Fuck you all!


Active Member
:edit: well just i figured i would i got a bad rep for this thread. now im not pissed that i did and i could care less. the thing about this thread that i wanted to get across is that unnecessary hatred is uncalled for. ****I AM NOT SAYING FUCK YOU TO EVERYONE**** just those that are bein an ass for no reason.
:edit: *******plz keep in mind im just venting*******

i just wanna say fuck all of you judgemental fucks!!! just because someone doesnt dress the way you do, talk the way you talk, or believe the things you do doesnt mean they are any less of a person than you! would you like it if someone hated you for any of the above the things? WHY DO YOU KEEP PUTTIN OTHERS DOWN FOR NO REASON!?!? dont you realize that we are all our own person? that maybe your "norm" isnt the same as someone else? stop trying to push your beliefs and ideals onto others!!! i know you wouldnt want someone to push theirs onto you! LIVE AND LET LIVE!!!! im sorry but there seems to be so much negativity goin around on this site!

"Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye."

rant done. peace and love!---phree:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i just wanna say fuck all of you judgemental fucks!!! just because someone doesnt dress the way you do, talk the way you talk, or believe the things you do doesnt mean they are any less of a person than you! would you like it if someone hated you for any of the above the things? WHY DO YOU KEEP PUTTIN OTHERS DOWN FOR NO REASON!?!? dont you realize that we are all our own person? that maybe your "norm" isnt the same as someone else? stop trying to push your beliefs and ideals onto others!!! i know you wouldnt want someone to push theirs onto you! LIVE AND LET LIVE!!!! im sorry but there seems to be so much negativity goin around on this site!

"Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye."

rant done. peace and love!---phree:bigjoint:
Not quite sure what's got you so worked up there big guy but how about you go smoke a bowl and think about it for a minute. You have been a member for like 2 weeks and you are all pissed off over?..............I still have no clue. :confused:


New Member
lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground ...
wit da gold in ya mouth, hat turned sideways....pan hit da ground, call yoself a cool cat.....walkin, talkin with ya pants on da ground.....lol....sorry just had to carry on the jingle......
I can see your point bro....


Well-Known Member
lol...yeah...that song is catchy as hell.....I find myself singing it all the time....lol....

pants on the ground.....get em up.....
Did you hear what his agent did? He re-recorded the song with some other singer and is making bank off of it because the original singer didn't copyright it. I feel bad for him, because he can't sue.


Active Member
Not quite sure what's got you so worked up there big guy but how about you go smoke a bowl and think about it for a minute. You have been a member for like 2 weeks and you are all pissed off over?..............I still have no clue. :confused:
correct i have only been a meb for two weeks but in those two weeks ive read numerus post of ppl judging others and put others down for no reason other than they think differently when all that person is tryin to do is be them self. there is no reason for negativity. im not pissed at any one person just a type of ppl that can be found everywhere, not just this site.


Well-Known Member
correct i have only been a meb for two weeks but in those two weeks ive read numerus post of ppl judging others and put others down for no reason other than they think differently when all that person is tryin to do is be them self. there is no reason for negativity. im not pissed at any one person just a type of ppl that can be found everywhere, not just this site.
Totally understand your frustration bro. There are a lot of haters around. I think they proliferate on internet forums because they know that they are anonymous and nobody is going to beat their ass for talking shit. They hide behind their keyboards like cowardly children in their mom's basement spewing their venom. Don't let it get to you. Think of how pathetic their lives must be. I actually feel sorry for most of the people who act this way.:cry:


Well-Known Member
Why not just name the people your talking about instead of trying to make it a big mystery.
Or better yet use this nifty little feature called the personal message and send them your gay rant.

I'll fuck with/make fun of whoever the fuck I want.
They can just as easily come right back at me with something.
I could not give a flying fuck what someone has to say about me especially on the internet.

The shit thats said must really get to them if they have to make threads like this remember its just the INTERNET.