CFL grow three Bagseed and one Ak47/auto blueberry


New Member
ohh yeahh ppl there starting to grow now!! THanks silent runner for the lesson!!! got more light in there and there growing a new set of leaves everyday!!!! Tomorrow I will post pic update!


Active Member
Silent Running is right on the mark. I killed my first 3 plants learning the hard way. I didnt want to get "too serious", so I didnt think about humidity, temperature, neutrients, or PH. I fixed the humidity and temperature, the kelvin rating of the bulbs, and my neutrient problem - and now I've got plants that have hairs and are looking gorgeous. I'm still learning, but you gotta get a few things straight before you waste your little babies away.


New Member
yes i have a fan but i dont take the pices with the fan in it!!!! It stayed around 76-81 degrees in there I leave my cabanet doors open and i have fresh cold air that they love!! lo


New Member
awesome!! well just do a checklist off this and if everythings good then ur set!!
1. at LEAST 2 lights for each plant
2.Intake and exhaust fan so theres a complete change of air every 5minutes and a fan blowing on the stems for strong stems.
3.good soil i forgot what soil your using?
4. nice distilled water
5.good nutrients
and yeah if youve got it all then your set! show us pics!


New Member
1ST PIC: Bagseed #1 day11
2ND PIC: New bagseed day4
3RD PIC: old Bagseed day18!! it growing fast now!!
4TH PIC: Auto AK47/blueberry day11


Silent Running

Active Member
That looks like a bathroom sink cabinet...or kitchen since the hot/cold shutoffs. Anyhow, I don't see a temperature gauge in there. I'd definitely grab one of those. I see your fan...a bit too big for the area. A smaller "personal" fan would be good for airflow over the plants. Also, where are you venting out at? And where is your fresh air coming in?

Silent Running

Active Member
Your bathroom having an air vent wasn't a question. If you are using the air vent exhaust from your bathroom, then you are not controlling the lights in a 'no leak' environment. Also, that exhaust has nothing to do with the fan blowing over the plants, nor with the ambient temps. AND, the bathroom exhaust does not 'scrub' smell so when your plants start smelling dank (or should I say "IF"), that bathroom exhaust isn't going to do anything.

Growing in a bathroom cabinet is fine. No problem with that what-so-ever. But if you are going to post threads asking for advise, at least listen to it rather than come back with something like "hey my bathroom exhaust clears the whole room of my nuclear poo, so it should handle the work of venting out my grow".

Good luck on your grow. I hope it is all you want it to be. But for me, it's a waste of time suggesting things like temp gauge and small oscillating fan because you ask for help, and then say you have (sub par) stuff that you claim is working. De-sub'ing.



jo man this grow dos not look that good u need to spend some more cash and make a nice place for your babys to grow what are u going to do when they become like 3 feet tall and full of bud that little place is to small but for the rest looking good man hope u are readdy to wait coz u still got a long way to go