Does anyone here not do drugs?


I havent smoked in almost 2 years.. but hopefully that will change in about 2-4 weeks due to all the wonderful info on this site :D

I drink, prolly way more than I should :?

I've smoked cigs before, esp when I was around my chain smoking Marine buddy. I never got hooked on them (thank god), but I did smoke them enough to start having cravings for them. Luckly the cravings were not strong enough to get me to go to the store and pick up a pack.

As far as the hard stuff, ill never try them because I know I have an addictive personallity. I have enough sense to know that hard shit + addictive personallity != good bed buddies. I dont know many people who do the hard drugs, but at one point in the past few years I found myself in a crackheads apt. Let me tell ya there was nothing in that apt aside from a broken down platic table and chairs, some dirty cloths on the floor and a raggety matress on the ground.


Well-Known Member
I smoke a little on the weekends, and maybe twice during the week at night. I usually only take a couple of hits in any scenario. I realized that I enjoy smoking and I appreciate the buzz more if I just smoke enough to feel it. I have no interest in getting completely baked anymore. I'd say that I enjoy growing it more than smoking it these days because it's like a hobby to me. It's nice to know that you're smoking some of the best bud in the state, and absolutely nobody knows about it. I probably get really high maybe 4 times a year on special occasions, concerts,...hanging out with old friends, stuff like that.

I smoke a lot of cigarettes. So, nicotine is really the only drug that I use in excess. Oh yea, I drink a lot of coffee too.


Well-Known Member
I cant smoke at the moment but I been taking a shitload of percs lately.I want my weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed back.