Fuck you all!


Active Member
I wonder what being pissed off bad enough to tell everyone to fuck off and pants on the ground have in common?
again. wasnt sayin fuck off to everyone! just those who are narrow minded and put others down for no reason. in no way shape or form was i givin the big ol fuck you to everyone


Active Member
hey remember the tattoo? I said I loved it.....maybe you should take another look at it. :)
yes maybe i was out of line. i was just venting. i have been put do and persecuted for my looks, beliefs, and so and so forth and it turned me bitter toward people that do and it just pisses me off when i see people doin it to others. i can handle it when people do it to me but i know more than one person who has committed suicide because they were picked on there wholes life for no reason. what people dont realize is that words hurt more than a punch in the face and they should take the time to just be nice. next time i will take a second and look at my arm before going off. my bad.


:edit: *******plz keep in mind im just venting*******

i just wanna say fuck all of you judgemental fucks!!! just because someone doesnt dress the way you do, talk the way you talk, or believe the things you do doesnt mean they are any less of a person than you! would you like it if someone hated you for any of the above the things? WHY DO YOU KEEP PUTTIN OTHERS DOWN FOR NO REASON!?!? dont you realize that we are all our own person? that maybe your "norm" isnt the same as someone else? stop trying to push your beliefs and ideals onto others!!! i know you wouldnt want someone to push theirs onto you! LIVE AND LET LIVE!!!! im sorry but there seems to be so much negativity goin around on this site!

"Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye."

rant done. peace and love!---phree:bigjoint:

Eh, dont let those assholes get to you. There's negative people everywhere.. in real life, the internet, etc but you just gotta know how to ignore them and know that you're already one step ahead of them since they're the ones being childish and ignorant and not you.
I ignore most of the shit talking, especially on this site.. I have to. There's a whole bunch of men on here with a "fuck women, all bitches aint shit" kind of attitude, and I dont let it get to me. I laugh it off and actually feel kinda sorry for them cause they're obviously immature and pathetic with no good women in their lives. If I got upset everytime I read a negative remark on here, shit.. I'd be mad all the time lol So just let it go.. and let the assholes be assholes and don't let it get to ya ;)


Active Member
Eh, dont let those assholes get to you. There's negative people everywhere.. in real life, the internet, etc but you just gotta know how to ignore them and know that you're already one step ahead of them since they're the ones being childish and ignorant and not you.
I ignore most of the shit talking, especially on this site.. I have to. There's a whole bunch of men on here with a "fuck women, all bitches aint shit" kind of attitude, and I dont let it get to me. I laugh it off and actually feel kinda sorry for them cause they're obviously immature and pathetic with no good women in their lives. If I got upset everytime I read a negative remark on here, shit.. I'd be mad all the time lol So just let it go.. and let the assholes be assholes and don't let it get to ya ;)
yea i kno. and most of the time i do. its just been "one of those days." and it wasnt even somethin anyone said to me personally that set me off. i just got tired of seein pointless hate and needed to vent.