my neighbors are ghey....

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1) its probably better your shit got pollinated, because you are a racist.

2) if you would call the cops on someone for trying to move to another country and make a better life for themselves and their family, than you are scum.

3) would you want to go to jail for growing weed?

4) was it illegal when white people raped and pillaged every indigenous motherfucker in the western hemisphere?

5) why dont you read a book and you will see everything about this government is illegal.

6) maybe you let the bullshit racism and xenophobia of this country corrupt your mind and turn your heart black, like your lungs.

7) you probably didnt understand key words.

8) maybe you will find knowledge and understanding.
1. good karma, bud.

2. first off, i dont call the cops. period....i dont call the cops on the illegals that sell fruit on the corners, or the ones that have stands and sell shit, or clean carpets, or do lawn stuff, etc....i DO clean the criminals out of my neighborhood. especially meth cookers.

3a. no, i dont want to go to jail for growing weed. thats why i got my doctors rec and proper paperwork. you know, to confirm my legal status! (unlike some people in my neighborhood)

3b. btw, i payed taxes on my rec!

4. Yes. well, maybe. i dont really know all the laws for all the times the u.s. has commited a crime against humanity. i do know, however, that im gonna protect my neighborhood and my family by doing whatever it takes. thats what the "raped" and "pilaged" shoulda done. im sorry my ancestors gave yours small-pox...your ancestors shoulda been smart enuf to not trust a white person. live n lern i guess.....

5. umm....duh? look @ my av. I KNOW.

6. phobia. just a really good grasp of what illegal, non tax paying, drug dealers are doing to the economy, not to mention society. ("for their families", im sure.)

7. today i watched an illegal walk into a locked door at a check cashing place. he couldnt read the word "CLOSED" cuz it was in english...theres your 'not understanding key words', asshole.

8. knowledge, yes. always. understanding....more than you'll ever know....

bottom line is this: i'm gonna protect my land the way the "raped and pilaged" wish they could know, by stopping it before it happens.


Well-Known Member
soooo. the house next to mine has been for sale for awhile now. finally sold a couple a months ago to these, diiiirty, diiiiirty, mexicans....i mean ILLEGALS. illegals like a mofo.

so, since i got my 215 rec / card and started growing, ive been noticing others who grow. (you find what you look for ;) ) and my f&*king neighbors are cooking meth (they le4ve the chemicals and containers, laying all over the bak yard.) and growing pot....awful pot. i know its awful because these f&*king illegals have SEEDED MY CROP!!!!!

i pulled a bud yesterday to dry & test smoke, and guess what i found? 16 seeds! goddamit! im pissed! i know it was my frekkin neighbors males that did it, cuz all my girls are from clones, and get checked constantly for herm characteristics.....ohhhhhh, im pissed.

dirty frekkin callin my goon-squad....
you clearly call mexicans "dirty"...and if you were supposedly checking your crop for herm characteristics you would have seen the sacks form and cut them, i guess you werent really watching them. how does a indoor crop seed your outdoor crop. im pretty sure these guys dont have a ventalation system and are in no way even thinking about one. keyword here is MONEY! its all about the greed!!

if you start :spew:then we got problems, untill then your fine!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
meth cookers will eventually blow themselves up, law of averages. i just hope your house is a good few yards away from theirs and you n your kid arent in the garden.


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Active Member
soooo. the house next to mine has been for sale for awhile now. finally sold a couple a months ago to these, diiiirty, diiiiirty, mexicans....i mean ILLEGALS. illegals like a mofo.

so, since i got my 215 rec / card and started growing, ive been noticing others who grow. (you find what you look for ;) ) and my f&*king neighbors are cooking meth (they le4ve the chemicals and containers, laying all over the bak yard.) and growing pot....awful pot. i know its awful because these f&*king illegals have SEEDED MY CROP!!!!!

i pulled a bud yesterday to dry & test smoke, and guess what i found? 16 seeds! goddamit! im pissed! i know it was my frekkin neighbors males that did it, cuz all my girls are from clones, and get checked constantly for herm characteristics.....ohhhhhh, im pissed.

dirty frekkin callin my goon-squad....

damn homie, it sounds like you're the one who needs to move. What the f*ck kind of neighborhood are you living in where you got illegal mexicans cooking f*cking meth and sh*t. are you kidding me?? Sounds like you should move the operation indoors and/or get your ass outta Compton or South Central or whatever f*cked up neighborhood you're from.

my 2 cents.


Active Member
damn homie, it sounds like you're the one who needs to move. What the f*ck kind of neighborhood are you living in where you got illegal mexicans cooking f*cking meth and sh*t. are you kidding me?? Sounds like you should move the operation indoors and/or get your ass outta Compton or South Central or whatever f*cked up neighborhood you're from.

my 2 cents.

haha i second that.


Well-Known Member
....Why the hell would you want to support a poor family that is here illegally simply because the rich people in their own countries aren't willing to do it?...
...The US should help fix Mexico,.. not give handouts to their poor so they choose to live in the US....
You are answering a lot of your own questions. You said it yourself, they send most of their money home. All the aid money in the world would still just be eaten up by corrupt Mexican bureaucrats.
The only way Mexico is going to grow at all is if money makes its way in directly to the people's hands, like it is now, through these immigrants. Many Southeast Asian economies work in a similar way.

The laws you are accusing them of breaking, immigration laws, are as open for debate as marijuana laws, you and I just happen to feel a certain way about marijuana while they feel a certain way about immigration. You know there are plenty of folks who see us as "fucking criminals" and the law backs them up. I'm not saying immigration restrictions are not necessary but they aren't intuitive moral issues like murder and theft, and as somebody who flaunts marijuana laws how are you not implying that it is somehow acceptable for you, but not them, to choose which laws to abide by.


Well-Known Member
1. good karma, bud.

2. first off, i dont call the cops. period....i dont call the cops on the illegals that sell fruit on the corners, or the ones that have stands and sell shit, or clean carpets, or do lawn stuff, etc....i DO clean the criminals out of my neighborhood. especially meth cookers.

3a. no, i dont want to go to jail for growing weed. thats why i got my doctors rec and proper paperwork. you know, to confirm my legal status! (unlike some people in my neighborhood)

3b. btw, i payed taxes on my rec!

4. Yes. well, maybe. i dont really know all the laws for all the times the u.s. has commited a crime against humanity. i do know, however, that im gonna protect my neighborhood and my family by doing whatever it takes. thats what the "raped" and "pilaged" shoulda done. im sorry my ancestors gave yours small-pox...your ancestors shoulda been smart enuf to not trust a white person. live n lern i guess.....

5. umm....duh? look @ my av. I KNOW.

6. phobia. just a really good grasp of what illegal, non tax paying, drug dealers are doing to the economy, not to mention society. ("for their families", im sure.)

7. today i watched an illegal walk into a locked door at a check cashing place. he couldnt read the word "CLOSED" cuz it was in english...theres your 'not understanding key words', asshole.

8. knowledge, yes. always. understanding....more than you'll ever know....

bottom line is this: i'm gonna protect my land the way the "raped and pilaged" wish they could know, by stopping it before it happens.

3. Legal status? The last time I checked you lived in the United States where marijuana is strictly illegal. You are trying to make it legal, your local entity has recognized it, but that doesn't make it so. If you were really so concerned about illegals you wouldn't be doing something so illegal. The penalties for being an illegal immigrant are far lighter than the ones for growing pot.
Get off your high horse!

4. It's not like there was the "white" army and they came and defeated the "native" army in battle. It was small groups constantly at war. Native tribes were also conquering other native tribes at the same time. It is a sad past, but here we find ourselves.
The past should not even be brought up. None of us were alive back then, we don't owe the descendants of our ancestors enemies anything, but that doesn't mean we don't have the responsibility as prosperous people to share and help lift up our neighbors.
Saying "im sorry my ancestors gave yours small-pox...your ancestors shoulda been smart enuf to not trust a white person" is just painfully ignorant, and it makes you look like a bratty child.

5. Oh, shit, a fucking pyramid with an eye as your avatar, you must know the truth.

7. Are you serious? Haha, well excuse that guy for inconveniencing your world by not speaking the language. For all you know, he's been here for three months.

I'm guessing he knows enough Spanish speakers that he's not going to need to learn, either.
Your sphere isn't the only one out there. We'll see what that "closed" sign looks like in 10 years.


Well-Known Member
Okay dude, this totally sucks, but... let your neighbour's grow whatever they wanna grow and cook whatever they wanna cook. If I am you, I'm goin' for a little stroll around 3am and making those plants of your neighbour's disappear. Don't pull them and make them physically disappear though. Spray them with some ridiculous chemical guaranteed to kill a plant, like this...

Organic Sprays

How to kill plants with organic sprays. You can use an organic spray such as industrial strength vinegar (acetic acid).This burns off the tops of plants such as dandelions. But it kills anything it touches so do not spray it on good plants. If you spray it on lawn weeds, it will burn off the nearby grass as well.

You will have to vigilant using these organic sprays. The weeds, particularly perennial ones, will have lots of strength in their roots and will throw new top growth within a few short weeks. You have to go after them three or more times in a single season to knock them back to the point where they give up.

You need to move your shit inside a big ass shed with CFL's. No dirty Mexicans in there.

Check out my grow...

i dont hate mexicans.....i hate the illegals.

i called them dirty, because they are....i called them dirty mexicans cuz it's where theyre from. they would have been dirty australians had they been australian and covered in dirt, okay asshole? theyre DIRTY because they ALWAYS HAVE DIRT ON THEM AND THEY SMELL LIKE SHIT (my neighbors, not ALL mexi's)....oh and gfy

its funny to me that NONE of you have any idea who i am or what i do for a living. i think if you knew you might if anyone else wants to band up against ME for the illegals rights, go ahead. then go eat a churro. cuz thats where we're all gonna be in ten years if you bunch of pussies get ahold of scared of you "this was their land first" assholes. who cares! i dont. my ancestors didnt. and neither did yours, and neither do you for that matter. you just wanna preach tolerence on the internets and seem like some kind of saviors of the poor and weak....keyboard protesters, youre great....

btw, i called INS today....they were REALLY interested.



Well-Known Member
Why so much racism?

My neighborhood was in a similar situation before. One day
a trailer pulled up and parked in the desert across the street from my yard.

we knew they sold drugs. Cars would come and go and no one would
ever come out of that trailer. Our neighborhood is a neighborhood watch community, and we all discussed it and agreed that we didn't want

drug dealers selling right in front our houses, siblings, and children. They were out of here in 3 weeks. We don't want drug dealers here either. So
yes, I do understand you don't want drug dealers and all the potential

problems they can bring, but their is no need to call them all those names.
Handle the problem with your other neighbors. Let them know whats going on, and then everyone will call in with anonymous tips and there; the problem is gone because they will be arrested and no one would ever know
you were the one that caught them.


Well-Known Member
How did they manage to buy a house if they're illegal? When we bought our house we had to go through quite a bit of paperwork.


Well-Known Member
Who you talking to man? Me? Cause I'm Canadian? I wasn't arguing your laws dude, I was making a suggestion to the guy to help get rid of the unwanted plants hurting his crop. You don't need a certain nationality to offer suggestions.
Technically what they are expressing is not racism, but xenophobia, and it's to be expected. No education, no overt opportunities, a culture of fear which teaches them to lash out against that which is different... they never stood a chance, and nothing you say can enlighten them.


Well-Known Member
fuck that. if your not american than you dont get to argue about our laws
I vote we give Texas to Mexico, so big mike and the rest of the rednecks with stupid, predictable redneck names like "big mike" can all get a little bit more comfy with their future language.
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