Fuck you all!


Active Member
hahah "this guy thinks he jesus!! I wish I could spray spagetti all over you, you egotistical bastard!" - dane cook

anyways, why so worked up, has anyone found out yet? I'm too lazy too read through 9 pages to see if you told us yet. lol
oh and the whole wat would jesus do comment was cuz the dudes SN is jesus of cannabis no other reason.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
In the fictional book 'The Celestine Prophecy' the example is given that we are different types of energy sucking succubi.
It explains how humans are constantly trying to steal each other's energy, life-force, prana etc...


  • The Fourth Insight... The Struggle For Power
To gain energy, we tend to manipulate or force others to give us attention and thus energy. When we successfully dominate others in this way, we feel more powerful, but they are left weakened and often fight back. Competition for scarce human energy is the cause of all conflict between people.

Examples are given of differing methods of stealing someone's energy by gaining their attention.

  • The Sixth Insight... Clearing the Past
The more we stay connected, the more we are acutely aware of those times when we lose connection, usually when we are under stress. In these times, we can see our own particular way of stealing energy from others. Once our manipulations are brought to personal awareness, our connection becomes more constant and we can discover our own evolutionary path in life, and our spiritual mission, which is the personal way we can contribute to the World.
Here the four main "control dramas"—the Interrogator, the Intimidator, the Aloof and the Poor Me—are discussed. Each person unconsciously prefers one of these four to suck energy out of others (as described in the Fourth Insight). A way of getting these under control is disclosed.

Once you understand the concepts behind these insights, you will see that they are basically true and that all behaviour can be explained by the need to feed off everyone else's souls.

Online forums necessitate the use of the Interrogator method of energy extraction. That is why everyone picks holes in everyone else's posts. To find a weakness, a flaw that may be highlighted and exploited as a means to lessen the status of the original poster and thus by proxy increasing one's own.


Active Member
In the fictional book 'The Celestine Prophecy' the example is given that we are different types of energy sucking succubi.
It explains how humans are constantly trying to steal each other's energy, life-force, prana etc...


  • The Fourth Insight... The Struggle For Power
To gain energy, we tend to manipulate or force others to give us attention and thus energy. When we successfully dominate others in this way, we feel more powerful, but they are left weakened and often fight back. Competition for scarce human energy is the cause of all conflict between people.

Examples are given of differing methods of stealing someone's energy by gaining their attention.

  • The Sixth Insight... Clearing the Past
The more we stay connected, the more we are acutely aware of those times when we lose connection, usually when we are under stress. In these times, we can see our own particular way of stealing energy from others. Once our manipulations are brought to personal awareness, our connection becomes more constant and we can discover our own evolutionary path in life, and our spiritual mission, which is the personal way we can contribute to the World.
Here the four main "control dramas"—the Interrogator, the Intimidator, the Aloof and the Poor Me—are discussed. Each person unconsciously prefers one of these four to suck energy out of others (as described in the Fourth Insight). A way of getting these under control is disclosed.

Once you understand the concepts behind these insights, you will see that they are basically true and that all behaviour can be explained by the need to feed off everyone else's souls.

Online forums necessitate the use of the Interrogator method of energy extraction. That is why everyone picks holes in everyone else's posts. To find a weakness, a flaw that may be highlighted and exploited as a means to lessen the status of the original poster and thus by proxy increasing one's own.
wow man that is awesome! thanks you much for your input!!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i learned a lot about judgments in therapy. i learned how to let go of judgments and just let people be who they are and accept them as they are. a lot of people would benefit from therapy. because now, when i catch myself making a judgment about someone, i always remind myself that i could be wrong.


Active Member
i learned a lot about judgments in therapy. i learned how to let go of judgments and just let people be who they are and accept them as they are. a lot of people would benefit from therapy. because now, when i catch myself making a judgment about someone, i always remind myself that i could be wrong.
i learned a lot when i was in treatment and its helped me out a lot with relationships with not only my family but even with ppl ive just met. i noticed that for a long time i was very quick to judge ppl because i have always been judged by my looks and the fact that i WAS, notice the was part lol, a drug addict. i now consider myself a recovering addict, not recovered because addiction is always going to haunt me. now that i actually give ppl a chance ive noticed that a lot more ppl give me a chance before makin the assumptions of who i am. now it doesnt always work out that way because i still dress out of the norm (tripp pants, lots od spikes and studs and such) but ppl do notice that i am not as hostile as a lot of other ppl with similar styles and actually give me a chance.


Well-Known Member
i learned a lot when i was in treatment and its helped me out a lot with relationships with not only my family but even with ppl ive just met. i noticed that for a long time i was very quick to judge ppl because i have always been judged by my looks and the fact that i WAS, notice the was part lol, a drug addict. i now consider myself a recovering addict, not recovered because addiction is always going to haunt me. now that i actually give ppl a chance ive noticed that a lot more ppl give me a chance before makin the assumptions of who i am. now it doesnt always work out that way because i still dress out of the norm (tripp pants, lots od spikes and studs and such) but ppl do notice that i am not as hostile as a lot of other ppl with similar styles and actually give me a chance.
tripp pants as in the brand "tripp nyc"? i love those clothes :D


Well-Known Member
haha!! you know it!!! i rarely wear anythin else!!!
i love the corset tops :D i have a really nice black velvet corset skirt that i bought online...the clothes are really nice. i like gothic fashion, corsets, velvet, lace, satin, etc. :bigjoint:


Active Member
i love the corset tops :D i have a really nice black velvet corset skirt that i bought online...the clothes are really nice. i like gothic fashion, corsets, velvet, lace, satin, etc. :bigjoint:
yea ive always been drawn to the style! i think it had somethin to do with the fact that i was raised in a very strict christian family until i was 16 and my mom and stepdad wouldnt even let me own more than one black shirt because "black is the color of evil." lol


Well-Known Member
:edit: well just i figured i would i got a bad rep for this thread. now im not pissed that i did and i could care less. the thing about this thread that i wanted to get across is that unnecessary hatred is uncalled for. ****I AM NOT SAYING FUCK YOU TO EVERYONE**** just those that are bein an ass for no reason.
:edit: *******plz keep in mind im just venting*******

i just wanna say fuck all of you judgemental fucks!!! just because someone doesnt dress the way you do, talk the way you talk, or believe the things you do doesnt mean they are any less of a person than you! would you like it if someone hated you for any of the above the things? WHY DO YOU KEEP PUTTIN OTHERS DOWN FOR NO REASON!?!? dont you realize that we are all our own person? that maybe your "norm" isnt the same as someone else? stop trying to push your beliefs and ideals onto others!!! i know you wouldnt want someone to push theirs onto you! LIVE AND LET LIVE!!!! im sorry but there seems to be so much negativity goin around on this site!

"Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye."

rant done. peace and love!---phree:bigjoint:

Fuck You First,,,,,,,rant done ;-))