Changeing light 24/0 to 18/6 :Questions:

Ok so I want to change my lighting from 24/0 light to 18/6. My plant seems to need some sleep. Its not looking so hot, maybe because its getting to hot. It also needs a transplant and a diffrent medium I think. MG Organic potting mix sucks....I know you are all thinking....DUHHH but I have way limited options.


Thursday I at 2:30am I turned out the lights till 8:30am, that morning it was looking better. So this leads me to belive that it could do some good. From Friday morning on, the the light has been back on 24/0 because I dont stay up till 2:30am normaly.

My question is- do I have to stick to the 18/6 that I implamented on Thursday 2:30-8:30am(I dont have a timer) Or can I change the 18/6 to a better suited time frame for me?

Thanks for the help.


Active Member
The plant can do fine on 24/0 in veg. Your heat would be best at mid 70's. 65-85 would be the two extremes. However, others have posted their's are fine in the 90's. That's too hot unless using co2 if you ask me.

Also, check your light distance, you may be burning them a little if the light is too close. Too many possibilities. Pictures would help. Kind of light you are using? How far from the top?

You are best to get a timer if you're going to do 18/6, but you knew that.
The plant can do fine on 24/0 in veg. Your heat would be best at mid 70's. 65-85 would be the two extremes. However, others have posted their's are fine in the 90's. That's too hot unless using co2 if you ask me.

Also, check your light distance, you may be burning them a little if the light is too close. Too many possibilities. Pictures would help. Kind of light you are using? How far from the top?

You are best to get a timer if you're going to do 18/6, but you knew that.
The light is centered in the box. 19Tx12Wx20D. The plants are push as far as possible to either side of the box. The pants are about 3" away from the edge of the closest leaves. The light is not directly above any of the plants.

But my main question, still remains. Can I start a 18/6, that is diffrent than the 1 time I switched off the lights before? Basicly can I sart a new veg cycle?
the light is a 42w bulb 150W equivalent.

Oh and I know my box needs alot of things. Im just trying to keep em alive till I can aford/find a used dresser and some monitering equipment. Along with a vent. system and new soil and pots. I have the 150hps ready to go.



Active Member
But my main question, still remains. Can I start a 18/6, that is diffrent than the 1 time I switched off the lights before? Basicly can I sart a new veg cycle?
Yes, you can start a new veg cycle. People have been known to start a new veg cycle after flowering 12/12 for a short time, so you should have no problems.
The plants should do fine. I've read when you adjust their light schedule, you should do it in 30 min increments each day.

I only see one light. You definitely need more lights.

Its true, only one light. It seems to be doing the job. not the fastest growing plants but I think they will be nice and bushy. They have like no strech. Plus They are going to be put under a 150w hps very soon. so light wont be an issue.

1 is 4wks and the other 2 are 2wks