Yes, it is naive to assume anyone has enough control to stop their heart, but yet many around the world have the ability to speed it up or slow it down, whereas others don't......
Ya, or you could just use
chemical nanotechnology like amphetamine/to accelerate ... or any given opiate to slow it down.
But, it seems you are unable to grasp the context, even if it stills pertains to the line of questioning you have posed.
I do understand and grasp the term my friend. I just don't think that u are using the right word in what you are trying express or convey here.
I do agree with you in some respect that logic, control, and reasoning are man made terms, but not man made inventions... They existed before man, and in all due respect, man is a result of logic control and reason!
Kind sir,
'man' and I use this term
loosely ... in physiological structure shares 96 % of it's makeup with a Chimpanzee.
Have a look
The other 4 % is a result of
Chromosome fusion.
Look here
It happens .... when a given system is stressed.
It is happening right now. Here is a
working example.
My Avatar is from my personal gathering of information, and it's not Ra or Illuminati, its' the eye of Horus.
Yes kind sir, but if you investigate further you will learn that the the
'3y3 of Horus' derived from Ra ... as per historical time line.
I have learned that academically in one of my Univ courses ... and post grad ...In my travels to Egypt. Hell, In fact I like that symbol so much I had one of my girls get it tatted on her body. But that was only to remind her that I am always watching ...
As per your comprehension of given vocabulary:
1   /waɪz/ Show Spelled [wahyz] Show IPA adjective,wis·er, wis·est, verb,wised, wis·ing.
–adjective 1. having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion.
What is true at one point in time might not be at other.
Working example can be illustrated by making a analogy to '
As per right:
Right for U ... not right for me. That is circumstantial depending on your belief set or case lack of.
2. characterized by or showing such power; judicious or prudent: a wise decision.
Again, wise decision at a given time ... hmmm ??
I have made some 'wise' decisions to derive a certain outcome .... yet in retrospect ... other decisions .... might have produced more favorable/different conclusion.
3. possessed of or characterized by scholarly knowledge or learning; learned; erudite: wise in the law.
Huge diff bwn wise and learned my friend.
Law is generated to control the populous. By one in control.
Also ...
as a thinking man .... you should realize that there is two types of Law/rules.
True law ... and common law for the less privileged. Think about this as this basically applies to everything in life.
4. having knowledge or information as to facts, circumstances, etc.: We are wiser for their explanations.
Some call things
factual ... just to solidify the whole concept of logic .... which again,
some need, to understand why they are here.
5. Slang. informed; in the know: You're wise, so why not give us the low-down?
Ya ... that is just slang ... used by the unlearned or unwilling to.
6. Archaic. having knowledge of magic or witchcraft.
LoL ..... War-craft comes to mind.
–verb (used with object) 7. Slang. to make wise or aware: I'll wise you, kid.
You say this in my hood and you might get shoot .... not very wise.
—Verb phrase 8. wise up, Slang. to make or become aware of a secret or generally unknown fact, situation, attitude, etc.: They wised him up on how to please the boss. She never wised up to the fact that the joke was on her.
That is very specific in use.
Water will not kill me. (fact) .... wise ?
Electrified water .... will kill u. (did you know the water was electrified before you jumped in that metal tub ?)
How much do you know about a given situation at a given time ?
Only what u assume at a given time.
Your eyes perceive from what is known .... one will assume
such as 'truth' ... but in reality as you understand it ... this might not be the case at all.
Working example: Is this picture moving ?

It is not. It's a jpeg.
—Idioms 9. be/getwise to, Slang. to be or become cognizant of or no longer deceived by; catch on: to get wise to a fraud.
Sometimes in order to deceive .... on must guide a
victim astray with a plausible fact ... in order to establish trust in order to establish credibility for the con.
10. get wise, Slang. a. to become informed.
Again, slang. One could be informed but not learned and that does not make a person wise.
b. to be or become presumptuous or impertinent: Don't get wise with me, young man!
Lol ... slang again
11. put/set someone wise, Slang. to inform a person; let a person in on a secret or generally unknown fact: Some of the others put him wise to what was going on.
Do you really think you know what is going on ??
There is always a bigger fish ... the only way to make u do things is to trick you into believing U know what is going on. But do you really ?
Perhaps you are simply programmed ... by media/advertising.
Again ... we are just bouncing ideas here ... I am not a troll ...nor am I attacking you personally.
I just like to discuss these types of things with people who like to do the same.
Some of my profs/mentors/heroes .... are learned in a specific fields .... but I run circles around them in others. I just appreciate the fact that they have taught me interesting things and have pointed me in certain directions ... so I might explore and investigate further for myself.
I would never call them 'wise'
Learned at best, informed that is for sure.
Your turn !!