large scale T-5 grow


Well-Known Member
what defines a 6x6 footprint? obviously with hid the outside diameter is recieving less light than directly under the bulb so where does it stop? i can see the lights from a mile away but doesnt mean anything. footprint is just a general term for hid lights.


New Member
your emarrassed for me? you obviously grow big if you cant afford to experiment. i actually pity you. I can spare a few hundred. sorry your yields are weak. i'll just take an ounce or 2 and never know the dif. i am actually motivatd to try a vertical grow now. guarantee i'll blow out 1000 watts of hid in a single bulb. my footprint is much more even and defined. if it fails its because i made a mistake in the hydro setup. but i'll do it. as soon as the plants are in there are gone
what defines a 6x6 footprint? obviously with hid the outside diameter is recieving less light than directly under the bulb so where does it stop? i can see the lights from a mile away but doesnt mean anything. footprint is just a general term for hid lights.
Whatever you say bro. :rolleyes:


Active Member
The heat alone won't be worth the cost. Use 1 T5 in each corner and 1000 watt HPS hanging from the top of your tent with a cool tube for heat, especially anything soiless you can't have the circulating res water heating up in your buckets above 65 degrees or you will have root issues. Also your Lumins/sq ft might be low with T5's do the math first. HOWEVER, if you are considering 2 of those tents for a perpetual harvest, then yes T5 would be ok and you can cut and root clones in there constantly while moving 4 buckets into the BUDDING tent every 4 weeks. Much more buds and not alot of extra power.

Post your updates, I am very interested in T5 technology. Using it myself for veg and am getting great results and better heat control. Not quite there yet for bud in my opinion though. I have seen a red spectrum bulb out there for a flowering T5. Go to


Well-Known Member
Did you get that sunblaster address form me in another post? I thought I was the only 1 on here thats heard of sunblaster. all my lights are sunblaster and to the other person i agree that when you get up there in watts towards 1000 than hps is better. with this vertical grow i wont put that much because somebody pointed out that to me earlier. Only worth it up to around 600watts then heat will surpass a cooltube. def not doing 1000 watts but it should be interesting


Well-Known Member
Sorry 1 more thing. res can easily handle above 65 degrees. easily. Not above 75. Been doing this along time.


Well-Known Member
Only worth it up to around 600watts then heat will surpass a cooltube.
My 600 watt cooltube runs COLDER than the 2' 4 bulb 100 watt T-5...

What part of LESS HEAT are you not getting?

A properly set up cooltube will run much cooler than a T-5 ANYDAY... why are we back to this...?


Well-Known Member
because your info is false. yes a cooltubed hps is capable of being cooler but a fairly decent fan is needed that consumes watts. By the time you cool the 600 they might as well call it a 700.


Well-Known Member
because your info is false.
You are calling me a liar...

Flat out...

That is not nice...:roll:

yes a cooltubed hps is capable of being cooler but a fairly decent fan is needed that consumes watts.
I thought you said my info was FALSE...

Notice I used the term "properly set up"... and yes that means a decent fan... I usually go for a "kick ass fan"... works well...

By the time you cool the 600 they might as well call it a 700.
You can call it whatever you want buddy, it is still cooler...


Well-Known Member
its cooler because its no longer a 600watt setup. its a 600watt light with mad wasted watts cooling it!!! What do you get free cooling costs? wish i could get free power to cool my lights. But if you get free power than why not get a 1000? lol


Well-Known Member
its cooler because its no longer a 600watt setup.
Oh... I see...

its a 600watt light with mad wasted watts cooling it!!!
Mad watts?!?!?!

My fan requires less wattage than one of the 6 light bulbs in the bathroom vanity...

What do you get free cooling costs?
It's not free buddy, but the extra buds I get pay for the extra cost and then some... like, by a WIDE margin... REALLY WIDE....

wish i could get free power to cool my lights. But if you get free power than why not get a 1000? lol
I pay for it... But when I get my buds, they cover all of the costs and still make me happy...

I can flower a 4x4 tray with 48 1/2 to 3/4 oz lollipops with the cooltubed 600... going with 1000 watts in my set up is not necessary... I am happy with the 600s

I get well over a pound from the cooltubed 600... what kind of numbers do you get?

There is no need for you to get smartass with me...

I know what I am doing and it works... if you were to copy what I do, you would get the same result... it's not magic, just logic...

T-5s will generate more heat in your room than a properly set up cooltube...

You want to talk watts and shit??

Let's talk gram/watt... and I will give you the benefit of calling my set up a 700 and yours a 600, though I cannot believe you will have a room with no fans...

575grams harvested/700watts used = 0.82 grams per watt...

0.82 grams per watt...

Now.. tell me your numbers... show me ANYONE getting as much from a t-5...

I get better cooling and MORE BUD...

You want me to start posting pictures here for you...???

Now... what do you have for numbers???


Well-Known Member
hey man. i'm no smartass. and i am not questioning your yield. its great. Honestly i aint gonna make up numbers on my yield for this grow at all. But i really do use a 11 watt fan for cooling. I'm just passionate about the t5s. If you werent here nobody would be talking. But didnt mean for it to sound like i was calling you a liar. Its good we both want to prove our point. If we both have grown many times than obviously we both are happy with our yields so thats all that really matters. Sorry bro.


Well-Known Member
I do T5HO grows.

And I'm not telling my secret to some killer sized buds, but I'll give you a hint.

T5HO arrays in a horizontal configuration SUCK.

Disassemble your arrays, extend your wiring, and try a different configuration.


Well-Known Member
no kidding. Go back a few posts and check out my vertical idea. thinking next crop. ebb and flow
Your vertical idea is okay but not efficient enough.

That is how it should be done, for absolute maximum light usage.

To quote UserFrieendly:

"Here's how it is. Lamps give off heat. This heat is rated in watts."

No, it is measured/rated in joules.


Well-Known Member
My idea is essentially the same thing. Gimme a break my cabinet is small. Plus conveniece is a huge part of my ideals. I like very little work or i would buy the weed. I cant grow weed as good as whats for sale here anyways. Either way if you use the lights with no reflectors in a 360 style vertical grow there is no wasted light anyways so i dont see how more efficient. But sounds good to. I'll look into it.


Well-Known Member
Actually i looked closer at your diagram. Dont see how its more efficient at all. Plus the plants would grow unevenly. Maybe for soil this would work but for ebb and flow it seems to much work. Why not just have a circle with the lights in the middle? I dont see how its efficient. Heaths is what i want to do. Zero reflectors and zero light waste.


Well-Known Member
Here, let me explain:

Each light (assuming these vertical T5HOs are 4-foot 54w type) pumps 5K lux. Two bulbs per square foot would be a total of 10K lux (if lumens added, they don't, but even distribution of lumens helps,) and the sun drops 10K lux per square foot on the earth. The center would get 20K lux in that one square foot of area. the corners would get evenly distributed light from both sides, and the main cardinal areas would get direct front lighting and some reflected lighting - it's about the most even you can distribute the light. Horizontally you won't get this kind of coverage.

Also, with these vertical, you can actually flower the lower popcorn buds if you wanted to, or get those ready for cloning.

And this wasn't meant for ebb and flow, which has too much stuff tomove and deal with. This was meant for DWC, which is far more efficient and requires less attention than ebb and flow.