SOG growers wanted !!!

10mm fan boy

Well-Known Member
Since I have been posting in here, felt I might as well post some pictures to go along.

This is my one and only vent. 640cfm on a speed controller. It goes to my 600 and 400 vent hoods

Here is a peek inside the frower room

Here are some bud shots @ 41 days of flowering. Some with and some w/o flash

Let me know what you think so far.


Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Hey bugs, I let a batch root into the medium and then put it in flower, and to be honest the difference I am noticing is that they stretch more but the node density kind of sucks. I guess it is give/take but I think I am going to just throw the new clones directly in again instead of giving them that extra root time.


Well-Known Member
Hey bugs, I let a batch root into the medium and then put it in flower, and to be honest the difference I am noticing is that they stretch more but the node density kind of sucks. I guess it is give/take but I think I am going to just throw the new clones directly in again instead of giving them that extra root time.
Nice to know Spork...:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Gypsy bush your garden looks weak. you prob only get like 5000 ounces a month eh? How do you survive on such a small grow room? Kidding. Thats a big garden and with the money i get from this grow i'm doing now i would love to do one like that. I don't know about the power though. Damn. who cares about power when you yield like that. Even if you only get .5 g watt youd be paid!! good luck man


Well-Known Member
Gypsy bush your garden looks weak.
I know... I am so working on it though... it doesn't show... but I am...

you prob only get like 5000 ounces a month eh?
I get just enough to keep myself tranquilized... Pain is my Mistress and she loves pot...

How do you survive on such a small grow room?
I don't... I smoke it all...

I work for a living... and I'll get back to it just as soon as I can walk worth a damn again...

I'm not....

Thats a big garden and with the money i get from this grow i'm doing now i would love to do one like that.
Big? are you serious? dude... I am an amateur, with the equivalent of guitar hero when compared to a real grow...

A big grow... I am not even in the same universe...

Nope.. just a newb with some time in his hands...

I don't know about the power though.
I hate power... I have always rebelled against authority too...:eyesmoke:

Damn. who cares about power when you yield like that.
You gotta be carefull... fires happen... (I almost did it (again) Bugs... caught the cord as it was melting...)

Even if you only get .5 g watt youd be paid!! good luck man
Paid??? now there's something I haven't been in LOOOONG time...

Thanks! You too! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
In one year a garden that size could convince me to move to the tropics with the money. I'll admit i would do it 90% for profit. I smoke at most 10 grams week. I know what you mean though. It doesn't seem to far off to have a 10000 watt garden. Seems almost normal after reading this site alot. I'll do it one day and show you guys the rewards of my work in the future. I want a nice boat car house. we'll all get it with the info from this site. good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
In one year a garden that size could convince me to move to the tropics with the money. I'll admit i would do it 90% for profit. I smoke at most 10 grams week. I know what you mean though. It doesn't seem to far off to have a 10000 watt garden. Seems almost normal after reading this site alot. I'll do it one day and show you guys the rewards of my work in the future. I want a nice boat car house. we'll all get it with the info from this site. good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to try and be nice...

But let me explain something about myself...

I do not grow for money... In fact I HATE money...

You want a boat and a car and plane and for it... get an education... work hard... fight..

growing plants for me is a very spiritual thing...

I am a Gypsy.. I am weird and I don't expect you to understand or even like me... but it infuriates me to read your post...

I am sure you are a nice guy... I do not mean to cross you in any way...

But I grow my plants because I love them...

They give me buds because they love me back....

If I got no buds.. I would still grow... as I grow many other plants...

You can do whatever you want... and I'll help out when I know something useful..

But people like you and Bugs are like slave traders... or pimps... neither of which ranks very high on my list... although I love Bugs... he is allowed to be whatever his little alleged mind wants to think it is...

But anyways...

I hope you get everything you are looking for... but be careful what you look for... you might just get it...

As for me... all I want is to have a chat with the walrus... smoke a bowl with the beaver... sing songs with the wolves and stare in awe at the wonders of the natural world...

You guys can keep all the cash you think you need... to me, it's not even a good fire starter...

Well, now I know I am going to get murdered by a bunch drug smuggling slave traders from Africa... or maybe it's just one...

either way let's get it over with...:eyesmoke:

1982... I'm not impressed...:roll:



New Member
]..if thats how you do it..then i think igot it..
i thinbk your getting close....:mrgreen:
im really starting to digg you bugs...very cooldude...nohomo!!!...
i love you too;-)
damn you said you be charging these suckers..ahh uh,i mean clients 35 a g??..did i get that right??
[/QUOTE]no....that would be illegal and i would never do that but if one were so inclined....:blsmoke:

. so if my ppms fall under 1400 just top off with fresh phd water??..what do you ph ya fresh water to?
[/QUOTE]yes top off with fresh water that has been ph'd to 5.8 and it will help keep your res from swinging too far one way when you add h2o, you'll still need to correct down most likely so you could wait till you add the water then correct down as needed.

Well thanks you Bugs...Those are some kind words...

It hasn't been easy... but now that I look back on it, it's nothing I can't do with one leg tied behind my back... lol... :-P

As for this guy you know...instead of Baronhood, can he hook me up with a few hot chicks with low moral standards?

The idea of being in a group full of guys...well .. lets just say I prefer
there arent any dirty lil eskimos up there to mess around with? i hear the inuit people are some freaks in the sheets.:lol:

Hey bugs, I let a batch root into the medium and then put it in flower, and to be honest the difference I am noticing is that they stretch more but the node density kind of sucks. I guess it is give/take but I think I am going to just throw the new clones directly in again instead of giving them that extra root time.
i have found that giving mine the extra week in veg makes them grow a lil too good and i'm switching back to 2 weeks and straight to flower. my buds are much denser when i do it that way.

I am going to try and be nice...
bugs gets popcorn and settles down for a good post.

But let me explain something about myself...

I do not grow for money... In fact I HATE money...
hate is such a strong word for a hippie to use.

You want a boat and a car and plane and for it... get an education... work hard... fight..
he does work hard gypsy as do i. i'm a chemical operator (look it up) most people cant make it through the schooling and training to do what i do (as with many professions , not just mine) so lets not get off the " spiritual track" and start being ugly.

growing plants for me is a very spiritual thing...
and for me as well, so i do take a lil offense to your rant, but i understand your point so i digress. i'm also a realist and money...hate it or not....makes MOST of the world go round.

I am a Gypsy.. I am weird and I don't expect you to understand or even like me... but it infuriates me to read your post...

I am sure you are a nice guy... I do not mean to cross you in any way...

But I grow my plants because I love them...

They give me buds because they love me back....

If I got no buds.. I would still grow... as I grow many other plants...
we love your hippie ass

You can do whatever you want... and I'll help out when I know something useful..
however unreasonably biased your opinions might be....:mrgreen:

But people like you and Bugs are like slave traders... or pimps... neither of which ranks very high on my list... although I love Bugs... he is allowed to be whatever his little alleged mind wants to think it is...
we really can get into it if your up to it.....fuckin' slave traders !?!?!?!?, nice:roll:. pimps , ok i like that one:mrgreen:, and your rankiong structure is flawed brother. i keeps my pimphand strong at all times and you should do the same. i love you too:bigjoint: and i'm still a weed baron with awthorataw!!!!

But anyways...

I hope you get everything you are looking for... but be careful what you look for... you might just get it...
ahhhh the half-hearted warning wrapped in condesention. fuckin' priceless.

As for me... all I want is to have a chat with the walrus... smoke a bowl with the beaver... sing songs with the wolves and stare in awe at the wonders of the natural world...
we all like to enjoy the wonders of the universe in our own ways.....for someone so "FREE" you sure have some totalitarian viewpoints. might wanna turn that rightous thinking inwards from time to timeto clean house a lil bit.

You guys can keep all the cash you think you need... to me, it's not even a good fire starter...
thank you, i plan on it. and i would imagine it would make pretty good kindling.......isit something to do with the ink you think?:mrgreen:

Well, now I know I am going to get murdered by a bunch drug smuggling slave traders from Africa... or maybe it's just one...
i will do nothing of the sort other than stand up for myself and my beliefs. i have told you before i enjoy your opinions and insight always....not just when it's convenient or i agree.

either way let's get it over with...:eyesmoke:
no bashing someone for their passions or beliefs. i think we are all better than that (most days)

1982... I'm not impressed...:roll:

try not to take it to heart 1982 he means well.

and that ladies and gents is why i love the gypsy. he's real at all times and i respect that. even if he is a lil off;-)


Well-Known Member
I asked the doc to try and fix my head with some of the screws that he took out from my leg... but he said that many screws didn't exist...;-)


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many people do it for money here at rollitup probably alot.
I do it not to spend money, hence save money, but the occasional friend thats willing to give me $40 for an 1/8
well if I need food


Active Member
Since I have been posting in here, felt I might as well post some pictures to go along.

This is my one and only vent. 640cfm on a speed controller. It goes to my 600 and 400 vent hoods

Here is a peek inside the frower room

Here are some bud shots @ 41 days of flowering. Some with and some w/o flash

Let me know what you think so far.

looks to me you could cram a few more in your trays..


Well-Known Member
Bugs said:
bugs gets popcorn and settles down for a good post.
Sweet Popcorn... caramelized with chocolate.. homemade of course... yumm...

Bugs said:
hate is such a strong word for a hippie to use.

Well, you are the one that says I am a hippie...

I am a Gypsy... with some very heavy hippie influences, but do not let that kid you.. I am capable of horrible things... :shock:

Bugs said:
he does work hard gypsy as do i. i'm a chemical operator (look it up) most people cant make it through the schooling and training to do what i do (as with many professions , not just mine) so lets not get off the " spiritual track" and start being ugly.

I have worked and supported myself since I was 12 years old...

I did not finish high school, (got a GED)... worked my ass off.. to go to school and prosper...

After 17 years of hard ass work, I fell, mangled my leg and LOST EVERYTHING I HAD BUILT UP TO THIS POINT IN MY LIFE...

I can't work, I am probably never gonna fly an airplane commercially again... and you guys are bitching at me about how hard your job is.. or how hard it is to get one...?!?!?!?!

FUCK THAT... I feel insulted...

If I can do it.. anyone can...

Is it hard... yes.. but ueee... (that's baby talk)...

You want ugly... go to poor parts of the world where mothers are mixing flour with water to feed their newborn because they are so hungry they HAVE NO MILK...

Ugly is right around the corner, I have seen it...people dying of disease, famish...

You guys are complaining with your bellies full..

Tsk Tsk... I thought better of you...

Get off your ass and get to work... plain and simple...

Now if you are lazy and DON"T WANT TO WORK.. then just fess up and be that way, but do not try to put it off on the economy... or the whatever else other than your laziness...

Bugs said:
and for me as well, so i do take a lil offense to your rant, but i understand your point so i digress. i'm also a realist and money...hate it or not....makes MOST of the world go round.

Money is important because the people make it so...

It is just a piece of paper...

You can't eat it... can't build a house with it...

It's shit, worthless... but people have been conned... what can I say...

I live to be in AWE... not to perpetuate some motion that will eventually be our own demise...

Bugs said:
we love your hippie ass

Now you made me blush....:hug:

Bugs said:
however unreasonably biased your opinions might be....:mrgreen:

Well, I am a very unreasonable person...

It's really a good thing that I saw so much bad when I was young and decided to be good...

A person with my intensity of character could be a real asshole to world...

Bugs said:
we really can get into it if your up to it.....fuckin' slave traders !?!?!?!?, nice:roll:. pimps , ok i like that one:mrgreen:, and your rankiong structure is flawed brother. i keeps my pimphand strong at all times and you should do the same. i love you too:bigjoint: and i'm still a weed baron with awthorataw!!!!

I like to keep my hands strong and clean... I eat with them...

No offense Bugs... but using anyone or anything for personal gain... well, the whole personal gain is what bothers me...

It divides us.. creates jealousy.... and all kinds of shit that have snowballed into our world today...

Bugs said:
ahhhh the half-hearted warning wrapped in condesention. fuckin' priceless.

Nothing half hearted about that... 100% business there...

In true Gypsy fashion he has been warned..

Bugs said:
we all like to enjoy the wonders of the universe in our own ways.....for someone so "FREE" you sure have some totalitarian viewpoints. might wanna turn that rightous thinking inwards from time to timeto clean house a lil bit.

Bugs I am not dumb... I know very well who I am and what I am dealing with...

I have made it a point to isolate myself and have taught myself to not follow certain paths....

If I ended up in a position of authority, I would be corrupted...

And I would abuse many of the qualities that I believe I have right into flaws...

My totalitarianism is very dangerous... and I know it...

I do clean house often, but I have come depend on my stubbornness to keep me from switching to the dark side...

Bugs... I could be so rich... so mean and evil.. it's not even funny...

So I choose a simple life... and THAT is for the better of all humankind...

Bugs said:
thank you, i plan on it. and i would imagine it would make pretty good kindling.......isit something to do with the ink you think?:mrgreen:

I think it absorbs and retains a lot of moisture...

Bugs said:
i will do nothing of the sort other than stand up for myself and my beliefs. i have told you before i enjoy your opinions and insight always....not just when it's convenient or i agree.

We are more alike than I had realized... in some aspects...

Bugs said:
no bashing someone for their passions or beliefs. i think we are all better than that (most days)

Oh... c'mon everyone deserves a spanking every once in a while...

Bugs said:
try not to take it to heart 1982 he means well.

I do mean my best, but everything I said came from the heart... so you can take it however you want...

But let me say this... if I didn't care, I would not have said anything...

Bugs said:
and that ladies and gents is why i love the gypsy. he's real at all times and i respect that. even if he is a lil off:wink:

I am a lot off, and most of the time I, expect....

but wrong or not, I speak my mind... :spew:

I wonder how many people do it for money here at rollitup probably alot.
I do it not to spend money, hence save money, but the occasional friend thats willing to give me $40 for an 1/8
well if I need food
Hey man... I never said there was anything wrong with selling some of your stash...

It is just a thing of purpose...

If you want to get rich.. go to work... it's simple...

Plants, just like horses.. ARE NOT OUR SLAVES...

All beings in the planet should be free...

My plants are not whores, or prisioners, they do not even represent a dollar figure...

My job represents the dollar...

My plants represent my calm side... my passion and compassion... it feeds me patience to deal with the assholes of the world...

As I said.. if in the end they think I am deserving, I get buds...


Even outdoors when the cows would come and eat it most of it... there was ALWAYS some buds for the Gypsy...

Do it for love.. not money... don't get your plants caught up in all that...

But as with anything, if you do have a surplus... why not trade it for something you are short of?...

get it..? it's the principle behind it...

And Bugs.. I am sorry.. if one is growing for money... it is not spiritual... it's financial...


Well-Known Member
gyp i wouldnt say im rich or any of those things and no i dont get my hands dirty...havent had to do that for some time after finding myself and my love for music...but my love for music is very spiritual..i feel im doing the world (or the community of my genre of music) a great service...people have actually came to me and said "wow! made that beat?"..."that song really got me through some ruff times"..and truthfully that is all i need to hear to keep going..but at the same time,i want to get compensated for my work (18-20 hrs a day in damn right!!)..just like we all do..and i respect the fact that your smart enough to know that money will change you..but long b4 money there was the 7 deadly sins...if your spiritual enough to know that,then why fear money or the evils it bring..when i was 19 i received a check for a few beats i was over didnt change me one bit..just my street address...the 1st thing i did was paid off my moms house..everyone thought i was gone buy this car i wanted (which i did on a later date)...but if your responsible b4 money,then you should be ok with saying is money doesnt change just make you more of what you already if your a day to day asshole w/o money..then you will become the corporate asshole with money...thats my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
surplus for trade,... I like that
realistically no matter what we say, if its for personal or not, most of us would get charged with running a sophisticated marijuana lab for profit.
since i am in not as lenient state as say California, I have to make it worth my while.
Thats why I DO think of my plants in terms of money... I am a farmer not a botanist, but if you like the relaxing part of growing than so be it.

deep down we all r gypsies, at least the more honorable ones of us.


Well-Known Member
gyp..1 question though..because you did it THEN!!..doesnt mean it can be done NOW!!..with over 5 MILLION people out of work and unemployment at an all time can u say so freely..go get a job??..theres hundreds of thousands of kids who bust there ass and for what??..when they graduate there back at moms house...why if its so easy? are FORCED to work jobs that has nothing to do with the hard work and dedication it took to get there degrees..where really in a fucked up time and for you to say "go get a job" is a slap in the face to my nephew who has worked so hard and kids around the globe just like him..must be nice not have to worry bout the economic struggles that most of us are going through..because you are obviously good in that dept.


Well-Known Member
gyp..1 question though..because you did it THEN!!..doesnt mean it can be done NOW!!..with over 5 MILLION people out of work and unemployment at an all time can u say so freely..go get a job??..theres hundreds of thousands of kids who bust there ass and for what??..when they graduate there back at moms house...why if its so easy? are FORCED to work jobs that has nothing to do with the hard work and dedication it took to get there degrees..where really in a fucked up time and for you to say "go get a job" is a slap in the face to my nephew who has worked so hard and kids around the globe just like him..must be nice not have to worry bout the economic struggles that most of us are going through..because you are obviously good in that dept.
some get lucky, some work their ass' off, some do it all for nothing...



New Member
gypsy.....the main difference i see between us and you is that not 1.....not f'n 1 of us is castagating you for your ways or beliefs. your needs have been our only concern up till this point. we are all a bunch of hippies deep down, thats not an insult silly. we dont ever say "if you were a weed baron your leg wouldnt hurt or if you had $$$$ you'ld be fine" all we do is wish you well. your still entitled to your viewpoint and you make some good points, but it simply is not as black and white as you try to make it seem.


Well-Known Member
I read all of the posts...:sleep:

Everyone here has a very valid point...

You guys are all pretty smart... that is why I come here in the first place...:eyesmoke:

But lets get something straight...

I am crazy... there is just no ifs or buts...:shock:

I have been this way all my life... and hopefully I will continue this way until I die...

Do you really want to talk to a crazy gypsy who lives with Eskimos about beliefs... :dunce:

Personally I'd think that's a waste of time... I am OBVIOUSLY ticking to a different tune...;-)


Well-Known Member
gypsy.....the main difference i see between us and you is that not 1.....not f'n 1 of us is castagating you for your ways or beliefs. your needs have been our only concern up till this point. we are all a bunch of hippies deep down, thats not an insult silly. we dont ever say "if you were a weed baron your leg wouldnt hurt or if you had $$$$ you'ld be fine" all we do is wish you well. your still entitled to your viewpoint and you make some good points, but it simply is not as black and white as you try to make it seem.
Bugs.. I am sorry if you or anyone felt castigated by my points of view...

It was never my intention to say that any of you shoulf be like me....

Fuck that... 1 is enough...

You guys do what you do... I'll still think what I think, but please don't ever feel that me telling you guys how I feel is me telling you should change...

Who the fuck am I to tell anyone about anything...

I am the biggest dumbass fuck up in the world...

How many times have you heard me say I am full of shit...???

dude... I'm crazy...


New Member
Do you really want to talk to a crazy gypsy who lives with Eskimos about beliefs... :dunce:

Personally I'd think that's a waste of time... I am OBVIOUSLY ticking to a different tune...;-)
[/QUOTE]i can think of noone i'd rather talk to :hug:

Bugs.. I am sorry if you or anyone felt castigated by my points of view...
no worries, just chatting
Who the fuck am I to tell anyone about anything...
you are the gypsy dammit, to be anything but would be a disservice to yourself and us.

I am the biggest dumbass fuck up in the world...

How many times have you heard me say I am full of shit...???

dude... I'm crazy...
passionate yes....dumb, not a chance.....crazy, weeeeeellllllllllll maybe just a lil:shock: