CFL grow three Bagseed and one Ak47/auto blueberry


New Member
Here I am again trying again to grow under my bathroom cabinet!!

Hopfully this time I will be able to finish my plants without any interuptions!!!I
Im growing 3 bagseed plants and one Auto AK-47/ blueberry!

Each plant has a 50W Cfls over it dont worry I got more light im just getting my babys out of the seedling stage then I will add more light!! Comment


Well-Known Member
What happened to the first are you going to flower the 3 bag seed at 12 12 with a auto that needs 20 4 light..just a thought..happy growing


New Member
man my first grow was a distaster wen i whole bunch of cops surrounded my house a had to flush them!!! and yeah wen i start frowering my bagseeds i will move my auto!!!


New Member
Update bageseed #2 has sprouted and my Auto AK/Blueberry DAY1


1st pics is the bagseed Day7
2nd pic is the Bagseed #2 on Day1
3rd pic is the Auto AK47/blueberry on Day1


New Member
Well im not under the spotlight anymore. Just they surrouned my house because of rummors I think im out of the spotlight I turned myself in and took care of the questioning warrent!!! Thats the only reason they showed up with like 10 officers.. When they left I didnt know wtf they were going next they could of been going to judge to get a warrent to come in and get me.. I didnt know wtf them damn sheriffs office was gonna do so I didnt take the change of getting a Felony charge so I flushed them!! This time NOT 1 of my friends know im growing!!! Im not trusting anyone man!!! Im telling you you cant trust anyone these days.. Your own bestfriends will sell you ass out to the cops to get there ass out of trouble!!

Silent Running

Active Member
I'd be paranoid as hell. If they had a questioning warrant and were under the suspicion that you are doing something aren't off their radar. They are just going to give you time to think you are and get comfortable so they can catch you with your hands in the cookie jar. IF they really came out with that show of force, you can bet they won't make the same mistake. Next time it will be with a signed search warrant. I'd follow Bill's advice and give it a break. I'd have started a vegetable garden or herbs (like basil and the such). Grow that for a month or so and see what happens. If they pop in with a warrant and you have an indoor garden rather than a mj grow...they might have a bit of an issue convincing a judge to sign off on subsequent warrants.

But it's your world to forge. Good luck.


New Member
They never had any suspiicion that I was growing!! i just was scared since i didnt answer the door that they left to get a search warrent to come in and get me!!! The warrent wasnt anything about smoking or growing MJ it was from something totaly different!!! My 2 friends said i was involved in a crime with them so it was just a quiestioning warrent its dumb lmao!!! NO1 knows im growing now not any of my buddies!!


New Member
lol im kinda paranoid now after reading what you had to say silent running lmao i only got 4 little plants i will destrory them be4 they broke down the door!! Forgot to tell ya i got 8 cameras around my house so i know wen there driving down the street!!! They have sencer alarms on them!

Silent Running

Active Member
I'm not trying to make you paranoid....rather...cautious. Holy hell! I don't know if I'd be growing in a location where I had to have cameras setup to tell me the cops were coming. Cameras to make sure no one effs with my stuff...sure.

Question: Your first name had 16 in it. This one has 1995. Are you getting a jump start on getting your greenthumb degree? lol

As before, good luck.


New Member
naw lol my old buddy made this account for me idk why he put 1995 at the end lol!!! but yeah i want to move to cali and start into cannabis college!! shit growing weed is the way to go and make alot of money while your doing it.. and i set the cameras up about 5 years agor because some kids were loosening tire bolt and slashing tires!! The cops have been to my house many of times there have been aware for years that we have cameras!!!