• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Teachings of a Grand Master


Well-Known Member
The Panther Leaps, the Eagle Soars, the Deer Flees;
They Cannot Hide Their Natures

Principle: The Heart And Not The Eyes

"The eyes can tell us a great deal about a person, it's true. They can indicate, for example, a person's attitude, state of mind, intention to deceive, and even the current state of that person's health. However, there are those who, after a reasonable amount of practice, can use their eyes as a tool of deception, to beguile and convince others that their intentions are good and their motives pure when, in truth, they harbor nefarious schemes and champion ignoble causes.

To really know the truth of a person's intentions, we must know what lies in that person's heart, for hearts are impervious to even the most vile intentions, the cleverest treacheries, dictated to them by their lower minds. When there is a struggle for dominance between the dictates of a person's lower mind and the dictates of a person's heart, the person's actions can be seen as faltering and unclear, and their speech is filled with myriad contradictions. Such people are avoided by the wise, for the wise know that they are not to be trusted and that any association with them will only lead to great grief. To the end, the wise know that a crust of bread eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.

The simplest and surest way to know what is in a person's heart is to judge them by their actions, not their words. Even a thousand declarations of love are effaced forever by a single act of betrayal; a hundred peace treaties are rendered worthless by a single act of aggression." Richard Behrens


Well-Known Member
not my words personally, it's by Richard Behrens, and yeah Its' Deep

It's a Book on Martial Arts and Spirituality. I thought this would be a good spot to share some of it. I have before here and there, but now I think I'm going to post it here from time to time....


Well-Known Member
Nice to read that, easy to comprehend and identify with. "...the wise know that a crust of bread eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety."


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
You could also have a look at this kind sir.
I have been studying it on and off for 20 odd years now.
The Book of Body Language
Last time I have checked .... the heart is nothing but a muscle.

Also, please define 'wise' as u use it here for ... in my short time on this planet
I have come to realize that the more I learn and understand the dumber I
become .... as I realize how much there is to know.



Well-Known Member
Well, Kind Sir. In your opinion, how much more control over your heart vs. the control of your eyes, (physically speaking, Muscle wise) do you have?

And you can use the general accepted definition of wise. I believe that is how it was used.

You could also have a look at this kind sir.
I have been studying it on and off for 20 odd years now.
The Book of Body Language
Last time I have checked .... the heart is nothing but a muscle.

Also, please define 'wise' as u use it here for ... in my short time on this planet
I have come to realize that the more I learn and understand the dumber I
become .... as I realize how much there is to know.


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
It is naive to assume that one has any control of such member at all.
Then again ... I firmly believe that:
logic,control and reason are nothing ... but ... man made inventions. (Such, don't really exist)
I also believe that we are simply spinning on a rock like thing throughout


So please don't take me seriously.
P.S Not to get of topic but .... what made u pick that avatar ...Ra or Illuminati ??
I am still perplexed by your use of the word wise .... as your general is highly unlikely my general.
Let's define some terms.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is naive to assume anyone has enough control to stop their heart, but yet many around the world have the ability to speed it up or slow it down, whereas others don't...... But, it seems you are unable to grasp the context, even if it stills pertains to the line of questioning you have posed.. All the same. I do agree with you in some respect that logic, control, and reasoning are man made terms, but not man made inventions... They existed before man, and in all due respect, man is a result of logic control and reason!

My Avatar is from my personal gathering of information, and it's not Ra or Illuminati, its' the eye of Horus...Other than just being cool, I really liked the story and the 63/64 calculation that you get from Dividing the 1 whole and Adding it back..., Other than that, I thought it was really, really, really, cool, mmmkay.. RA and Illuminati run a close 2nd tho' :lol:

Anyone of these could work:

1   /waɪz/ Show Spelled [wahyz] Show IPA adjective,wis·er, wis·est, verb,wised, wis·ing.
–adjective 1. having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion.

2. characterized by or showing such power; judicious or prudent: a wise decision.

3. possessed of or characterized by scholarly knowledge or learning; learned; erudite: wise in the law.

4. having knowledge or information as to facts, circumstances, etc.: We are wiser for their explanations.

5. Slang. informed; in the know: You're wise, so why not give us the low-down?

6. Archaic. having knowledge of magic or witchcraft.

–verb (used with object) 7. Slang. to make wise or aware: I'll wise you, kid.

—Verb phrase 8. wise up, Slang. to make or become aware of a secret or generally unknown fact, situation, attitude, etc.: They wised him up on how to please the boss. She never wised up to the fact that the joke was on her.

—Idioms 9. be
getwise to,
Slang. to be or become cognizant of or no longer deceived by; catch on: to get wise to a fraud.

10. get wise, Slang. a. to become informed.

b. to be or become presumptuous or impertinent: Don't get wise with me, young man!

11. put
setsomeone wise,
Slang. to inform a person; let a person in on a secret or generally unknown fact: Some of the others put him wise to what was going on.

It is naive to assume that one has any control of such member at all.
Then again ... I firmly believe that:
logic,control and reason are nothing ... but ... man made inventions. (Such, don't really exist)
I also believe that we are simply spinning on a rock like thing throughout


So please don't take me seriously.
P.S Not to get of topic but .... what made u pick that avatar ...Ra or Illuminati ??
I am still perplexed by your use of the word wise .... as your general is highly unlikely my general.
Let's define some terms.


Active Member
Brasko..should definitely check out The Book of Five Rings. By Miyamoto Musashi, the greatest samurai warrior who ever lived.

“In fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. An elevated spirit is weak and a low spirit is weak. Do not let the enemy see your spirit" - MM

“Aspire to be like Mt. Fuji, with such a broad and solid foundation that the strongest earthquake cannot move you, and so tall that the greatest enterprises of common men seem insignificant from your lofty perspective. With your mind as high as Mt Fuji you can see all things clearly. And you can see all the forces that shape events; not just the things happening near to you.” - MM

“Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death” - MM

"Under the sword lifted high, There is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, And you have the land of bliss." - MM

"Do not sleep under a roof. Carry no money or food. Go alone to places frightening to the common brand of men. Become a criminal of purpose. Be put in jail, and extricate yourself by your own wisdom." - MM

"Whatever the Way, the master of strategy does not appear fast….Of course, slowness is bad. Really skillful people never get out of time, and are always deliberate, and never appear busy." - MM

"Get beyond love and grief: exist for the good of Man." - MM

"from one thing, know ten thousand things" - MM

"Perception is strong and sight weak. In strategy it is ..." - MM

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Yes, it is naive to assume anyone has enough control to stop their heart, but yet many around the world have the ability to speed it up or slow it down, whereas others don't......

Ya, or you could just use chemical nanotechnology like amphetamine/to accelerate ... or any given opiate to slow it down.

But, it seems you are unable to grasp the context, even if it stills pertains to the line of questioning you have posed.

I do understand and grasp the term my friend. I just don't think that u are using the right word in what you are trying express or convey here.

I do agree with you in some respect that logic, control, and reasoning are man made terms, but not man made inventions... They existed before man, and in all due respect, man is a result of logic control and reason!

Kind sir, 'man' and I use this term loosely ... in physiological structure shares 96 % of it's makeup with a Chimpanzee.
Have a look

The other 4 % is a result of Chromosome fusion.
Look here
It happens .... when a given system is stressed.

It is happening right now. Here is a working example.

My Avatar is from my personal gathering of information, and it's not Ra or Illuminati, its' the eye of Horus.

Yes kind sir, but if you investigate further you will learn that the the '3y3 of Horus' derived from Ra ... as per historical time line.
I have learned that academically in one of my Univ courses ... and post grad ...In my travels to Egypt. Hell, In fact I like that symbol so much I had one of my girls get it tatted on her body. But that was only to remind her that I am always watching ... ;)

As per your comprehension of given vocabulary:

1   /waɪz/ Show Spelled [wahyz] Show IPA adjective,wis·er, wis·est, verb,wised, wis·ing.
–adjective 1. having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion.

What is true at one point in time might not be at other.
Working example can be illustrated by making a analogy to 'bloodletting'.
As per right:
Right for U ... not right for me. That is circumstantial depending on your belief set or case lack of.

2. characterized by or showing such power; judicious or prudent: a wise decision.

Again, wise decision at a given time ... hmmm ??
I have made some 'wise' decisions to derive a certain outcome .... yet in retrospect ... other decisions .... might have produced more favorable/different conclusion.

3. possessed of or characterized by scholarly knowledge or learning; learned; erudite: wise in the law.

Huge diff bwn wise and learned my friend.
Law is generated to control the populous. By one in control.
Also ... as a thinking man .... you should realize that there is two types of Law/rules.
True law ... and common law for the less privileged. Think about this as this basically applies to everything in life.

4. having knowledge or information as to facts, circumstances, etc.: We are wiser for their explanations.
Some call things factual ... just to solidify the whole concept of logic .... which again, some need, to understand why they are here.

5. Slang. informed; in the know: You're wise, so why not give us the low-down?
Ya ... that is just slang ... used by the unlearned or unwilling to.

6. Archaic. having knowledge of magic or witchcraft.
LoL ..... War-craft comes to mind.

–verb (used with object) 7. Slang. to make wise or aware: I'll wise you, kid.
You say this in my hood and you might get shoot .... not very wise.

—Verb phrase 8. wise up, Slang. to make or become aware of a secret or generally unknown fact, situation, attitude, etc.: They wised him up on how to please the boss. She never wised up to the fact that the joke was on her.

That is very specific in use.
Water will not kill me. (fact) .... wise ?
Electrified water .... will kill u. (did you know the water was electrified before you jumped in that metal tub ?)
How much do you know about a given situation at a given time ?
Only what u assume at a given time.
Your eyes perceive from what is known .... one will assume such as 'truth' ... but in reality as you understand it ... this might not be the case at all.
Working example: Is this picture moving ?
It is not. It's a jpeg.

—Idioms 9. be/getwise to, Slang. to be or become cognizant of or no longer deceived by; catch on: to get wise to a fraud.

Sometimes in order to deceive .... on must guide a victim astray with a plausible fact ... in order to establish trust in order to establish credibility for the con.

10. get wise, Slang. a. to become informed.

Again, slang. One could be informed but not learned and that does not make a person wise.

b. to be or become presumptuous or impertinent: Don't get wise with me, young man!

Lol ... slang again

11. put/set someone wise, Slang. to inform a person; let a person in on a secret or generally unknown fact: Some of the others put him wise to what was going on.

Do you really think you know what is going on ??
There is always a bigger fish ... the only way to make u do things is to trick you into believing U know what is going on. But do you really ?
Perhaps you are simply programmed ... by media/advertising.

Again ... we are just bouncing ideas here ... I am not a troll ...nor am I attacking you personally.
I just like to discuss these types of things with people who like to do the same.

Some of my profs/mentors/heroes .... are learned in a specific fields .... but I run circles around them in others. I just appreciate the fact that they have taught me interesting things and have pointed me in certain directions ... so I might explore and investigate further for myself.
I would never call them 'wise'
Learned at best, informed that is for sure.

Your turn !!


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is naive to assume anyone has enough control to stop their heart, but yet many around the world have the ability to speed it up or slow it down, whereas others don't......

Ya, or you could just use chemical nanotechnology like amphetamine/to accelerate ... or any given opiate to slow it down.

But, it seems you are unable to grasp the context, even if it stills pertains to the line of questioning you have posed.

I do understand and grasp the term my friend. I just don't think that u are using the right word in what you are trying express or convey here.
Why is it not possible to train the release of endogenous chemicals that have the same effects?
I do agree with you in some respect that logic, control, and reasoning are man made terms, but not man made inventions... They existed before man, and in all due respect, man is a result of logic control and reason!

Kind sir, 'man' and I use this term loosely ... in physiological structure shares 96 % of it's makeup with a Chimpanzee.
Have a look

The other 4 % is a result of Chromosome fusion.
Look here
It happens .... when a given system is stressed.

It is happening right now. Here is a working example.

As per your comprehension of given vocabulary:
From what I have felt, everything in the universe that is discernible seems to want to take the form of information. Just think about the way energy turning into electrons and quarks. Then formed bigger objects, all while following more form of information. In fact every body of water is like a book and hold information in small molecular dense spots, each cloud of molecules being like a letter, always interacting with eachother and making changes that result in a predictable pattern, some technology titans are actually designing computers around these principles.

1   /waɪz/ Show Spelled [wahyz] Show IPA adjective,wis·er, wis·est, verb,wised, wis·ing.
–adjective 1. having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion.

What is true at one point in time might not be at other.
Working example can be illustrated by making a analogy to 'bloodletting'.
As per right:
Right for U ... not right for me. That is circumstantial depending on your belief set or case lack of.
But bloodletting was never right, just because people had the information misinterpreted doesn't mean it was correct. So in reality there is one truth. Not many perceived realities, many realties are perceived incorrectly.
2. characterized by or showing such power; judicious or prudent: a wise decision.

Again, wise decision at a given time ... hmmm ??
I have made some 'wise' decisions to derive a certain outcome .... yet in retrospect ... other decisions .... might have produced more favorable/different conclusion.
In Quantum theory once you pick a value to watch, be it speed or trajectory or position, you lose information about the other values. And thus cannot decide whether picking a different one would have resulted in a different outcome. Shrodingers uncertainty principle 101.
3. possessed of or characterized by scholarly knowledge or learning; learned; erudite: wise in the law.

Huge diff bwn wise and learned my friend.
Law is generated to control the populous. By one in control.
Also ... as a thinking man .... you should realize that there is two types of Law/rules.
True law ... and common law for the less privileged. Think about this as this basically applies to everything in life.
I completely agree with you, law is admitting the social structure has failed. We have learned to section everything into individual categories, how to make judgements based on physical attributes and that there are real differences between each of us. But studying quantum theory and philosophy I learned that nature is indivisible at the smallest levels, meaning we are essentially all one. And through philosophy I rationalized the idea of pantheism before I even understood the word, and learnt that the only theory that has any empirical evidence as opposed to theoretical thrust is solipsism.
4. having knowledge or information as to facts, circumstances, etc.: We are wiser for their explanations.
Some call things factual ... just to solidify the whole concept of logic .... which again, some need, to understand why they are here.

How much do you know about a given situation at a given time ?
Only what u assume at a given time.
Your eyes perceive from what is known .... one will assume such as 'truth' ... but in reality as you understand it ... this might not be the case at all.
This is why I believe we should follow the grecian model and have a commission of sophists, not as the pejorative, who test the politicians that are elected into office. They have a sense of cunning that would dreadfully confuse the politicians and really weed out the corporate benefactors. " The ones who make a business out of wisdom."

I also think that a none of the above should be added to all voting ballots, this was recommended by Jesse Ventura on Real Time with Bill Maher which was kind of just laughed at. Absolutely fantastic idea.
Do you really think you know what is going on ??
There is always a bigger fish ... the only way to make u do things is to trick you into believing U know what is going on. But do you really ?
Perhaps you are simply programmed ... by media/advertising.
I don't watch major media on the TV, I do however do alot of reading of independent articles and scientific and medical journals. I try to reuse as much information I have accrued over my short stay on this earth, and feel that questioning everything, even your own sanity is merely a daily chore.
I love to make discussion like this.


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Mr KuahMan ....
Now we are talking !!!
Let's see where this discussion will lead us to ?
Glad to have you on board.

I have taken the liberty of inviting some other friends of mine ... schooled in other disciplines .... to add their thoughts as per the topic.
Hope they show up and contribute ..... lol

To accelerate and expedite this discussion (in hopes of making it easier to follow)
As I have a feeling, many areas of study might cross ...
Have a look at this plug-in for firefox... if you are running it. It has helped me with my research.
Answer 2.3.54 plug-in for firefox


Well-Known Member
First off, Thank you to Kush, 111, & Puff for adding dialogue, especially the posted work by 111. I didn't think about it when starting this thread, but I think that would be a great idea of others, if they were to post more spiritual work and insights by themselves or others for us to read over, take in, and discuss if choosen. And Puff, although you have stated your thoughts freely, I have not been offended by you doing so.

You're just stating an opinion and position you hold bongsmilie

Ok, we've reached an conclusion that yes the heart can be controlled... As you stated it was naive to even consider. But you are overthinking and its' overkill. Your heart can be regulated with Serotonin, (Nore)Epinephrine, Dopamine, Cortisol, & Oxytocin. And yes with practice you can influence the release of these hormones at will to control your heart rate. But that is why your heart cannot lie, you get it... Your eyes, say one thing, but your heart is racing, Why you sweating? The Heart does not lie..

B:Yes, it is naive to assume anyone has enough control to stop their heart, but yet many around the world have the ability to speed it up or slow it down, whereas others don't......

P:Ya, or you could just use chemical nanotechnology like amphetamine/to accelerate ... or any given opiate to slow it down.

No, Just you... btw, I grasp what You are saying, and Uh Uh, That ain't it. Your trying to argue the reasoning that a Satsuma isn't a Orange. Valid, but defining the word out of context with deeper context isn't something I can dispute.

B:But, it seems you are unable to grasp the context, even if it stills pertains to the line of questioning you have posed.

P:I do understand and grasp the term my friend. I just don't think that u are using the right word in what you are trying express or convey here.

What are you talking about? The context of what I was saying is that the Universe operates with the properties of logic, control, and reasoning. It's what we call science, Chimpazee's included too...

B:I do agree with you in some respect that logic, control, and reasoning are man made terms, but not man made inventions... They existed before man, and in all due respect, man is a result of logic control and reason!

P:Kind sir, 'man' and I use this term loosely ... in physiological structure shares 96 % of it's makeup with a Chimpanzee.
Have a look

The other 4 % is a result of Chromosome fusion.
Look here
It happens .... when a given system is stressed.

It is happening right now. Here is a working example.

That was a point I was making to you. But you didn't include the eye of Horus as an possible option, for which it was and certainly with you having knowledge of it, your wording speaks for itself. And please, I find it to be Gawdy, like jewelry when people start talking about how educated they are. Thats why I don't do it. The only place a person should start talking about their education is on a resume or in Court as an competent expert....;-),

B:My Avatar is from my personal gathering of information, and it's not Ra or Illuminati, its' the eye of Horus.

P:Yes kind sir, but if you investigate further you will learn that the the '3y3 of Horus' derived from Ra ... as per historical time line.
I have learned that academically in one of my Univ courses ... and post grad ...In my travels to Egypt. Hell, In fact I like that symbol so much I had one of my girls get it tatted on her body. But that was only to remind her that I am always watching ... ;)

This is pointless information;

As per your comprehension of given vocabulary:

Again, Satsuma's and Oranges. I do know what's going on...., I'm sipping my tea.

The reason you can run circles around your professor's is because wisdom has nothing to do with how much knowledge a person's has, better yet, wisdom begets more knowledge. Being Wise has to do with bringing knowledge and understanding into action. To simply know or understand something without course is always learned ie; memorized and not Wise!

Do you really think you know what is going on ??
There is always a bigger fish ... the only way to make u do things is to trick you into believing U know what is going on. But do you really ?
Perhaps you are simply programmed ... by media/advertising.

Again ... we are just bouncing ideas here ... I am not a troll ...nor am I attacking you personally.
I just like to discuss these types of things with people who like to do the same.

Some of my profs/mentors/heroes .... are learned in a specific fields .... but I run circles around them in others. I just appreciate the fact that they have taught me interesting things and have pointed me in certain directions ... so I might explore and investigate further for myself.
I would never call them 'wise'
Learned at best, informed that is for sure.

Your turn !!
I'm like M.J. in the 4th 1/4

Swisssh :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Kush, you hit a lot of key points I would've made, starting out with
But bloodletting was never right, just because people had the information misinterpreted doesn't mean it was correct. So in reality there is one truth. Not many perceived realities, many realties are perceived incorrectly.
Thanks Again, and a special shout out once again to Puff for showing that Ass :grin:

I love to make discussion like this.


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
My friends,
The bloodletting thing is an example of how irrational and faulty human brain is in all its functions. This example has been pulled out of a hat to illustrate that at a given time ... People assumed something for an absolute as basis for further study on the subject. Can we agree on this ? And not over analyze any further ?

No, Just you... btw, I grasp what You are saying, and Uh Uh, That ain't it. Your trying to argue the reasoning that a Satsuma isn't a Orange. Valid, but defining the word out of context with deeper context isn't something I can dispute.

Sir I am not trying to argue ... all I am trying to do is define used vocabulary for this discussion. As to establish a benchmark for eveyone in this debate to share.

What are you talking about? The context of what I was saying is that the Universe operates with the properties of logic, control, and reasoning. It's what we call science, Chimpazee's included too.

Science at it's core relies on quantifiable factors proven by method.
Logic has nothing to do with science as I suspect you understand it. At this time in your life.

Logic as per term, is relevant to a given situation in a 'absolute environment'
See how I am not using controlled environment ... just so u understand my thought process here.
Reasoning ... is an assumption based on factors in this absolute environment. (a vacuum ... to use a metaphor)

So to say that ... Universe operates with the properties of logic, control and reasoning ... hmm well I have a glitch with this theory/assumption of yours.

I do agree with you in some respect that logic, control, and reasoning are man made terms, but not man made inventions...
They existed before man, and in all due respect, man is a result of logic control and reason!

Did these exist ... living on a rock somewhere ... under a tree .... and man .... just happened to pick them up?
Man is a result of a mutation ....brought forth by a given stress on an organism ... that is how evolution works.
Please re read Chromosome fusion again. And accept it or dispute it so we can move on it this discussion.
Perhaps one day not that long ago ... some of our monkey friends ate some psilocybin and that caused this stress in a cosminc way ... humm ... just a thought.
Please investigate Terence Mckenna - Food of The Gods
Man is not a result of logic nor control and reason. That is your assumption. A bench mark u subscribe to. One that U are not able to think beyond.

That was a point I was making to you. But you didn't include the eye of Horus as an possible option, for which it was and certainly with you having knowledge of it, your wording speaks for itself.

Sir, my line of questioning about the avatar is to understand U .... if you are aware of it's initial origin and hence meaning. As this symbol represents many things to many people. So I have inquired .... to understand who I am debating with.

And please, I find it to be Gawdy, like jewelry when people start talking about how educated they are. Thats why I don't do it. The only place a person should start talking about their education is on a resume or in Court as an competent expert....

Sir, this is a public forum 'I will never meet you'... I am hardly trying to be gaudy in waving any academic acolytes. I bring up my academia as in a round kinda way I am trying to tell you that u are not wasting your time talking to a 16 yr old burn-out. I am very secure in things I understand are you ?
I would never write a resume ... as I know how to work for myself ... Lemmings and sheep write resumes. Or people who subscribe to a certain logic of a system ... which in turn governs them. I am my own boss. And I do not subscribe to such systems.

This is pointless information;
Pointless to you perhaps but not me. As every statement u make gives me insight to who you are. Kinda like making sure u are not a 16 year old burn-out.
Kinda like studying your eye movement to derive the truth.

The reason you can run circles around your professor's is because wisdom has nothing to do with how much knowledge a person's has, better yet, wisdom begets more knowledge. Being Wise has to do with bringing knowledge and understanding into action. To simply know or understand something without course is always learned ie; memorized and not Wise!

The reason I can run circles around my EX profs is because most of them have spent years trying to find logic in things, where there is none.
Kinda like you and your thoughts on Christianity aka rebirth as per your other posts on this forum. There is nothing wrong with trying to find logic in world around u to grasp who you are. If you subscribe to a given logic that is. But what if really there is no logic? (This is my theory ...there is no logic in things)
These Profs I call them colleagues/fellow scientists now ...concentrate on few fields of study. I use the word few loosely here as there is a shit load to know.
But one needs to do that to become accredited. (Here I am talking about my colleagues not all profs in general, lets make this clear)
They have also concentrated on theory ...lecturing it developing it. (this takes time not spent on field work)
I take such theories ...fuse them with other .... and ... experiment to derive an outcome.
I circle as my drive is geared towards acquisition of different results. Ones I can touch/feel/smell/smoke. So in the end I have a physical result ... one not locked to a theoretical concept.
I don't claim to be informed/learned and certainly not wise. (As I really have a hard time subscribing to its definition, being used in any context as slang or not.)
I just study extensively what I need to understand in order to derive a feasible conclusion at a given point in time.
So please lets define wise as it relates to master as we are going to be using it in this debate. So we can move on.

As a terminally sick person, or as I like to call it .... in state of accelerated decomposition ... I have come to realize that 'people' in general, have put themselves on top of the food chain without realizing how unsophisticated they really are. In my reality ... they are a bunch of naive organisms. The human race as per my definition of man ... symbolizes cancer to earth .... building massive hives, calling them cities ... and labeling such as progress .... an outcome of this 3 dimensional concept of logic/wisdom and reason.
A good working example here would be ... all the wars people are involved in driven by greed and dominance over others. Oil spills .... and we want to go to mars ? How silly.

To me .... a heart is nothing more but a valve/pump.
And wisdom is an illusion. A mere component of a larger system called Logic .... if one subscribes or is governed by such.

Do you really think you know what is going on as you sip your tea ?
Perhaps you would learn if you try some DMT.

(this is not supposed to rhyme but to make a point)
It just rhymes ... but that is a mere byproduct.
Funny rhyme though don't u think ?


Your turn !!

P.s Looking into that Master of yours ... not over-thinking nor over analyzing ... I just think very fast and know how to multitask.
A master Richard Behrens
senso-ryu aikijutsu Japanese martial arts.

And his a b's and c's from books ... ya got them on my desktop ... will study Lost Scrolls of King Solomon , Teachings of a Grand Master and Golf
Richard Behrens is considered one of the foremost martial arts masters in the world. He is world renowned for his deep and unique understanding of the nature of life, the mind, and the esoteric. He has counseled people around the world ranging from Wall Street moguls to Islamic generals, from hand-to-hand combat instructors of the Israeli Army to recording artists and movie stars

Ya will study further.