rest of civilized society hopes to fuck you are wrong and Trump and his Traitorous Co-con·spir·a·tory Douchebag Buddies rot in prison.
The Self Proclaimed stable Genius is a criminal. The fact a dumb ass like you and the other Fox News Brain Deads thinks he is intelligent is irrelivent.
The Self Proclaimed stable Genius is a criminal. The fact a dumb ass like you and the other Fox News Brain Deads thinks he is intelligent is irrelivent.

W.e makes you feel better, call him an asshole too if that makes you feel better. But he's not going to prison because your stupid fcking emotions say he should
Is he in jail yet?
He's on his way, along with a couple of thousand assholes before the dust settles. The show has just begun and will continue on in grand juries and courts of law. Donald will have a court date in Georgia on TV, before the feds deal with him, maybe the judge will muzzle him. It works out better this way for the election in November, the democrats need an edge and the public has a short attention span. Donald is only dividing the republicans with his vengeance tour, maybe he'll tell his base to say home during the election, again.

His supporters must feel like fools, conned by a psychopathic moron using easily disproved lies, yep they were used like toilet paper and now have shit all over themselves. He exploited their weakness, their fear and hate, by blowing Dixie on a dog whistle through a bullhorn.
Because you're letting your little bitch girl emotions get the best of you.

There's a reason he's not in prison and never going there snowflake, quit being a little bitch and own up the loss ( another one since Russia gate was false )
so are you a paid troll, or a stupid one? don't bother answering, you're going on ignore, you aren't even close to worth listening to

Bannon to Garland over Jan. 6 hearings: Indict Trump and we'll impeach you
15,459 views Jun 12, 2022 CNN's Jeffrey Toobin reacts after Steve Bannon, who once served as former President Donald Trump's chief strategist, threatened Attorney General Merrick Garland in response to the January 6 committee hearings.

After enabling Trump's lawlessness for years, Pence did the bare minimum on 1/6. But he's no hero
36,399 views Jun 12, 2022 We have long known that Donald Trump, together with one of his corrupt attorneys John Eastman, were pressuring former Vice President Mike Pence to refuse to certify Joe Biden's election win on January 6, ruching him to put the wheels in motion for Trump to be installed for a second presidential term contrary to the will of the American voters. Based on some new reporting by Politico, we now know that Mike Pence's top lawyer, Greg Jacob, had authored a memo setting out how Pence would violate the law, specifically the Electoral Count Act, if he gave in to Trump's pressure and threats, and refused to perform his constitutional duty on Jan. 6 while presiding over the count of the electoral votes. Jacob is scheduled to appear and testify in the January 6 select committee public hearings in the coming days.