Roll your joints with or without filter?


Active Member
filter- piece of thinly rolled up cardboard at the end of the joint... opens the end up.. therefore better hits... and catches some of the weed from getting in your mouth

tip- cigarette filter... some use em.. i dont

Roach clip- a clip used to hold a join to toke it down to nothing.

i use filters because of the definition given above... my opinion....

there we are back on track now


This whole filter talk is just crazines... Like a previous poster, I have been smoking over 30 years and never even heard of filters for joints before this post...

I personally prefer my Dugout and one-hitter. You don't waste all that weed going up in smoke between hits.

A "roach" is the end/butt of a rolled joint in these parts. And if the j is rolled well, that butt is dark brown in the middle fading to lighter brown on the edges and actually does remarkably resemble a small cockroch from even a few inches away - hence the name "roach".

People were referring to "wasting" weed by not using a filter... this is also craziness. When it is small you put it out, and usually put it somewhere to smoke later with other roaches.

Roaches can be a godsend when you run out of weed and find one hidden under some ashes in an ashtray, or when you come across one you forgot you put there because you were too high...!

If you use a tip because you are concerned about smoking with other people, then who the hell are you hanging with...?! Though I do have to admit I have known a smoker or two who just couldn't keep from slobbering. They are usually amatures who just need a little guidance to correctly hit it. But with a well rolled joint, the joint shouldn't even touch your lips when hitting it.

Enough said from me. In my opinion, filters are for rookies who old school smokers like myself point and laugh at.


Well-Known Member
When it is small you put it out, and usually put it somewhere to smoke later with other roaches.

Roaches can be a godsend when you run out of weed and find one hidden under some ashes in an ashtray, or when you come across one you forgot you put there because you were too high...!
That is fucking rank, you go searching through your ashtray for joint buts lol?

I cant think of anything more fowl.


Calyx LED
That is fucking rank, you go searching through your ashtray for joint buts lol?

I cant think of anything more fowl.
So... you're saying you've never smoked a roach? Even when I had Lb's around I would still hit a roach - easily. Spoiled much? Why waste your time or money growing or buying weed if you're not going to smoke ALL of it or as much as possible?


Well-Known Member
So... you're saying you've never smoked a roach? Even when I had Lb's around I would still hit a roach - easily. Spoiled much? Why waste your time or money growing or buying weed if you're not going to smoke ALL of it or as much as possible?
lol i have never ever smoked a roach.

And I'm not stupid enough to put weed all the way down to the end of my joint, simply because nobody ever smokes it all.

Just put like half a centimetre of tobacco at the roach and you are fine, never waste a drop of bud.

You Yanks are so messed up in your smoking habits.


Well-Known Member
OK you are talking about the little bit of bud at the end of your joints right? Not the cardboard bit that collects all the shit?


Well-Known Member
So... you're saying you've never smoked a roach? Even when I had Lb's around I would still hit a roach - easily. Spoiled much? Why waste your time or money growing or buying weed if you're not going to smoke ALL of it or as much as possible?
When you roll with tips you don't get roaches, you burn all your weed and never have to worry about losing roaches (a bad thing to do if you have guests over that don't know you smoke, even worse if your guests are law enforcement.)

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
When you roll with tips you don't get roaches, you burn all your weed and never have to worry about losing roaches (a bad thing to do if you have guests over that don't know you smoke, even worse if your guests are law enforcement.)
I can't possibly conceive of a reason for having a LEO as a guest. They hang out with their own kind.