Here comes Global Cooling!!


New Member
Well, wonders never cease! If he keeps up the good manners, and begins to act like a decent human being, I just might take him off of "ignore." :blsmoke:

Please don't. I'm enloying the quiet time. Now I only have to deal with that asshole cheesedick Cuntdiane, although he is a lightweight.


New Member
Please don't. I'm enloying the quiet time. Now I only have to deal with that asshole cheesedick Cuntdiane, although he is a lightweight.
I don't honor any weight class distinctions, I take all comers. Even fat old low blowing grand daddies like yourself.


New Member
lol lol

med, I feel neglected, did you forget about me???

~LOL~, no, I was just cutting you some slack. Check out my post on Iraq, I give you some doodoo there. Looks like the Dems have a slam dunk going. Twice the turnout in Iowa as the two previous presidential elections, I believe you'll see a great turnout by dems this time, I guess I'll have to change my affiliation to Democrat as R.P. is doomed. Too bad, I was hoping he'd at least give a good scare to the leaders.


New Member
~LOL~, no, I was just cutting you some slack. Check out my post on Iraq, I give you some doodoo there. Looks like the Dems have a slam dunk going. Twice the turnout in Iowa as the two previous presidential elections, I believe you'll see a great turnout by dems this time, I guess I'll have to change my affiliation to Democrat as R.P. is doomed. Too bad, I was hoping he'd at least give a good scare to the leaders.
The hell you are a registered R. Impossible!


New Member
The hell you are a registered R. Impossible![/quote]
Naw, Med's registered as an Independent. Makes sense if you think about it. Independents never have to own up to a political commitment, can blow smoke up the assholes of others, and in general just be raving, argumentative maniacs in possession of no rational political arguments at all. In my experience, Independents are truly the empty suits in every political debate.



New Member
The hell you are a registered R. Impossible![/quote]
Naw, Med's registered as an Independent. Makes sense if you think about it. Independents never have to own up to a political commitment, can blow smoke up the assholes of others, and in general just be raving, argumentative maniacs in possession of no rational political arguments at all. In my experience, Independents are truly the empty suits in every political debate.

Sounds right.


Well-Known Member
they say greenland has more ice building year by year, while at the same time the ice caps are melting, just like how alaska millions of years ago had tropical beaches
its all one big cycle maybe?


New Member
The hell you are a registered R. Impossible![/quote]
Naw, Med's registered as an Independent. Makes sense if you think about it. Independents never have to own up to a political commitment, can blow smoke up the assholes of others, and in general just be raving, argumentative maniacs in possession of no rational political arguments at all. In my experience, Independents are truly the empty suits in every political debate.

i take exception to this. The two fake sides are just labels by the powers that be meant to polarize the general population and keep us divided. you do not have to be commited to any political party to be a principled person. this is part of the deception. vote for the man, not the party.

in one change of current world events, a new political strategy may be called for, for the betterment of the nation. will we conservatives hold on to the old for fear of being labled liberal? or will we remain flexible and freethinking enough to reach for better solutions thru advanced critical thinking.


New Member
they say greenland has more ice building year by year, while at the same time the ice caps are melting, just like how alaska millions of years ago had tropical beaches
its all one big cycle maybe?
actually, both greenland and the poles have some melting ice and some growing ice, all year long. but in ALL THREE PLACES recent studies prove ice is GROWING.

but yes, i completely agree there are cycles on a geological timescale. and how can man be foolish enough to suggest they can understand these cycles after about 50 years gather data?

the hubris of the young.


Well-Known Member
It's all so you the consumer will quit driving the same car you've had forever and go buy a new one that is more envirofriendly. Cause us humans have the answer to everything right. What if Henry Ford statring cranking out hydrigen cars a long time ago. Wouldn't we have to much water in our environment? I don't know just to many people with too much certainty in themselves. There is alot more things that we can't control. So instead of realizing it. The sheeple allow themselves into being scared of THE GLOBAL WARMING. It's called a state of fear. They keep you scared and you go to walmart to buy duct tape an plastic to protect your home. I remember in the early eighties it was the global cooling scare. Remember the summer before 911 and news stories wer nil? All ya heard about was the shark attacks in florida. If you took a couple minutes to research it on your own instead off CNN BREAKING (faking) NEWS, you would discover it was nearly a record breaking LOW in shark attacks. Makin mountains outta mole hills. State of Fear. Actually Michael Crichton has a book that goes into this stuff and it is called State of Fear. It has alot of factual info and references but it's presented in a novel form with a storyline so you are'nt bored trying to decypher the information. Anyway I could go on forever...


New Member
It's all so you the consumer will quit driving the same car you've had forever and go buy a new one that is more envirofriendly. Cause us humans have the answer to everything right. What if Henry Ford statring cranking out hydrigen cars a long time ago. Wouldn't we have to much water in our environment? I don't know just to many people with too much certainty in themselves. There is alot more things that we can't control. So instead of realizing it. The sheeple allow themselves into being scared of THE GLOBAL WARMING. It's called a state of fear. They keep you scared and you go to walmart to buy duct tape an plastic to protect your home. I remember in the early eighties it was the global cooling scare. Remember the summer before 911 and news stories wer nil? All ya heard about was the shark attacks in florida. If you took a couple minutes to research it on your own instead off CNN BREAKING (faking) NEWS, you would discover it was nearly a record breaking LOW in shark attacks. Makin mountains outta mole hills. State of Fear. Actually Michael Crichton has a book that goes into this stuff and it is called State of Fear. It has alot of factual info and references but it's presented in a novel form with a storyline so you are'nt bored trying to decypher the information. Anyway I could go on forever...
Geeze, quit it, you are scaring me.


Well-Known Member
yeah I know... Once I gfet goin on it , it get's bad. But anyway I just kinda try to live my own and not worry bout half that stuff. I used to but it just makes me p*ssed. Wasted energy.


Well-Known Member
It's part of the warming cycle, look it up. When the earth starts to change it's weather patterns, extreme variances in normal temps begin to occur. Even a colder than normal cycle would be infused among the warmer clime changes. (Poor Richards almanac, circa 1848) HAHAHEHEHOHO~LOL~.8)
If Poor Richard predicted climate changes since the 1840's as you say, where does man's interference affect this normal cycle? The 1840's saw the industrial age in its infancy, yet this phenomenon existed then.

You say 'Even a colder than normal cycle would be infused among the warmer clime changes.' Excellent. Please document a trend before you LOL. I am looking for the exception you claim this to be. Show me an overall warming trend interspersed with occasional cooler years.

I say these fluctuations are part of a natural cycle of about 1,500 years. If I understand you, you claim recent climate change is due to man.

Show me. None of your tiresome demagoguery. Show me this is man made.


New Member
i take exception to this. The two fake sides are just labels by the powers that be meant to polarize the general population and keep us divided. you do not have to be commited to any political party to be a principled person. this is part of the deception. vote for the man, not the party.

in one change of current world events, a new political strategy may be called for, for the betterment of the nation. will we conservatives hold on to the old for fear of being labled liberal? or will we remain flexible and freethinking enough to reach for better solutions thru advanced critical thinking.
Polarization is a good thing. It means there is debate. If there were no debate, libs would run the show for another 40 years.


Well-Known Member
It's part of the warming cycle, look it up. When the earth starts to change it's weather patterns, extreme variances in normal temps begin to occur.
This is what I mean. You make a claim, yet tell ME to look it up. Then you LOL. WTF? You didn't even provide a starting point from which I can verify what you say.


New Member
It's part of the warming cycle, look it up. When the earth starts to change it's weather patterns, extreme variances in normal temps begin to occur. Even a colder than normal cycle would be infused among the warmer clime changes. (Poor Richards almanac, circa 1848) HAHAHEHEHOHO~LOL~.8)
Oh, of course. Global warming means global cooling, too! I get it. Sun means rain, snow means drought, etc. Makes perfect sense. And you must mean when MAN makes earth start to change it's weather patterns. The earth would prefer to trudge along at this exact temp. forever, if it where up to the earth of course.