The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
jeez im feckin tired, lookin after my one year old since 8 this morning has really fuckin killed me, half an hour break to repot my clone and thats been the only fuckin time off all day, think im gonna pop a couple of tramadol and go sleepy baw baw soon


Active Member
jeez im feckin tired, lookin after my one year old since 8 this morning has really fuckin killed me, half an hour break to repot my clone and thats been the only fuckin time off all day, think im gonna pop a couple of tramadol and go sleepy baw baw soon
lol i feel for ya mate, kids are awesome, but fuckin hard work. a J few pills n early night sounds good to me.


Well-Known Member
Dura... i think i read a post of yours and u stated that u use home made c02, i been reading this thread is that how you do it, and is it worth it, and if so when would be the best times to use it ?
almost exactly the same but i didnt bother with the twin bubble air lock thingy, i just drilled a hole in the bottle cap and added the sugar/yeast water. it did spill on my tent floor, musta foamed up but it just wiped off and the next time i sat it on a plant pot tray. i didnt get round to it till half way thru flowering but i dont know if it worked but the yeast was only 75p so what the hell mite as well give it ago, sure as shit didnt coz any problems mate, i'll be doin it all the way thru my present grow


Active Member
almost exactly the same but i didnt bother with the twin bubble air lock thingy, i just drilled a hole in the bottle cap and added the sugar/yeast water. it did spill on my tent floor, musta foamed up but it just wiped off and the next time i sat it on a plant pot tray. i didnt get round to it till half way thru flowering but i dont know if it worked but the yeast was only 75p so what the hell mite as well give it ago, sure as shit didnt coz any problems mate, i'll be doin it all the way thru my present grow
Will be gettin some yeast n plenty of sugar along with a new HVK fan this weekend then, anythin to help my girls breath better.

Thanks mate.

Right im offsky.

Take it easy mate, all.



Well-Known Member
Hey people!I have a wee favour to ask,can anyone tell me their preferences for using pk 13-14?Like do you guys use it just once or for a few weeks,I get it that your trying to aim for the right day when the plants using pk the most,so it would be better using it for a couple of weeks,right?Any advice is appreciated,cheers!
Ello mate am just doing a little experiment because most people are saying 3 weeks into flowering or 3 weeks b4 harvest so am gona do both just finished the 3 week in 1. an I can c the difference already then am gona give her a small dose 3 week b4 harvest. I do this for 1 week I hand feed coco with big pots an it takes 2 to 3 feeds within that week no water in between she will start to show signs nutz burn that's wen u stop. Ps it's all how the bud is formed to wen to add shouldn't realy use time as in wen to add your pk because each plant is different canna will tell u to add wen the buds are starting to turn into little popcorn buds then they fill out I think I added mine at the rite time because the buds was rapid growth there is a few pics a couple pages back at 4 week in hope this helps an I think nutz stay around longer in soil than coco so watch your plants health close wen adding it.


Well-Known Member
none of you buggers worked out how to get in here....ah youth...pretty to look but a bit all the morra when the servers are back up.