purpling of edges


Active Member
these are week old plants i watered 3 days ago on the 4th till water came out the bottom one plant got burned and i plucked out of the soil to find a 4 inch root and 10 hairs coming off it so root structure is good hope that was 2 days ago..... hope sumone can figure out wat the purpling is please help me out


New Member
it can be normal for that to happen to some strains. ive seen more than a few pictures of purple seedlings. don't worry about it dude. it'll be fine.


Active Member
here are sum new pics it's thurday so um 4th day no water i sprayed the leaves a lil bit just before pics cuz i'm scared of under water it is moist bout inch and half to two inches down so im leaving it be for now wat do u guys think?? one looks droopy, is this from drought?? well let me know PEACE........oh ya temps Low of 69 and High of 86 humidity between40%-60% Peace oh ya forgot to add this is after i took my finger and gently went around the plant my soil seems to crust on the first inch or so...thats y it looked so wet the other day



New Member
when mine were that small i kept em in a $4 humidity dome i bought from home depot. i always like to start em in lil jiffy pads first. looks perfectly healthy btw.


Active Member
when mine were that small i kept em in a $4 humidity dome i bought from home depot. i always like to start em in lil jiffy pads first. looks perfectly healthy btw.
ya those ones do i did alot this time because my roomate fucked up the other ones while i was away and didn't want to count on just a few those are actually some of my best ones im waiting a full week till i water the cup throughly so in 3 days i will water hope there not to dry by then.....so the droopyness is alright?? well thanks

Also i have a humidifier and it stays 40%-60% last night it got up to 71% but it fluctuates never past 40%


Active Member
well i had to kill my babies....my roomy wasnt paying so i threw him out and found out he was gonna call the popo's so i had to ditch them so long