Ron Paul Revolution


Well-Known Member
ron paul is the only one id consider we need to cut the goverment that does services or anything that the constitution doesnt say the gorvernment needs to be involved in.we need irs to colect taxs police to catch violent criminals armed services to defend ourselves from real threats (isolationisnt) and a goal of space exploration.basicaly ron paul is for cuting the fat as libertarians do and thats just what we need not any of the others that will do nothing.paul will make the drastic changes we need:D

also just to reiterate There is no more "Isolationist" to be that is to be dead

"Isolationist" went out the window when Albert Einstien had his litte aberation

now the world has caught up.

"Isolationist" is not possible anymore because of a nuke - but not just any nuke,

the nuke without a return address!

Then what? people will die, who do we retaliate against and destroy? nobody knows. (this is just if its only one nuke, imagine 10 in unisin) a nuke without a return address reduces this countries actual defense level to exactly zero and you may as well disband the army. simple as that we are at 0 if they sneak a nuke in here, we, your kids, my kids - are fucked!!!

hope non of you guys live in a high value city cuz if you dont think this is a present threat to your life you are wrong. it may happen tomorrow

well anyway after that depressing statment time to roll a "FatBoy":mrgreen: no pun intended:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
also just to reiterate There is no more "Isolationist" to be that is to be dead

"Isolationist" went out the window when Albert Einstien had his litte aberation

now the world has caught up.

"Isolationist" is not possible anymore because of a nuke - but not just any nuke,

the nuke without a return address!

Then what? people will die, who do we retaliate against and destroy? nobody knows. (this is just if its only one nuke, imagine 10 in unisin) a nuke without a return address reduces this countries actual defense level to exactly zero and you may as well disband the army. simple as that we are at 0 if they sneak a nuke in here, we, your kids, my kids - are fucked!!!

hope non of you guys live in a high value city cuz if you dont think this is a present threat to your life you are wrong. it may happen tomorrow

well anyway after that depressing statment time to roll a "FatBoy":mrgreen: no pun intended:mrgreen:

What about China? They are isolationist and there aint nobody fuckin with them.

Look at the USSR, definately NOT isolationist and that shit fell apart.

We bring our troops home we become one hell of a strong homeland. We still got nukes lots of them. Believe me if someone pops a nuke on us we will pop a nuke on someone else. Evin if the nuke didn't have a return address. Leaders of countries were radicals come from will know that since we are at home it would be unwise to get us riled up. That could make them more likely to take an even stronger stance against terrorism.


Well-Known Member
And what happens after everyone has dropped their nukes on each other in case they did it:cry:
That's the point of having nukes, attacking a nuke armed country with a nuke isn't a very smart thing to do.

Why do you think no one has brought a dirty bomb into the states? Because that might just prompt someone with an itchy finger to push that little red button.

RON PAUL 2008!!!


Well-Known Member
ok then heres a question for you guys

If a nucleur bomb went off in washington dc during the state of the union adress the size of hiroshima



a nuke went off in New york City the size of nagasaki. (now remeber this is not from a balistic missle).

ok so say YOU are the President or the next one whos in charge if the pres didnt make the strike.

Can you tell me who you would nuke back in retaliation? please im all ears


Well-Known Member
Nuclear bombs should be abolished on a global basis and before i have a load of grief for saying this try to think about it in a star trek kind of a way were planets agreed on outlawing certain insidious weapons of mass destruction,like point singularity weapons or phasers that cause an awful death.
i for one am sick of having the threat of war hanging over my head,normal bombs are bad enough let alone nukes for god sake.

Nukes should be banned as they are just to damn much and the people that think its cool to have nukes,are you really sure that its cool,i mean look out of your window and ask yourself what you would do if you could see one coming down over your house?:peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Can you tell me who you would nuke back in retaliation? please im all ears
The Baldwins, definately the Baldwins.

In all honesty I don't know, that's why I'm not the president I guess. All I know is the guys running this great country have done nothing but increase other countries and peoples hatred of us. Nation building is the same as enemy building. We are interfering and we are hated for it.

How are our troops invading other countries going to stop some guy from making a small nuke and sneaking it into some big city to fire up? There's plenty of people that know how to make a bomb and there is plenty of plutonium here. If we should get hit by one of these "no return address" bombs I'd be willing to bet it was made in the good ol USA.

Restore the Constitution Revive a nation!


Well-Known Member
panda, they won't get a nuke because no one would sell one to them. they certainly don't have the ability to make one. north korea has spent billions and about a decade but theirs didn't even work right. the best they can hope for is getting a dud from some Russian mobster. Walheem-Mohamacha will be caught trying to detonate his "nuke" in some back alley of NY with a baseball bat. he will be sweating profusely and screaming stuff about allah while the police hog tie him and give him a couple swats with the baton. we will laugh when we learn that he spent $10,000,000 on a can of coffee with some batteries in it.

there will be no al-qaeda nuke. it's all a dream.

as for this "isolationism" or non-interventionism, and your disregard for the notion that we should concentrate on domestic issues before engaging in aggressive foreign wars; this country was great before we became the world police. let's get back to being great, shall we?



New Member
panda, they won't get a nuke because no one would sell one to them. they certainly don't have the ability to make one. north korea has spent billions and about a decade but theirs didn't even work right. the best they can hope for is getting a dud from some Russian mobster. Walheem-Mohamacha will be caught trying to detonate his "nuke" in some back alley of NY with a baseball bat. he will be sweating profusely and screaming stuff about allah while the police hog tie him and give him a couple swats with the baton. we will laugh when we learn that he spent $10,000,000 on a can of coffee with some batteries in it.

there will be no al-qaeda nuke. it's all a dream.

as for this "isolationism" or non-interventionism, and your disregard for the notion that we should concentrate on domestic issues before engaging in aggressive foreign wars; this country was great before we became the world police. let's get back to being great, shall we?

Ahhh the dreamers amongst us. I do believe it is way too late for reformation without violence, but like you I hope. I never knew what dreamers republikans were untill I went to a Dinar site. Those fuckers were crazy.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh the dreamers amongst us. I do believe it is way too late for reformation without violence, but like you I hope. I never knew what dreamers republikans were untill I went to a Dinar site. Those fuckers were crazy.
There once was a dream that was America - It came true. It can happen again.


New Member
There once was a dream that was America - It came true. It can happen again.
The first one took courage and character, something lacking in today's society, It also was a very violent revolution. Can you see the citizens standing up to the might of the US arsenal. It could never happen without the leadership of the military on the peoples side, a coup if you will.


Well-Known Member
sign me up. i think an enraged american public would be a great force. thats what kept me cool when all this shit started happening. was that if we ever were invaded that the american would just get too pissed (especially stoners when the supply runs out). viva la resistance


New Member
sign me up. i think an enraged american public would be a great force. thats what kept me cool when all this shit started happening. was that if we ever were invaded that the american would just get too pissed (especially stoners when the supply runs out). viva la resistance
Ah yes, the precious weed. We can't function without it. I remember those days well. Take it from me you can and will someday if you live long enough. Not that you should have to, but most everything has it's moments.


Well-Known Member
The first one took courage and character, something lacking in today's society, It also was a very violent revolution. Can you see the citizens standing up to the might of the US arsenal. It could never happen without the leadership of the military on the peoples side, a coup if you will.
I couldn't agree more. People forget the real nature of the 2nd amendment. I don't see a coup being necessary, basically if you shoot the executive branch: folks(congress) will be reminded that they represent the people....


New Member
I couldn't agree more. People forget the real nature of the 2nd amendment. I don't see a coup being necessary, basically if you shoot the executive branch: folks(congress) will be reminded that they represent the people....
I would love to see the executive branch as it now stands go down in a hail of bullets, but that is much harder than it sounds. It would definently have to be an inside job. If there are any patriots left in this government, they should be the ones to do the deed. The problem is, Money is the great corruptor, and has them all under it's spell.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see the executive branch as it now stands go down in a hail of bullets, but that is much harder than it sounds. It would definently have to be an inside job. If there are any patriots left in this government, they should be the ones to do the deed. The problem is, Money is the great corruptor, and has them all under it's spell.
no, what you don't get is that these things grow like the rings in a tree.

the bigger the government gets the more rings you have. the more rings you have the harder it will be to ever take it out. this tree is 2008-1860/4 rings thick, one for each presidential term since the original fall from liberty. that's when it started and that's a shitload of rings to go through. if we can appoint a core ring that is willing to sacrifice outer rings - that will work better at this point. more leverage. an assault from the outside would give new meaning to the term "protracted warfare".



New Member
no, what you don't get is that these things grow like the rings in a tree.

the bigger the government gets the more rings you have. the more rings you have the harder it will be to ever take it out. this tree is 2008-1860/4 rings thick, one for each presidential term since the original fall from liberty. that's when it started and that's a shitload of rings to go through. if we can appoint a core ring that is willing to sacrifice outer rings - that will work better at this point. more leverage. an assault from the outside would give new meaning to the term "protracted warfare".

Come on 7X, do you actually believe they (The powers behind the govt.) will let someone like Ron Paul come along and change things. NFW. They would kill him in a heartbeat. You must have forgotten that the corporations that are running things would be fucked with Paul as boss, the defense contractors alone would have a huge bounty on his head, Blackwater assasins would take him out quick.


Well-Known Member
Come on 7X, do you actually believe they (The powers behind the govt.) will let someone like Ron Paul come along and change things. NFW. They would kill him in a heartbeat. You must have forgotten that the corporations that are running things would be fucked with Paul as boss, the defense contractors alone would have a huge bounty on his head, Blackwater assasins would take him out quick.
i do believe that he would be in great danger from the group you might call "wannabes" but i also believe that the chaos that would accompany any assassination of him is too unpredictable for them to effectively manage and they know this. this is not like the JFK situation at all.

half of this country is completely ignorant and has no historical perspective at all (compared to 90% with JFK), they just feed at the trough of mass media and enjoy their little pasture. 30% is attempting to come to grips with some things (9% JFK era). 10% have their suspicions and 10% know the deal. this could easily topple over and turn into a big problem for the "powers that be". it's a great strategic scenario to think about but i believe that if he won they would consider him an anomaly and lie in waiting. he would build political support and the questionable agencies/people would face the gallows fairly quickly. any move at that point would cement the resolve of violent revolution among the people. the ultra-liberal/socialists vs. the Americans.
