Puff, the video was pretty cool, nothing humorous was found in it, I wanted to thank you for posting that as well.
He counsels people, and gets paid. Money can't buy you respect(well maybe some disposable ass kissing lips), but when you are respected people will pay money for you. Anyhow, the art is esoteric, and of high level. He wrote the book only after the art itself had evolved past the basics, on which he counsels people. The foundation is all you need, but it doesn't mean you will advance any further. Just like I can give you a book on the basics of How to make Money, after you read it doesn't mean you are about to go out and become a millionaire.
I was being sarcastic for you trying to insinuate about my religious beliefs or lack of, needless to say interpet them. More so, you blow up at a bible verse that was meant to bring context to the "trust your heart, not your eyes", you know the topic. And established further that your quarrels and understanding towards Christanity/Bible and any other type of religion is undoubtedly skewed from my point of view. Anyhow, we all know what your religion is.

Sorry tho, I didn't know you had some kind of allergic reaction to bible verses, but I wasn't trying to throw verses on you. I'm sure you've read and know the bible thoroughly. The way you feel about that is kind of the same way I feel when you try schooling me on Molecular Biology, or Physics, or lets' just say the body of science itself.
I know what DMT is, and Yes I want to try it, Help a Brotha out?
I know what Dos is, and although I feel you got it, barely, I'll give you a (C-). That's on a curve.
And once again, if you missed it, he's not selling martial arts to them. What the hell can you do with martial arts on Wall Street, Kick Ass?!!
The coming out was more less a disgust for the people who march in Christanity's name, you know the fake ass Jesus rappers, and also an awakening to the fact that religion does need some regulating. But also, an enlightening experience for myself of shedding titles. I don't parade around saying I'm a Christian, because in essence, it doesn't mean anything, and bear more meaning in my opinion in knowing that.
I can never ditch who I Am, because all of my life experiences make the person who I Am, positive and negative. However, I understand for me to grow, I must abandon such titles, to freely move and evolve further. (I know that might be over your head too, so please don't come back with any formula's or scientific proof that you can evolve without being able to freely move)
Has no one bothered to look at this video .... and do you not see the humor in this whole thing?
Here let me post it again!
btw..technically speaking, if I had to say I subscribed to some type of religious belief.. It's pantheism.. This has been my view since I was child, however, you must understand only the actual word and knowledge of it being a historical world view to a select group of people has only been made to my awareness for a couple of years now. And as you know, technically speaking for the general Christianity view of this, technically I'm a Atheist... You get it, titles mean nothing, only to the beholder of them..