Ron Paul Revolution


Well-Known Member
I think the American public, in general, are tired of big government. It has been that way since I can remember. I remember Ross Perot had a big following from the military back in '92, people are just tired of big government and will try to back those that are as well.
precisely. many of us are willing to roll up our sleeves and get to work. many of us want the responsibility that big government has stolen from us and we want our liberty back too.



New Member
ummm, if you thought i would support anyone who wants to build a government empire out of mismanaging the health of citizens you're a lot less smart than i gave you credit for.

only a parasite would plunder the health of the nation to get on a higher political pedestal. it takes a leader to actually fix the problems. looks like you'll go with parasites, thanks for freeing up some room on the ship!

I'm pretty sure your ship is sunk, so get your self a lifejacket and prepare to cancel my vote. I'm pretty sure you'd vote republican even though you've said you'll not vote for anyone but Paul.


Well-Known Member
well, i'm pretty sure he's the only real republican and i'm damn sure i won't vote for any of the impostors.

remember how that dean guy imploded after his emotional instability was revealed to the world? you can look at her and see that clinton is always on the edge of an explosion of wrath. she's going to do something like that when the real pressure starts. she's got herself so caught up in saying the right thing for this group and the right thing for that group and looking a certain way for those people over there - she'll get more and more insecure as all the inconsistencies build up and some non-establishment reporter has the gall to question her. she'll probably scream, "I AM SENATOR CLINTON! I AM SENATOR CLINTON!" and then she'll turn red, a tear will form and she'll go into hiding, for good.

when it comes down to it she's just another anti-peace, imperialist, elitist liar - not many dems want that representing them anyway.



New Member
well, i'm pretty sure he's the only real republican and i'm damn sure i won't vote for any of the impostors.

remember how that dean guy imploded after his emotional instability was revealed to the world? you can look at her and see that clinton is always on the edge of an explosion of wrath. she's going to do something like that when the real pressure starts. she's got herself so caught up in saying the right thing for this group and the right thing for that group and looking a certain way for those people over there - she'll get more and more insecure as all the inconsistencies build up and some non-establishment reporter has the gall to question her. she'll probably scream, "I AM SENATOR CLINTON! I AM SENATOR CLINTON!" and then she'll turn red, a tear will form and she'll go into hiding, for good.

when it comes down to it she's just another anti-peace, imperialist, elitist liar - not many dems want that representing them anyway.

I'm not arguing that most of the dems don't want Hillary. I'll just say this, out side of maybe R.P., no repuke will get any democratic voters, so if Paul misses the nomination, One of the Dems is going to be president. I'd like to see Kucinich, but I realize he hasn't a chance in hell, about the same chance as Paul. Hillary, Biden, Richardson, Dodd, are just more of the same, although Biden has a plan for Iraq and both Richardson and Dodd have plans to bring a few troops home. Edwards and Kucinich and of course we can't forget Gravel, would stop the fricken war and bring all the troops home ASAP. It's Obama and Hillary's opinion that the war will still be going when their first term is over, That pretty much says to me, no first term.


Well-Known Member
you're right about the top dems wanting to continue the war. they are in full support of a continuation of the geo-political game we've been playing for 20 years - no matter how many American lives it costs. if all these so called "peace" people want it over Ron Paul is the only one with a chance right now. if the war doesn't really matter then all the dems who talk about it need to shut up and come out of the closet and admit they're warmongers just like Bush & Co. cutting the numbers or moving people around doesn't count, bring them all home NOW!

Ron Paul has mandate for equal time during Fox News debate



New Member
you're right about the top dems wanting to continue the war. they are in full support of a continuation of the geo-political game we've been playing for 20 years - no matter how many American lives it costs. if all these so called "peace" people want it over Ron Paul is the only one with a chance right now. if the war doesn't really matter then all the dems who talk about it need to shut up and come out of the closet and admit they're warmongers just like Bush & Co. cutting the numbers or moving people around doesn't count, bring them all home NOW!

Ron Paul has mandate for equal time during Fox News debate

Just remember, all the repuke candidates but Paul want to continue the war and some are for expanding it into Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Etc,. At least the dems are willing to talk to the middle east, the repukes just want to bomb them.


Well-Known Member
First of all Hanity didn't lie, he simply stated what is probably the fact. A LOT OF RON PAUL SUPPORTERS ARE BIG BLOGGERS AND INTERNET JUNKIES! I AM a Ron paul supporter!!!! Lets just wait and see until the general election or primarys. You will see that alot of these "text voters" just won't show up to the polls. That is what Sean was saying! DON'T GET ME WRONG...I HOPE THEY ALL DO SHOW UP!!!


Well-Known Member
First of all Hanity didn't lie, he simply stated what is probably the fact. A LOT OF RON PAUL SUPPORTERS ARE BIG BLOGGERS AND INTERNET JUNKIES! I AM a Ron paul supporter!!!! Lets just wait and see until the general election or primarys. You will see that alot of these "text voters" just won't show up to the polls. That is what Sean was saying! DON'T GET ME WRONG...I HOPE THEY ALL DO SHOW UP!!!
the poll system wouldn't accept multiple votes from the same phone number - case closed and Hanity either knew that and was intentionally trying to deceive people or he's a technologically ignorant baboon. either way i don't like him now.




Well-Known Member don't understand!!! There are ways around that!!!

Lets just wait and see until the general election or primarys. You will see that alot of these "text voters" just won't show up to the polls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just remember, all the repuke candidates but Paul want to continue the war and some are for expanding it into Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Etc,. At least the dems are willing to talk to the middle east, the repukes just want to bomb them.
show me an intellectual dem. show me a dem with solid integrity. show me a dem who can think on their own, without poll data from the channel they're on, without demographic data on their audience, without a damn script! they are hollow. they are weak. they are meaningless recordings of white noise and none of them are significant in any way.

i think the dem voters know all of this. i think they are beaten down to the point they just don't know what to do about it and they think switching party is sacrilege so they are deciding right now what that really means.

what does it mean if i go republican this election? once they realize that they can go republican to get a real leader in office to restore our liberty, end the war in Iraq, end the IRS crime gang, stop the theft of our tax money to finance billionaire bankers, end the ban on cannabis use, end the tax subsidies for business, end the abuse of power in DC and make some friends around the world - they will also realize they can go back to the dems later!!

let's take America back.



Well-Known Member don't understand!!! There are ways around that!!!

Lets just wait and see until the general election or primarys. You will see that alot of these "text voters" just won't show up to the polls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes i do, i can call you and make it look like i'm in freakin' vietnam if i want to.

maybe i'm giving them too much credit, maybe they didn't accept and tally only the votes originating from active/valid ESNs (return pings)... if they're going to leave the system open to that level of exploitation it's a pointless exercise to even have the text votes.



New Member
show me an intellectual dem. show me a dem with solid integrity. show me a dem who can think on their own, without poll data from the channel they're on, without demographic data on their audience, without a damn script! they are hollow. they are weak. they are meaningless recordings of white noise and none of them are significant in any way.

i think the dem voters know all of this. i think they are beaten down to the point they just don't know what to do about it and they think switching party is sacrilege so they are deciding right now what that really means.

what does it mean if i go republican this election? once they realize that they can go republican to get a real leader in office to restore our liberty, end the war in Iraq, end the IRS crime gang, stop the theft of our tax money to finance billionaire bankers, end the ban on cannabis use, end the tax subsidies for business, end the abuse of power in DC and make some friends around the world - they will also realize they can go back to the dems later!!

let's take America back.

I hate to say it, But you're fucking whacked. None of the above is even remotely true, If anything everything is almost exactly opposite. The Democrats are coming together to make damn sure no more war mongering repukes get elected. this country has had enough of George Bush's war, and all the republicans that stand with him are at extreme risk of losing their jobs. I forsee a gain in both the house and the senate for democrats, because the idiotic repukes won't vote to stop the war. So your party is going down in flames, YEEHAWW!!!


Well-Known Member
Is Everybody On Here A Fuckin Liberal Or What. Fuck!!!

I'm A Conservative, Gun Tottin, Weed Huffer Amongst A Bunch Of Wack Jobs Like This Dope "medicine Man". Get A Life Dope!


Well-Known Member
Is Everybody On Here A Fuckin Liberal Or What. Fuck!!!

I'm A Conservative, Gun Tottin, Weed Huffer Amongst A Bunch Of Wack Jobs Like This Dope "medicine Man". Get A Life Dope!
So you prefer the road to fascism? That is the way the conservatives are headed.


Active Member
I don't 'get' conservatism these days. I thought they were for less govt and less spending. Instead we've gotten a credit card outsourced war our grandkids are going to pay for. We have a far more intrusive government, which manipulates people by fear (Terrorist is the new Communist). The world is a far worse place after Bush.

I wouldn't describe myself as liberal or conservative, I try to take each issue on its own merits. Both the Dems and Reps have been disappointing. I really had hopes for this Dem congress, but they have done nothing, nothing, except increase the minimum wage, which my state did years ago. Big whoop.

I love Ron Paul. That the Reps moved so quickly to marginalize him, just tells me how much potential he has to resonate with the people if it can get out there. I support him not because I think he can win, but because he's the only one I believe speaks a rational message and does it with conviction and clarity.


New Member
Anyone who considers the Republican Party to be Conservatives just hasn't been paying attention.The Republican Party left the Conservative Party with the election of Bush 41.



Well-Known Member
ron paul is the only one id consider we need to cut the goverment that does services or anything that the constitution doesnt say the gorvernment needs to be involved in.we need irs to colect taxs police to catch violent criminals armed services to defend ourselves from real threats (isolationisnt) and a goal of space exploration.basicaly ron paul is for cuting the fat as libertarians do and thats just what we need not any of the others that will do nothing.paul will make the drastic changes we need:D


Well-Known Member
i dont know guys ron paul said he wanted to eliminate the fbi & cia and also said we should leave the middle east just like osama said when he bitch slapped us and blowed up our wives and children on 9/11. Mr. Paul wants to turn tail and run!

I know it sounds nice to be able to pull away from the world, but then whos gonna keep all the despots, tyrants, rapists of nations, and starvers of children at bay. oh ya and dont forget about the ones who wanna nuke the whole western world.

the minet we pull away from world and ignore it is the minuet a bunch of
tyranous goverments seize smaller counties monopolizing the oil, freedom, food and everything else and use it to oppress and consolidate power.

we could retreat if we werent the strongest nation and not the only one standing and walking the walk for long term peace, freedom for all, and no ethnic mass killings and mass starvations.

the polititions are the cause of the problem cuz they pit us against each other, thats how they stay in power. thats why hilary and dems always try to increase the size of the government so there are more people that rely on the government, hence they get elected more often, eventually after years and years, they will even control your bread and you will have to wiat in line all day for your loaf, just like they did in russia many years ago.

we gonna have to fix the world or atleast make it habitable for everyone or the power hungry will destroy it just like the power hungry here are destroying america.

the reason we have to do this now is because the day our fathers have been dreding is here

atom bombs for everyone in the world. we all new this day would come

this is the reason we cannot retire. other than that we could have left all those fucks to kill and rape without worrying about nukes in your cities that have no return address. but kill all our loved