3rd week of flowering!!


Well-Known Member
So I figured I'd post my girls... it's a little late to start an actual journal... but i plan on starting one when i switch the rest of my set up over...

Currently I have;

about 20 girls between 5 pots... yeah.. i know its terrible.. but i was using the last of my dirt up because im switching to hydro... didnt know that until after i sprouted a buncha of seeds... only had the dirt for 5 pots.. and didnt feel like driving to get more dirt during winter... sooo.. it is what it is...

they are under 4 satellite IV floros... they are under a 12.5/11.5 light cycle... it seems to have decent results... i'm happy at least... i'm using BC nutes.. i got a free sample pack with something i bought so i thought i'd try them out.. have to say results are nice... i havent checked my ph since i started this batch and havent had any problems... i feed them every 3 days... alternate feeding and plain water...

umm... thats about it..unless anyone asks anything else.. ill keep this updated for anyone whos interested...

oh i forgot.. most important... these girls are all Crystale... i think thats how its spelled... anyways... let me know what you think!



Well-Known Member
thanks for the feedback... i started the 12.5/11.5 light cycle on april 16th... thats after i gave them 36 straight dark... so today ends week three... tomorrow (thursday) starts weeks 4...

i'm hoping these girls are done by the middle of june... that'll be 8 to 9 weeks of flowering.. i think they are close to an 70/30 blend of sativa/indica... so it is possible.. they average about 3-3.5 ft tall... there are a couple that are 5 plus feet... i'm hoping those couple stop growing soon... at least up... they'll have nice buds though... very typical sativa buds.. longer and thinner... but they will be nice and dense...


Well-Known Member
thanks for the feedback... i started the 12.5/11.5 light cycle on april 16th... thats after i gave them 36 straight dark... so today ends week three... tomorrow (thursday) starts weeks 4...

i'm hoping these girls are done by the middle of june... that'll be 8 to 9 weeks of flowering.. i think they are close to an 70/30 blend of sativa/indica... so it is possible.. they average about 3-3.5 ft tall... there are a couple that are 5 plus feet... i'm hoping those couple stop growing soon... at least up... they'll have nice buds though... very typical sativa buds.. longer and thinner... but they will be nice and dense...


Well-Known Member
oh yea.. very much... it definatly speeds the onset of flowering a lot...especially if you use a bloom booster... also it seems to me that it shortens the flowering time... i'd say on average it shortens overall flowering time by about a week...


Well-Known Member
so i decided to treat this as a journal... even if it doesnt get a following... itll help me remember when i do things... and maybe someone can use my experiences to their benefit... we're all here to share our knowledge and experiences right??

so you cant tell from the pics but i did/do have a small mite problem... well i did... looks like im through it... i sprayed them well with neem oil for the mites and some thrive alive to help the plant fight them as well as help it fight any affects from the neem.. ive used neem before and never had any problems.. its just my superstition... a couple days later, when it was time to water, i root fed my girls with neem along with their normal nutes... and tonight i sprayed them again with neem before turning out the lights... i think im going to add spraying with neem into my normal routine... anyways.. i havent seen any increase in the little fuckers over the last few days.. im just taking out the eggs that havent hatched... but between suffocating the eggs with the spray and feeding the plant the neem so they eat it if they suck on my girls i should be in the clear in a few days if not now... i have to take care of this now because after this next week i cant spray them.. well i prolly can.. but im not going to... dont wanna run the risk of buds tasting like neem... damn does that shit smell bad... i tell my girls it'll make them feel better.. appologize for having to feed them such awful tasting/smelling medicine.. i myself do not know how the neem oil tastes... but if smell is any indication of taste, then i feel bad for the girls...


Well-Known Member
so this morning when i went in to turn on the lights (i dont it manually so i have to check the girls out.. no excuses) i noticed almost all the spots on the leaves where the mites sucked are gone... like i said i caught the little fuckers early so i was able to cut them off before it got bad... so there werent a ton of affected leaves.. but the ones i did see are thankfully almost completely rid of the bastards and the evidence that they were there... gonna keep up the neem treatment for at least the rest of this week.. since today starts week 4 i figure i still have at least the rest of this week... MAYBE on more week if they arent all gone.. but i think after this week im going to get some no pest strips... im all about organic and natural.. i really dont like the thought of chemicals and shit being on the buds im gonna smoke.. but if i cant do it within this week i have to call in the heavy artillary.. i havent sprayed them with alcohol yet... maybe thats what ill do tonight... spray them with alcohol at lights out to increase humidty and help dry the little fuckers out if there are any... one can never be too precautious when it comes to mites...


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well since im prolly only going to post pics about once a week i figure ill try to keep things somewhat interesting and tell you a little about my setup.. please feel free to critize and give suggestions..

first off we'll start with the clone/mother room... nothing real special... its about 2x5x5 (so i can have tall mothers)... i have 2 dual 48 inch shop lights for lighting.. im using a clonex clone-a-nator for cut clones... rockwool cubes for seedlings... nothing special as i said...

the veg room is about 5x7.. well techincally i could make it 5x11 but thats the entire space and i need to move... plus itll give me plenty of room to veg.. using sun leaves satellite IV floros to veg under 24/0 light cycle with CO2 enhancement.. have been currently using it to flower also.. until now i've only had one room in my basement which is a terrible place to grow anything but mold, for veg/flower.. used an ozone generator to take care of it, but it eventually couldnt keep up.. just switched to a new room.. once i get some more funds i'll be switching to a 2 room set up.. but i have to finish this cycle with the floros.. im switching from soil to hydro as i said, so i might do once cycle with the floros start to finish with the hydro before i get the second room up and going.. just depends on where im sitting with money in a month or so... anyways.. i have 1 air king wall mounted fan... and a 375 cfm exhaust fan the exhausts out of the room where my carbon filter is... ill be using an ebb and flow system.. a 55 gal resevoir that connects to 2 gallon pots.. i think ill run it every 4 hours for 15 minutes.. ill be using general hydroponics nutes (seen them used before with great results)... ummm... i guess until thats up and going theres no other point in talkin about that...

the flower room is 7x9... i plan on using the same tpe of ebb and flow system as for the veg... i have a can filter that scrubs in a small closet that scrubs all the air from both the veg/flower room before exhausting into my downstairs.. the heat helps with the gas bill.. cant wait till i have the hps lights up and running... which will be 4 - 1000w hps's.. that i do know for sure.. they will all be in-line exhausted obviously... ill have an air king fan for circulation... ive also got an ac unit to assit with the heat in the room... i think thats about it..

all the walls are wrapped with IR blocker shit and then a black and white poly.. shit is awesome... its like thick ass garbage bag material.. it reflects like over 90% of the light... i have it on the floors even and it doesnt rip... and thats about it...

if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to ask/post..


Well-Known Member
wholllllllllly fuck....when ur flower room is up and running please dedicate a new thread soley to the progress of cycles in the 12 12 room. 4k fuck ya.

my room is already built w. Hid running but i plan to do some work in my breaker box and runn dedicated outlets..and ill buy another 1000watter, giving me 2k. w/ ac. right now im runnin a 6 and a 4 so 1k..4k , man thats big time fatties. do it ...wut lamps are u going for?do tell

well since im prolly only going to post pics about once a week i figure ill try to keep things somewhat interesting and tell you a little about my setup.. please feel free to critize and give suggestions..

first off we'll start with the clone/mother room... nothing real special... its about 2x5x5 (so i can have tall mothers)... i have 2 dual 48 inch shop lights for lighting.. im using a clonex clone-a-nator for cut clones... rockwool cubes for seedlings... nothing special as i said...

the veg room is about 5x7.. well techincally i could make it 5x11 but thats the entire space and i need to move... plus itll give me plenty of room to veg.. using sun leaves satellite IV floros to veg under 24/0 light cycle with CO2 enhancement.. have been currently using it to flower also.. until now i've only had one room in my basement which is a terrible place to grow anything but mold, for veg/flower.. used an ozone generator to take care of it, but it eventually couldnt keep up.. just switched to a new room.. once i get some more funds i'll be switching to a 2 room set up.. but i have to finish this cycle with the floros.. im switching from soil to hydro as i said, so i might do once cycle with the floros start to finish with the hydro before i get the second room up and going.. just depends on where im sitting with money in a month or so... anyways.. i have 1 air king wall mounted fan... and a 375 cfm exhaust fan the exhausts out of the room where my carbon filter is... ill be using an ebb and flow system.. a 55 gal resevoir that connects to 2 gallon pots.. i think ill run it every 4 hours for 15 minutes.. ill be using general hydroponics nutes (seen them used before with great results)... ummm... i guess until thats up and going theres no other point in talkin about that...

the flower room is 7x9... i plan on using the same tpe of ebb and flow system as for the veg... i have a can filter that scrubs in a small closet that scrubs all the air from both the veg/flower room before exhausting into my downstairs.. the heat helps with the gas bill.. cant wait till i have the hps lights up and running... which will be 4 - 1000w hps's.. that i do know for sure.. they will all be in-line exhausted obviously... ill have an air king fan for circulation... ive also got an ac unit to assit with the heat in the room... i think thats about it..

all the walls are wrapped with IR blocker shit and then a black and white poly.. shit is awesome... its like thick ass garbage bag material.. it reflects like over 90% of the light... i have it on the floors even and it doesnt rip... and thats about it...

if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to ask/post..


Well-Known Member
im almost sure im going with sunleaves 1000w 240v digital ballasts.. im running a 240v circut just for them so the power to them will be fine.. no sudden outages our anything... im gonna use sunleaves artic sun reflectors and will have all the lamps exhausted... and i think im gonna go with sunleaves optilume hps bulbs.. they have internal reflectors which will add to actual light directed downwards.... i dont work for sunleaves just incase you wondered... lol just good products.... and yea.. im going to start a continuous grow journal once i get this grow done with... i'll have this grow (soil, root bound, bad conditions), then when i switch to hydro im going to start an official journal.. ill post when that happens... and that will be a veg/flower under the floros... i think that grow will end up being a nice grow.. should have ordered seeds for it so itll be like my 10th grow but first grow with seed bank seeds and not for a bag or a clone of someone elses plant... after that grow (or maybe on that grow if money is right next month) will be the first 4 - 1000w grow... so it could be up in like 3 months or it could be 6 months... ill post as i go either way...


Well-Known Member
so today is day 23... everything is on scedule.. except one of the girls wont stop growing... i took a few pics to show you the height difference...

anyways... she is still putting on an inch or so a day... i figured by now growth would have leveled out.. usually it does... 80% of my girls have stopped growing and are just flowering... 15% are still growing, but it isnt significant day to day, and are flowering... then theres just the one bitch that keeps growing day to day.. shes flowering as you can see.. no pollen sacs... no signs of hermie... no reason i can figure she is growing so much still... the first pics are of the garden and canopy top so you can see... the next are of the tall bitch herself... notice the leaf singe :( and the others are just some updated pics... sorry they some are shitty.. my cell doesnt take good up close pics and the lights fuck with it even more... oh and i know some of the buds have red hairs and shit... its from spraying with neem oil, bumping them, and moving them while i sprayed.. no pregnant girls here... bongsmilie

so any ideas on why the girls still growin or how to stop it without fucking up my flowering time?? ++rep for good ones cause i have non



Well-Known Member
oh... there is almost a 2 ft difference between the front plants and the back plants... they all went in around the same height... it was just a coincedence that they grew short to tall in the room... they all get treated and fed the same... anything that you need to know to help figure it out or advise just ask


I will be waiting for your updates & every progress. I am growing a pure Thai sativa and I'm a first timer.
Your plants look good. One question, how strong is the smell when it's flowering?

Puff puff, bye.


Well-Known Member
i would never plant more than one plant per pot usually... i had too theres a reason for that... here is the story... i decided to switch where my garden was from a basement to an upstairs bedroom... soil was definatly an issue as its a pain to carry and get rid of and all around more of a mess... so i also decided to switch to hydro... well all these decisions were made after a sprouted about 36 seeds... and was made because the basement flooded and backed up (never did this before) and mold started growing and so on and so forth... well the problem was i couldnt get more soil because it was feb and no one had their spring gardening shit out yet... so i made a last minute decision to multi-plant each pot as not to waste and of the seeds... i wasnt taking any clones of them, as im starting with either clones from a buddy or bank bought seeds when i switch to hydro.. i just wanted to use them because they all looked great and it was a why the fuck not move... so right now i have a total of 5 "pots"... i shouldnt call them pots... they are foam ice chests, like for camping, with drain holes punched in them.... they started in 3 gal. pots, but with each pot having about 5 plants obviously they were root bound... and when i went to transplant them i couldnt find any large pots.. only the beginning of the gardening shit was out.. mainly their dirt and nutes... so i improvised best i could... so they basically have the equivelent of a 5 gallon pot... there are 4 of those... i always have some plant in a 55 gallon tote with holes broke into the bottom for drainage... i had to pull 7 hermies and 1 male... so the 5 "pots" have a total of... well... let me think.. 2+5+3+3+7 = 20... so theres 20... but thank you for the compliment on them...


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mine smell pretty strong... they smell more fruity and sweet than skunky... but they are potent non the less... but its just the strain i have.. it varies from strain to strain..