

Well-Known Member
Too wishy washy info for me to trust it.... I would have to see a paper or experiment useing piss as additive..... and not from a dope forum I mean a uni paper.
I understand that fecial matter is used world wide as fertz in 3rd world countries, but piss ??? Its acidic... so alot of plants would not like it- citrus etc yes but a flowering plant ? Nitrogen overload will cause your plants to turn hermi or male during flower........ So for me.... i would not regardless of when or diluted or not, my girls get the best... if u wanted nitrogen ,carlie carp fish emulsions or manure are much better organic options....
Anyways........ not for me
Goodluck with useing your piss bro ! LOL

Urine is fine my friend and especially if your diet is good.

My girls love it!

I use 8 to 12 ounces in five gallons of water.

Be Blessed, TheNatural



Well-Known Member
Hmmm, pretty sure my urine is toxic!
Seriously though, I would never use urine,
I tried it once on an outdoor grow about 15 years ago, but only on the 1 plant, and that plant was the worst tasting pot I ever smoked.
There's plenty of better alternatives.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
On the other hand, if anyone knows a TRUE VEGAN, that doesn't ingest any toxic sustances and eats only organic food, then I think their shit would be some of the best nutes you could ever find.;-)


Well-Known Member
Espoma makes alot of organics and they have this stuff called UREA 45-0-0 and triple super phoshate 0-45-0 and quick solutions potash 0-0-60