Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Good Luck..... :blsmoke:

LOL....Damn miss... that just gave me an evil thought and I almost choked to death.... burn the place down baking cookies.. people show up and the fire depts. there.......

God I'm sorry to even say that Sunny, :-? but the evil twisty showed through...:twisted::twisted:
Twisty that is my dream....my fantasy.....my, well, I could just go on!:bigjoint:

this"]http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Freeze-A-Lock-Off!/[/url]this is my lock pick gun...I bought it because sometimes auction cars don't have keys...but it works on any lock. it came with cut away lock sets so you can practice...it works nice....
this is the handiest tool for getting inside a car...this wedge goes between the window and door frame and makes room for the slim jim...
Very nice there Tips! I love the gun!! Mine is just your regular handheld! The wedge I have, but, I prefer the bladder. I always say you don't really need anything but a bladder and a reach to get into any car! NEVER MIND, I see now it is not a wedge you are showing, duh....
You and Twisty are the real deal, you know how to take apart ignitions and such...I am your basic....well, picker and lock popper. :bigjoint::bigjoint:

I am eating my cookies, and I did not burn them. (for once)


New Member
Twisty that is my dream....my fantasy.....my, well, I could just go on!:bigjoint:

this is my lock pick gun...I bought it because sometimes auction cars don't have keys...but it works on any lock. it came with cut away lock sets so you can practice...it works nice....

Very nice there Tips! I love the gun!! Mine is just your regular handheld! The wedge I have, but, I prefer the bladder. I always say you don't really need anything but a bladder and a reach to get into any car!
You and Twisty are the real deal, you know how to take apart ignitions and such...I am your basic....well, picker and lock popper. :bigjoint::bigjoint:

I am eating my cookies, and I did not burn them. (for once)[/quote]bladders are cool...I watched a bladder demonstration and they had a big one that went under your car and on your exhaust. took about 10 minutes and the car was off the ground....


Well-Known Member
quote]bladders are cool...I watched a bladder demonstration and they had a big one that went under your car and on your exhaust. took about 10 minutes and the car was off the ground....[/quote]

I miss working for pop a lock...It was fun. I did real well with that job. Guys would love seeing some blonde chick half dressed in the middle of the night unlocking their cars. I was pretty good at it... I loved my tools/toys. I just love cars who am I kidding.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Robert I love your chihuahua! I have an 8 year old long haired named Gertie. She is honestly like my daughter! I call her my 'dogter' I just love her.
my aunt and uncle just adopted 2 of them ... they call them "rats" they have a golden retriever as well.....

i just herd my uncle sat on one by mistake and broke its leg :-(

they must be kept in a purse at all times !!!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
On the Sopranos that one dude sat on his girls pocket dog and suffocated it!! I actually cried and hugged Gertie and Dinky....I am such a wuss!

Tips is that your puppers?


Well-Known Member
So Whats The Good word ?

I have grease under my fingernails ... Its been a LONG time since My hands were dirty..

I keep my machines CLEAN