Best Way to Get Dense Buds?


Well-Known Member
I hear everyone on these forums ramp and rave about using molasses. I've been giving it a try this season, about 5 weeks into flowering and I can't really tell much of a difference from last season, in regards to how dense the buds are coming out. They seem a little fluffy and light. Is there anything else I can do to increase the density at this stage of flower?

I've been using 1-2 tbs/gallon every 3 or so days of watering, and a pure h2o for the waterings in between, maybe that's not enough?


Well-Known Member
molasses is for feeding the mico critters in the soil, mostly benefits organic grows, big dense buds come from proper growing read my grow journal (Balls to the Wall sig link) if you wanna know the secrets :)


Well-Known Member
molasses is for feeding the mico critters in the soil, mostly benefits organic grows, big dense buds come from proper growing read my grow journal (Balls to the Wall sig link) if you wanna know the secrets :)

Thanks for the reply riddleme, I'll take a look.


Well-Known Member
Closer, more intense light, and of course molasses. Keep all your buds as close as you can to the same height. "this part I'm lazy about doing" requires a few min every other day with some training wire.


Well-Known Member
Really it comes down to the genetics. Molasses can help.
Yeah, I was afraid of that... Random bag seed is what I'm workin' with right now. The plants look great, huge, healthy and vigorous, but I had the same issue last year, fluffy buds... Guess I'll look into some quality seeds next season. This stuff still gets you high, just more suited towards blunts or joints than packed bowls. (packed bowls are my fav...)


Active Member
Genetics have a lot of play but you are on the right track by trying molasses also. And like the other poster said, keep your canopy even and as close to the light as you can, without burning the lady of course.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
big lights, low heat, co2 early on, a healthy soil or reservoir. the most important thing is ph. watch that shit like constantly.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to do with the genetics at all that is utter rubbish dence buds from haveing the lights close to the tops of the plants...tyke.......
Weight is weight.. 1lb of fluffy buds are the same as 1lb of of dense buds. I promise you that you'll get just as high either way. So to me I make no difference. Disregard all the prema-donnas. Keep it simple brother. The more shit you and to your grow the more shit is going to happen and it does! Keep it simple stupid!!


New Member
Keep the lights right on top of your plants from their 2nd week of life on.
If you do so the node spacing will remain tight which'll result in a more compact plant. Indoors, compact is what you want.
You also need to start training your plant at around 5/6 nodes tall. There are several different things you can do, just put some work and it look for things like topping/F.I.Ming/LSting/Super cropping.

If you're using CFLs you need to have the plant surrounded by them, and have them no further than 2" away at all times.
Using HPS will put you WAY ahead in that battle tho. But I understand using CFLs no doubt.
HPS will get you dense buds with much effort.

But yeah, IMO the best way to get dense buds it to:
-train your plants early and often to keep node spacing tight
-keep them as close to the lights as possible to help keep node spacing tight
-Use HPS if you can cool it, if not, use CFLs and surround your plants with them at no futher than 2" away
-Let your plants finish..Most ppl I see pull early for whatever reason. If you let you plants go at the end of flowering, as watch the yellow pistils vs. the red, you plants will let you know when they're done growing. Seems to me they fatten up the most in the final days of the prime "harvest window".

Letting you plants finish is a big one tho..They really grow A LOT in the end.
Just when you think they're ripe, they'll have a grow spurt. Like 2-3 of em :joint: