What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

I plead the fifth.

Love your signature line!

BTW- Global warming is caused by the Franklin Stove effect...
If Hell is in the center of the earth and heat rises outward to the surface then... global warming is cause by the every increasing rate of festering fools entering Hell.
Think about it. The Franklin Stove Effect.

Don't be another log on the fire!!

(That's the only mission in life !)
The U.S. will never go bankrupt......
Dont believe the hype....
The money never leaves .... it only changes hands....
The U.S. will never go bankrupt......
Dont believe the hype....
The money never leaves .... it only changes hands....

Tell that to the people of Zimbabwe and the Germans and the every increasing list of countries whose currencies were only fiat currencies - nothing tangible backing the currency.

What you don't know about money makes you unqualified to speak regarding the subject. Just like those who know nothing about Tort Reform and immunity and Insurance management ratios and the Bar Association.

Learn the subject matter first- then ask questions; then learn how to place an educated opinion on a specific subject matter.
I'm not worrying, but I do enjoy buying and finding gold and silver as well as other precious minerals. I have several, several, troy ounces of gold. I like silver better though. :-) What you, Haul me to heaven. :-)
I purchased 1,000 ounces of silver at 18.68 in spring of 08. Sadly Silver went down to 8.50 or so. That ticked me off but... it's on the rise and will continue to increase in value until the Banksters make the metal worthless in their new cashless society.
\Imagine a world where the only thing that will be considered as money is the amount of ducats you have in your 'account'.
Remember that one day gold and silver will be cast on the street for having no LEGAL value in their 'brave new world'.

I see what they're doing in the finance markets and it's truly Machiavellian. They want ZERO competition with their 'new money/currency.
What say you?
I actually started liking Bush towards the end. I was like, "Dude you fucked up BAD but I wouldve probably been the same if I was in. Lets smoke some killa kine and do some coke, I no you like it!"
I'd share a doobie with Bush any day. He probably has a thousand far out stories. Bush was a real party hound.... no stuffed shirt there.
I'd share a doobie with Bush any day. He probably has a thousand far out stories. Bush was a real party hound.... no stuffed shirt there.

Get real man, Bush is a born again Christian who thinks smoking a joint is equivalent to supporting terrorism. Your idea of smoking a joint with Bush sounds as silly as the folks who think Bin Laden would be a cool guy if only they could just sit down and burn one with him.. The only thing Bush needs is a slap to his arrogant head.
You have no idea what real christians are all about. Nor those in office,
I am both. And I am no different than those in 'office'. We are really all the same. You are just stuck believing that politicians are all a bunch of stuffed shirts and that christians are the same way.
Sorry. My best friends- some you know by name- are as cool as you and they too know christ!
So go..... chase your shadow little boy!
And turn off the tv- it's rotting your brain!
George is much more of a party animal than Obama ever was.... In fact, no one really even knows about Obama's past..... he's a shadow politician. No doobie with him.... too cold, like a fish.
Wher was this advice when I made my last post??
Bullets and seeds!
That and God works for me.

(don't even get me started about the libs.)
Bullets and seeds!


thats the ticket!