
NYC Diesel

New Member
id rather just go worm fishing in the spring, but thanks for the heads up, i have easy access to white mushrooms, and idk about the other stuff, but its sitll good to know


Well-Known Member
In order with link to total breakdown of vitimins and minreals.....
I was looking for PHOS based but in break down you will find Pottasium value....

Pumpkin leaves, raw Phosphorus: 1095mg
Watercress, raw Phosphorus: 1091mg
Mushrooms, portabella, raw [Portabello] Phosphorus: 1000mg
Mushrooms, brown, Italian, or Crimini, raw Phosphorus: 889mg
Squash, zucchini, baby, raw Phosphorus: 886mg
Mushrooms, portabella, grilled [Portobello] Phosphorus: 857mg
Mushrooms, white, stir-fried Phosphorus: 808mg
Mushrooms, white, raw Phosphorus: 782mg
Pumpkin leaves, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt Phosphorus: 752mg
Pumpkin leaves, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt Phosphorus: 752mg
Amaranth leaves, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt Phosphorus: 686mg
Amaranth leaves, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt Phosphorus: 686mg
Broccoli raab, raw [Broccoli rabe, Rapini] Phosphorus: 664mg
Balsam-pear (bitter gourd), leafy tips, raw Phosphorus: 660mg
Pumpkin flowers, raw Phosphorus: 653mg
Seaweed, irishmoss, raw Phosphorus: 641mg
Mushrooms, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt Phosphorus: 621mg
Mushrooms, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt Phosphorus: 621mg
Alfalfa seeds, sprouted, raw Phosphorus: 609mg
Fiddlehead ferns, raw Phosphorus: 594mg
Mushrooms, white, microwaved Phosphorus: 577mg
Dock, raw Phosphorus: 573mg
Cabbage, chinese (pak-choi), raw Phosphorus: 569mg


Well-Known Member
MY THEORY ! ON BIG FAT FEMALES...................

The entire plant contains several hundred known chemicals/hormones/vitimins etc
But the sexual expression of cannabis is determined by its genetic makeup, and by its metabolic temper,
Which is regulated by the male enzyme andrase and the female enzyme gynase.
Environmental & atmosphereic conditions (light, nutrients, soil and water) are keys and may suppress or induce the formation of the dominant enzyme, and allow the opposite sex to express itself partially (hermaphroditism) or completely as a THC bleeding beautiful lady.
Transition of female cannibis plants from the vegetative to the flowering phase is associated with a rise in Phos and cytokinin level, while that of male proceeds at a decreasing cytokinin level with an increase in Nitrogen.
The activity of cytokinins,avalablity of Gibberellin and level of PHOS are all apparently associated with an enhancement of the female tendency and attributes.!

NYC Diesel

New Member
o i see. so if its a female i throw mushrooms at her and if its a male ill pee on him. sounds good haha thanks, im still trying to work out what all the different nutrients actually do so i wont have to always be using someones time on this website


Well-Known Member
The basis of my Theory:
Auxin would be released when cells contains more than enough sugar, and all other environmental conditions are favorable for growth.

Abscisic Acid might signal a need emergency action under most kinds of rapidly developing environmental stress, not just water shortages. ABA's main role is clearly resistance to drought conditions though. & ABA induced stomata closing. Considered an inhibitor.

Complimentarily, Salicylic Acid may be the hormone released when things are running normally and no special rapid response is needed from the plant. It might be the "feel good" hormone.

Jasmonic Acid is a gibberellin under experiment but looks to be growth stimulator.

Cytokinin would be made when cells have enough nutrients of the sort normally provided by the root, mainly water and minerals and all other conditions are favorable for growth.

Gibberellin/Brassinostreroid would be made when mature cells have less than enough shoot nutrients, i.e. sugar and Oxygen to survive especially if environmental conditions are poor. "GAA intensified the growth of the plants, the average dry weight per plant, the photosynthesis rate, the sugar content (especially of the stem) and that of total N, and the respiration rate, but decreased the content of chlorophyll in the leaves.

Ethylene might be released when mature cells are receiving less than enough nutrients normally received from the roots, mainly minerals and water, to support life at all, thus senescence of the cell is warranted. Again this effect may be accentuated by poor environmental conditions.
FROM ALL ABOUT HEMP- commercial growing by US GOV
Minerals & Micronutrients
The nutrient uptake by cannabis reaches it maximum just before maturity and blossoming.
Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake then increase up to 250%, and potassium requirements increase 400%.
The uptake of calcium and magnesium increases 150%. Additional amounts of nutrients must be readily available to the plants at that time in order to produce maximum yields.
Cannibis consumes about 1 kg of nutrients for each kg of bud it produces.

Causes cannabis to grow rapidly as seedlings, but the plants wilt, turn to copper-brown.
High levels of N in the middle of the growth cycle will cause water uptake to increase.Excess N added inhibits stem development.
Best results are obtained by adding half of the required N in the primary treatment, and the second half at the first feeding. If the initial growth of a plant is slow, it can be aided by a foliar spray

Phosphorous : "To obtain high yields, it is necessary to assure the plants an easily accessible source of phosphoric acid
by applying granulated superphosphate at the very beginning of development, best absorption is before the plants have reached the phase of 6 pairs of leaves. concentration of THC are positively correlated with extractable phosphate. Cannabis uses 250% more phosphorus at flowering than during the vegetative phase

The absorption of K is most intense in the 4th week after germination. The supply of K should be reduced by 50% during flowering.

--- Calcium gives cannabis very strong, fibrous, short stems with dark green leaves and swollen flowers. An adequate supply is vital in the 6th-9th weeks of growth

Trace Elements
--- Micronutrient deficiencies often are caused by alkaline water, which prevents uptake by plants. Such deficiencies usually can be covered by the use of commercially available "transplanting solutions" and by adjusting the grow medium to neutral pH.

Mg --- Cannabis is very sensitive to magnesium deficiency, Hemp has an extraordinarily high requirement for Mg, and is exceptional in comparison to most other plants, which are killed by applications of Mg alone. Combinations of K and Mg give the highest yields, which increase considerably with an increase in the MgA.
Haraszty conducted experiments for 10 years to augment the yield of hemp fiber with macro- and micronutrients (tested in over 50 combinations). He found significant effects with formulations containing K, Mn and Mg (applied in the form of their sulfates at 10 kg/ha), by which he achieved up to 32% increases in fiber quantity

--- Powdered magnetite (magnetic iron oxide) will supply sufficient Fe, and it stimulates plant growth by the effect of magnetic energy. 10 ppm of Fe gives the best growth ; 5 ppm gives the best yield for flower.

--- A deficiency of manganese will stunt the growth and flowering of hemp. Leaves appear mottled with grey-brown necrotic spots. The plants lack vitamin C; there are some deaths. Signs of deficiency first appear on shoots. Leaf margins remain green while the rest of the leaf turns yellow or white.
--- Sulfur stimulates root growth and seed production. S-deficient hemp is pale green, with purple veins. The stem is stiff, woody, and thin; the seeds are immature.

--- Boron . When sufficient P and K are available, an additional application of boric acid ,Cu-sulfate, and Mn-sulfate will produce a significant increase in yields and in the quality. A deficiency of B is revealed by cracked, stunted stems and dry rot. Leaves turn purple, terminal shoots curl and die, petioles become brittle, and the flowers are covered with dry areas. New shoots turn gray or brown and die with a burnt appearance. The situation can be corrected with a foliar spray of boric acid.

--- Cannabis does not have a high tolerance for copper, but supplementary Cu-sulfate will improve the quality and yield of cannabis, especially in peat, which often is deficient in this element. A deficiency causes stems to weaken and break.

--- A deficiency of molybdenum is indicated by yellowing between veins on leaves. The middle leaves turn yellow.
--- A deficiency of zinc is indicated by chlorosis between the veins at the base of shoots, and by the accompanying twist of leaf blades.
Flowering is inhibited. Over-watering produces symptoms resembling nutrient deficiencies or excesses. These usually can be corrected by reducing the water supply, or by drainage
The production of cannabinoids (THC, CBN, CBD, etc.) is greatly influenced by nutrients.
As soil N increases relative to Mg, CBD increases relative to CBN. Increasing the ratio of N to Cu increases the level of CBD. Increasing amounts of P convert CBN to THC.
Low to medium levels of P produces a high level of CBD, but CBD decreases with high levels of P.
Low levels (levels less than 40 ppm) of Mg produce more CBD than do high levels of Mg. As levels of Mg increase relative to Ca, the concentration of THC decreases.
The concentration of Mg and Fe in leaves is positively correlated to THC levels.
Potassium increases the concentration of CBN by effecting the dehydrogenation of THC. An excess of K in the 3rd month will inhibit resin production. Excess Ca will inhibit resin production, and it increases the production of CBD in the resin is produced.
Either an excess or deficiency of Mg produces more CBD. 5 ppm Fe gives highest yields of THC.

The recommended "ideal" pattern of nutrient application for cannabinoid production is said to be: high N and K, low Ca, and medium Mg during the first 2 months of growth, continued high N and K, medium Mg, and increased Ca during the next 6-8 weeks, followed by decreased N, K, and Ca, and increased Mg through the flowering phase.

Mel Frank offers this micronutrient formula for high cannabinoid production: Fe-sulfate (5 mg/gal), Cu-sulfate (0.2 mg/gal), Mn-sulfate (2 mg/gal), Zn-sulfate (0.2 mg/gal), Boric acid (2 mg/gal), Molybdenic acid (0.1 mg/gal). Use 1 tspn/gal of nutrient solution, once monthly.

Bill Drake gives this recipe in marijuana: The Cultivator’s Handbook
: Ca-sulfate (6 oz), mono-Ca-phosphate (4 oz), Mg-sulfate (6 oz), K-nitrate (8 oz), and Fe-sulfate (1 gr). Use 1 tspn/gal.

NYC Diesel

New Member
omg. wow thanks lol. this will be very helpfull or the future. hopefully when im older ill actually get better at this.
Too bad i cant actually start growing for another month and a half. Darn it!


Well-Known Member
omg. wow thanks lol. this will be very helpfull or the future. hopefully when im older ill actually get better at this.
Too bad i cant actually start growing for another month and a half. Darn it!
Build a outdoor greenhouse.... find some old timber from a building site.... contruct a simple A frame..... cover it with clear plastic drop sheets..... run a leed out there for a heater..... and your away (at least germ with heater mat ) and will end up with a head start on every one....

NYC Diesel

New Member
oh true. for now i dont even have enough privacy to do that, but in the future ill try that for my outside grows


Well-Known Member
You tell me ,you made the outrageous claim,what do you think kidneys are for?


Well-Known Member
I would of ASSUMED ( i have not looked in to my piss before !) that different cultures/species eatting different foods would have different elments or toxins in there piss?
So your saying all piss is the same ?????
I dont know so your telling me.........

NYC Diesel

New Member
no but most urine contains nitrates that bacteria in the soil can make use of and supply the plant with. This is why it is diluted i assume, so the amount of nitrogen is more beneficial than the negative effect of toxins. But i mean a person with common sense wouldnt use their own pee if the diet they had was CRAP. For example, one day you could eat all natural and healthy, then use your urine from that day to feed the plants, instead of using your urine from a day you ate fast food.


Well-Known Member
Too wishy washy info for me to trust it.... I would have to see a paper or experiment useing piss as additive..... and not from a dope forum I mean a uni paper.
I understand that fecial matter is used world wide as fertz in 3rd world countries, but piss ??? Its acidic... so alot of plants would not like it- citrus etc yes but a flowering plant ? Nitrogen overload will cause your plants to turn hermi or male during flower........ So for me.... i would not regardless of when or diluted or not, my girls get the best... if u wanted nitrogen ,carlie carp fish emulsions or manure are much better organic options....
Anyways........ not for me
Goodluck with useing your piss bro ! LOL


Well-Known Member
well im a low budget kind of guy so..thanks i guess
Worm tea is nitrogen and manure - both cheap as
Buy a worm farm from local nursery for $30 and you will endless TOP END fertz for your ladies... youll get both castings and tea.....
Manure should be at any farm... or if you can find a circus.... get elephant dung aparently its the best...... they will give you a trailer load......