55b's Bagseed Grow. 150w HPS.


Well-Known Member
Cloning is extremely over AND (yes I said AND) under rated, I mean sure you can keep your strain and figure everything out but at the same time thats a hole nother grow space witch means wasted money, water, light, etc etc.


Active Member
fuck that!! cloning is the way to go!!! Personnally I would love to never have to start a seed again!!!! Cant believe no one here likes to clone!!! first time I did it was successful and I love it plan on doing it some more, then MORE then EVEN MORE!! once you grow a strain of bud the second or third time you do it you can figure out exactly how long you should let it go and what you should all do to it, that is where I like cloning the most, same strains sticks around and all ya have to do is buy 1 seed!
I never said I don't like to clone, just never tried it. I plan on trying, but I also wouldn't mind getting some seeds of my own if I have to grow from seed again (which I will). Plus, what else could I get from a male? Lol.


Well-Known Member
I never said I don't like to clone, just never tried it. I plan on trying, but I also wouldn't mind getting some seeds of my own if I have to grow from seed again (which I will). Plus, what else could I get from a male? Lol.
thats how you do it man, you grow some seeds in a veg room, when they rdy enough to take some clones clone them, then when those clones finally start to root and grow you can take your plants you cloned into the flower box and then you have plants veging and flowering, then when the flowering plants are done you do it all over again, constantly plants will be budding!!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
By the way. Remember if you smoke not to molest the girls. Trust me it makes a HUGE difference, I dont even smoke AROUND my girls or when im getting ready to go near them.


hey 55b, nice thread... really active compared to mine lol... this will be fun to watch each others


Well-Known Member
Cloning doesn't cost really anything extra.
If you have a veg area you only need 4 things more.

A Humidity dome (small like $3)
Clonex (like $20 for 100ml) or Olivia's cloning solution ($9 60ml)
dirt, coco cubes or whatever ($1 - $30)
If you clone in dirt. 1"x1" peat pots. ($2 for 10)

so for a minumum of like $15-18 you could have enough materials to take 4-500 clones.


Well-Known Member
I already have hormone floating around. What im saying is being able to veg the plants why you main crop flowers, Because its better to take during veg than flower and thats what I would prefer should I opt for that route. I dont know though, I may end up adding a little extra room on the side of my cab lol


Well-Known Member
By the way. Remember if you smoke not to molest the girls. Trust me it makes a HUGE difference, I dont even smoke AROUND my girls or when im getting ready to go near them.
whats that mean man? not to smoke weed when your around your plants?! cause ill sit down and smoke a bowl with them almost every other night, great bonding time plus plants love CO2 and smoking gives off that right! I always heard it was good to bond with your lil girls! (if thats even what your talking about) haha stay up!!!:weed::joint:


Well-Known Member
:D but if your talking about cig smoke! then yes i agree never smoke cigs around your plants, or in same room...and if you smoke one before you see your girls make sure you wash your hands!!!!


Well-Known Member
Cloning doesn't cost really anything extra.
If you have a veg area you only need 4 things more.

A Humidity dome (small like $3)
Clonex (like $20 for 100ml) or Olivia's cloning solution ($9 60ml)
dirt, coco cubes or whatever ($1 - $30)
If you clone in dirt. 1"x1" peat pots. ($2 for 10)

so for a minumum of like $15-18 you could have enough materials to take 4-500 clones.
Yup, if you really wanted to could clone in just dirt(then beer party cups work great!!)...but then you have no way of seeing if the roots popped...but it still works I like to start in rockwole cubes, But yeah its real cheap, a humidity dome can be made out of a 2 liter bottle or anything you can find that you dont have to spend lots of money on...and for the hormone Ive gotten shit from Wal-Mart before that worked just fine, cost me 2.99 powder root hormone, first try got 4 out of 6 clones (pretty good I think!) Basically if you have a veg area only makes sence to clone! :D:bigjoint:


Active Member
Good afternoon on Day 5 everyone!

You guys are hilarious! Definitely brightened up my day to come into the thread and see all of this.

thats how you do it man, you grow some seeds in a veg room, when they rdy enough to take some clones clone them, then when those clones finally start to root and grow you can take your plants you cloned into the flower box and then you have plants veging and flowering, then when the flowering plants are done you do it all over again, constantly plants will be budding!!! :bigjoint:
I am definitely going to try this, I don't think I'm going to continue one mother for too long of a time, but I want to try to grow one or two clones per plant maybe to just put the mother into flower and grow the clones to flower? :joint:

whats that mean man? not to smoke weed when your around your plants?! cause ill sit down and smoke a bowl with them almost every other night, great bonding time plus plants love CO2 and smoking gives off that right! I always heard it was good to bond with your lil girls! (if thats even what your talking about) haha stay up!!!:weed::joint:
Man I love sharing with my girls, the first thing I do when they pop soil is sit with them and talk to them about their future life and the laws of me. Ofcoarse this is all with a bowl haha!

Yea I was talking about cigs. Only a moron wouldnt share a blunt with his babies.
Newport you're my dog for this sentence. I might just do that tonight and try to come up with names for the other 3 girls!

Cloning doesn't cost really anything extra.
If you have a veg area you only need 4 things more.

A Humidity dome (small like $3)
Clonex (like $20 for 100ml) or Olivia's cloning solution ($9 60ml)
dirt, coco cubes or whatever ($1 - $30)
If you clone in dirt. 1"x1" peat pots. ($2 for 10)

so for a minumum of like $15-18 you could have enough materials to take 4-500 clones.
Are humidity domes worth it? Like I have been using plastic bags to simulate humidity over the pots. Not sure what peat pots are either. But I'll be cloning in dirt.

I still really want to make seeds too, looks like I'll be using these plants for alot of stuff.

I want to do 6 plants max right now.
1 of those might atleast be a male, so I'll probably use that one for pollen.
I'll be LST and topping one, and FIMming the rest.
I want to clone the strongest girls once or twice, use one clone for flowering assistance or maybe keep it around in the veg space and move the mother to the flowering room a week (is a week after a cutting too short?) after the cutting is taken. :joint:

Flower is now sitting with 3 other companions! :bigjoint: Oh they're looking pretty good, one of them is a little slow, another is pretty stretched and the last is pretty short but looking young.

I also got 2 more seed sprouts the other night, they were short and I figured I'd leave them in the paper towel and re-plant them mid day. Now they're planted, and all 6 of my lights are put in my veg room (23 watt CFL), 5x 6.5k, 1x 2.7k. I could do 6 6.5k but I think the extra warmth from the 2.7k is needed for the seedling stage.

I got my Camera in today, its time to take some pictures with everything around.

Pictures added.

1-2: Flower, she's so pretty!
3-4: The tiny one, I don't have a name yet for her.
5-6: The tallest stretcher. No name yet either.
7-8: This one was burried, reaching twords the light, nice and low.
9: This is all 6 of em. Maybe the other 2 will pop soon.



Active Member
Alright everyone! Looks like good news so far!
EVERYONE is bigger now!

Pic 1 is everyone
Pic 2-3 is Flower.
Pic 3-4 is Carmella.
Pic 5-6 is Unknwn. (she was folded down, and just emerging last post)
Pic 7-8 is Unknwn. (She is the stretched one).

Flower, well its Flower. She's gorgeous! She is definitely telling everyone what to do when they fuck up in there.
Carmella is looking amazing, she's gotten so big since I last saw.
The other two are unknown by name (still waiting for something to jump at me!), the one who stretched to the lights, is now filling out a little and the one who was folded over (Pics 6&7) is now perked out twords the light and growing fast!

