Looked at all the pics, still can't figure it out!


We have bagseed plants in 3 gal pots in 4th week of flowering under 600hps. Temperature is a steady 72-78 with mid-50s humidity. Measured ph of soil has read 6-6.5, water at 7ph. Growing in Foxfarm soil and used Pura Vida Bloom fertilized once; water is captured rain water when needed ?about once/week?. Have also fed worm tea and foliar spray with worm tea.

Two plants have issues, one with brown spot edges--bigger leaves toward top of plant. The other has yellow spots, started at top and is throughout plant. Tried foliar spray of epsom salt solution the last few days--but used pharmacy type--oops?!

Thinking one may be calcium deficient and the other magnesium deficient?



Active Member
We have bagseed plants in 3 gal pots in 4th week of flowering under 600hps. Temperature is a steady 72-78 with mid-50s humidity. Measured ph of soil has read 6-6.5, water at 7ph. Growing in Foxfarm soil and used Pura Vida Bloom fertilized once; water is captured rain water when needed ?about once/week?. Have also fed worm tea and foliar spray with worm tea.

Two plants have issues, one with brown spot edges--bigger leaves toward top of plant. The other has yellow spots, started at top and is throughout plant. Tried foliar spray of epsom salt solution the last few days--but used pharmacy type--oops?!

Thinking one may be calcium deficient and the other magnesium deficient?
here u go dude a site with all the defiencies and what they look like hope this helps


Well-Known Member
How 'generously' have you watered, plenty of outflow? Might be build up of salts after this period of time.


sativas...esp. landrace sativas dont like fertilizer they dont need it. they have been bred to grow w/o it maybe the nute was to hot for it that one time? was that from mexi brick?


New Member
hmmm that is a tough one since your using organics its not salts but could be burn if you used too much. my next step would be buying a bottle of VF11 since it is mosly trace elements at the right doses and using it both on next regular watering and a foliar bandage spray.
Pic 3 looks more like burn but others look more like deficiency, either way VF11 isn't gonna hurt.


get pics of the plant.
Here are plant pix. One of Mag Def? which I have foliar feed with epson salt solution twice today. There are 2 pix of Cal Def? which I have foliar feed with garden lime solution once today. I am scheduled to water tonight ("the girls" morning as I run the lights from 10PM to 10 AM.) Was planning on giving them epson and lime respectively.

Thanks for checking this out. Peace.



Thanks for the link, i think the calcium def. plant pix was the only one I found online that looked like mine do. Much help.


"sativas...esp. landrace sativas dont like fertilizer they dont need it. they have been bred to grow w/o it maybe the nute was to hot for it that one time? was that from mexi brick?"

My first grow indoors, so started with seeds from bags I've been saving over the years, no idea when, where or how serious I was about keeping all the seeds from different bags separate, so except for how they look and act I don't know their strain.


"sativas...esp. landrace sativas dont like fertilizer they dont need it. they have been bred to grow w/o it maybe the nute was to hot for it that one time? was that from mexi brick?"

My first grow indoors, so started with seeds from bags I've been saving over the years, no idea when, where or how serious I was about keeping all the seeds from different bags separate, so except for how they look and act I don't know their strain.


"Pic 3 looks more like burn but others look more like deficiency, either way VF11 isn't gonna hurt."

I wondered if the plant I'm treating for mag. def. (pix 3) is really burn, I moved the light up from 15" away to 18". I googled VF11 and it looks like a west coast thing. I'm in the southeast.


Well-Known Member
Imo. Stop sprayin shit on the plant. your starting to loose some fans it's mormal um hope this was the right thread.


Well-Known Member
The 1 plant with fried leaf tips and it's only in the one section of the plant. It doesn't seem like deficiency or nute lock would be so 'location specific'. You may have gotten carried away with foliar feeding on that guy, in that one section.