Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Time for second Thanksgiving and make some gravy, didn't get much leftovers. Watching my sister ruin gravy was one of the best Thanksgivings ever, lol.
Started a 13 lb turkey in the oven and a large tray of stuffing, side of roasted butternut and carrots.

Think I'll make some fruit tarts from the extra apples and pears, vacuum freeze the new leftovers into some meals, make a gallon of turkey vegetable noodle soup. Great for taking the winter aches away during the flu or shoveling :P


Well-Known Member
Door is done......well it was done a few beers ago. Gotta pick up some pvc trim this week and trim out the outside. But I was able to save the interior trim and you'd never know we just put it in. The temps where actually not bad today......it ended up in the mid 40°s and sunny so most of the time it was only a flannel if you needed it....not bad at all :blsmoke:


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Beep. :[
Whelp, that was the worst Thanksgiving on Saturday ever. I was feeling in a funk, then the poor boy's grandpa died right when the birds came out and obviously had to leave.
It was like a well orchestrated slap to the nuts.
I think I'll step lightly around Christmas.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Have a nice day! I thought I would have avoided snow through the mountains on hwy 160 , the final leg of my trip , but woke up to a few inches on fresh powder. Completey unexpected. This last bit driving will be going over Wolf Creek Pass. It’s one of the most dangerous hwy passes with a very steep western slope and hairpin turns. Sunny sky’s now. Fingers crossed it goes well. Take care.