Palin On Health Bill


Well-Known Member
im glad you think every white person in america at the time was wealthy enough to own slaves. speaks volumes of your knowledge. i'm also glad you think farming was the only job in those days. i guess blacksmiths, carpenters, writers, painters, journalists, etc also relied on slaves. do you ever do any research outside of biased generalized wiki articles? i guess saying blacks owned slaves too would be too far out of reach for your mind to comprehend. a thought not hard to grasp when you can understand it was blacks from other waring tribes in africa that caught and sold the slaves. blacks profited off of slavery too.


Active Member
Article I, Section 8, Clause 3
“[The Congress shall have Power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes”

“It isn’t really subjective intent of the founders that matters here. It is words on the page, and what those words meant in the context of their time to the people who would vote to ratify the Constitution. At the time of the founders, “to regulate” meant to “make regular”. In other words, to prevent states from imposing trade barriers on each other. And, in fact, “commerce” at the time meant “trade”.LINK

Explain how forcing every man woman and child to purchase a product or face fines and even jail time is covered by the commerce clause. The government requiring every person in the United States to buy health insurance isn’t legal. You realize using your logic the government can require you to do just about anything. Hell maybe tomorrow they will require every person 18 or older to purchase a GM product before the end of 2012. It’s tyrannical and the Supreme Court must strike it down. If this law stands America will no longer be a free nation and the constitution should be burnt on the white house lawn.

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla......*yawn*
i remember in a hazy and stoned state of half consciousness hearing someone say the constitution is like a note of rules your parents stuck on the fridge before they left on vacation. but they died on that vacation, years have passed, you're now 30, and if you want eat some ice cream or have some friends over, you can.
Those “rules” are actually the supreme law of the land. There are enumerated powers given to congress and all others are left to the states. To change the document certain procedures must be followed.

i see the constitution as amendable over time. i'm pretty sure the founding fathers could never imagine what our society would be like today. that is why they allowed us the ability to amend and change the damn thing, don't you think?
I agree. So change the constitution to include healthcare.


Well-Known Member
i get it. you really put the ish in jewish then. say what you want about the time, but atleast they never had recessions, depressions, welfare, etc. only one man worked and there was zero debt. now the whole household works with god knows how much debt they have. yea good times we live in i tell ya.
I think it's cute how delusional people are about the late 1700's, treating it like some perfect little house moment.

As a new nation, the United States had acquired a massive amount of debt during the Revolution. A severe depression affected the nation during 1784-85.[1] The government was on the verge of going bankrupt and could only take out loans from countries such as France if they agreed to pay outrageous interest rates. Paper money was worth close to nothing and hard currency was difficult to obtain, making it difficult to conduct business transactions. Problems between farmers in debt and collectors in Massachusetts led to events such as Shays' Rebellion. The South was especially affected by the economic problems. Almost 60,000 slaves were lost during the Revolution, almost 30,000 in South Carolina and Georgia alone.[2] To create more financial problems for the South, Great Britain refused to import Southern goods into the British West Indies, one of their largest markets.


Well-Known Member
» Obamacare won't decrease health care costs for the government. According to Medicare's actuary, it will increase costs. The same is likely to happen for privately funded health care.
Is there a reason why this doesn't say "like Obama said it would. Oh maybe because he said it will reduce long term costs, because that's what it does, look up the costs to us as a nation for healthcare, they have been growing too rapidly and is really making shit expensive. Which is why something that pushes people to manage their health through less expensive doctor visits is a reallygood idea.
The health care law expands coverage, reducing the number of uninsured by more than 32 million, although about 24 million will remain without coverage.

Still, the share of the population with insurance will go up by nearly 10 percentage points, to about 93 percent. And that makes a difference in the numbers.

If you divide total national health care spending by a bigger number of insured people, you get a smaller per-person result.

It's an interesting statistic, but it doesn't mean the problem of rising costs is solved.

"It's not that it's false, it's just that it will be a little misleading," John Allen Paulos, a mathematics professor at Temple University in Philadelphia, said of the White House number, calling it an "apples-to-oranges miscomparison."

Consider an imaginary country with just three citizens, Peter, Paul and Mary. Peter has health coverage but Paul and Mary are uninsured. Peter spends $1,000 on health care, but Paul and Mary can only afford $500 apiece because they lack coverage. Total national spending: $2,000. National spending per insured person: $2,000.

Now suppose a law gets passed to expand coverage. Paul gets insurance, but Mary remains uninsured. Now Peter and Paul are spending $1,000 apiece. Paul spends more than when he was uninsured, so total national health spending goes up to $2,500.

But because more people are covered, spending per insured person goes down to $1,250.

It's a simplistic comparison, but would you call that a savings?

Paulos said it would make more sense to first figure out the share of total national health care spending by people with health insurance, and then divide that result by the number of insured people – before and after the health care law.

The government hasn't run that calculation.

Richard Kronick, a senior Health and Human Services official, said the Obama administration disagrees that its number is misleading.

"There are a number of ways to evaluate health care spending and the new law," said Kronick. "Examining spending on each individual with health insurance is one useful data point."

National health care spending is a kitchen-sink statistic that includes personal health costs of the insured as well as the uninsured, and such categories as research and development and medical infrastructure. In 2019, when the overhaul is fully phased in, the tab will be $4.6 trillion.

Foster says it's acceptable to divide the number by the total U.S. population. In that case, per capita spending would $13,652 as a result of the law, and $13,387 without it.

The difference: just $265 per person more.

Paulos, the mathematician, said that sounds like a bargain to him. "It's a relatively small cost given that 30 million more people will be covered," he said. "You don't really need this kind of apples to oranges miscomparison."
» As written, Obamacare covers elective abortions, contrary to Obama's promise that it wouldn't. This means that tax dollars will be used to pay for a procedure millions of Americans across the political spectrum view as immoral. Supposedly, the Department of Health and Human Services will bar abortion coverage with new regulations but these will likely be tied up for years in litigation, and in the end may not survive the court challenge.
I'm perfectly happy allowing the women whose decision this is to decide their circumstances and make their mind up. And I do find it funny that this makes it seem like they would rather pay for the nine months of doctor visits and the ass load it costs to pop the kid out, vs a very costs effective alternative, which also lends to lower taxes for us to have to dedicate to the blastis if it became a welfare baby.

» Obamacare won't allow employees or most small businesses to keep the coverage they have and like. By Obama's estimates, as many as 69 percent of employees, 80 percent of small businesses, and 64 percent of large businesses will be forced to change coverage, probably to more expensive plans.
just going to have to look at this more, but I'm guessing this may be due to those plans being scams of some sort that people pay in but don't really get anything back, or just flat out bullshit.

» Obamacare will increase insurance premiums -- in some places, it already has. Insurers, suddenly forced to cover clients' children until age 26, have little choice but to raise premiums, and they attribute to Obamacare's mandates a 1 to 9 percent increase. Obama's only method of preventing massive rate increases so far has been to threaten insurers.
Funny if you actually think about this for longer than it takes to cut and paste someone elses article.

Who do you think costs the healthcare system the least amount of money? Gasp healthy young people! So really what's the point kicking the, off of their parents health I insurance before they hit 26?

Wouldn't it make sense to allow parents that would like to keep paying for their child in case of emergency or maintenance reasons the chance to do so?

Another funny thing about this is when you think about how much insurance rates have been increasing, this article dismisses all that and allows them to say this Increase has to be due to the health care bill.

» Obamacare will force seasonal employers -- especially the ski and amusement park industries -- to pay huge fines, cut hours, or lay off employees.
How so? Funny there's not much detail in these mindlessly anti Obama bullet points, don't you ever question the info you read? You were right to call me out on the parroting I did on the 98% of small business would not see their taxes increased, isn't this just you doing the same? Or do you realize this may all be stretched and mangled facts and inferences that really is misleading at the best and full of shit at the worst?

» Obamacare forces states to guarantee not only payment but also treatment for indigent Medicaid patients. With many doctors now refusing to take Medicaid (because they lose money doing so), cash-strapped states could be sued and ordered to increase reimbursement rates beyond their means
So it's better to just stiff the doctors? Or is this saying it's better to just let the elderly that can't afford to pay the hundreds of thousands they cost to just kick the bucket?

» Obamacare imposes a huge nonmedical tax compliance burden on small business. It will require them to mail IRS 1099 tax forms to every vendor from whom they make purchases of more than $600 in a year, with duplicate forms going to the Internal Revenue Service. Like so much else in the 2,500-page bill, our senators and representatives were apparently unaware of this when they passed the measure.
How is this different than it is now? Does it drop it down from 800 bucks or something?

» Obamacare allows the IRS to confiscate part or all of your tax refund if you do not purchase a qualified insurance plan. The bill funds 16,000 new IRS agents to make sure Americans stay in line.
Is that confiscated amount going to pay for the insurance you were supposed to have gotten? Similar to what would happen if you owe child support and they garnish your wages? Because to me it sounds like it won't even be that invasive, just if you think you got past something with not buying it and your getting a return on the taxes you paid at the end of the year, you'll just not get that money back that you shoulda used to get insurance.

First and foremost where in the Constitution does the government get the authority to regulate heath care? How does any of this improve health care? So I should have to pay higher premiums and higher taxes to support people who don’t want to pay for their own health care? What about my right to my personal property? Why do they have a greater right to my property than I do? How is Obama Care going to make America a freer nation?
Yeah I'm over the whole constitutional argument, it's played out.

More important is improving healthcare. Right off the bat you should look at the fact that a few doctor visits per year can catch illnesses or thongs like cancer far before they are detrimental and farmore expensive to treat and dangerous to the patient.

And you really should wake up to the fact we already pay for these people through far higher er costs that we pay for through taxes (which pay the higher costs that Medicaid,care have to pay for) and higher insurance premiums that we have to pay because the person with no I surname dumped as a loss into the hospital.

The rest is stupid and why me kind of shit.

jeff f

New Member
Article I, Section 8, Clause 3
“[The Congress shall have Power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes”

“It isn’t really subjective intent of the founders that matters here. It is words on the page, and what those words meant in the context of their time to the people who would vote to ratify the Constitution. At the time of the founders, “to regulate” meant to “make regular”. In other words, to prevent states from imposing trade barriers on each other. And, in fact, “commerce” at the time meant “trade”.LINK

Explain how forcing every man woman and child to purchase a product or face fines and even jail time is covered by the commerce clause. The government requiring every person in the United States to buy health insurance isn’t legal. You realize using your logic the government can require you to do just about anything. Hell maybe tomorrow they will require every person 18 or older to purchase a GM product before the end of 2012. It’s tyrannical and the Supreme Court must strike it down. If this law stands America will no longer be a free nation and the constitution should be burnt on the white house lawn.

Those “rules” are actually the supreme law of the land. There are enumerated powers given to congress and all others are left to the states. To change the document certain procedures must be followed.

I agree. So change the constitution to include healthcare.
you are wasting your breath. you are talking to people who love being controlled by other people. they have no ability to figure out choices in their own lives so they are very comfortable with being led around like children. if govt doesnt spell out what they "have" to do, they will wonder around aimlessly. history is littered with the bloody bodies of men women and children who thought just like they do.

but have faith brother, november is just around the corner.....


Well-Known Member
It's funny that people seem to think that somehow understanding the ability to work together to have advantages in things that save us not only time (giving us more freedom to not spend it doing what we wish to do) but money (meaning while we still work hard we simply have much more option of things to do with our money we make, because buying things is far safer with government regulations) too.

We save money working together, we build more, and have more as we collaborate, there is much that will go wrong, people will be corrupt, others will be stupid. But it's far better than the alternative. And somehow thinking that we do not have things to add to what we do when we develop new technologies and new understandings is "being led around like a children" just means that somehow they would rather spin their wheels than call a tow truck.


Well-Known Member
you are wasting your breath. you are talking to people who love being controlled by other people. they have no ability to figure out choices in their own lives so they are very comfortable with being led around like children. if govt doesnt spell out what they "have" to do, they will wonder around aimlessly. history is littered with the bloody bodies of men women and children who thought just like they do.

but have faith brother, november is just around the corner.....
jeff, you are right again. budmclovin is wasting his breath (or keystrokes), but not because i love being controlled by other people or whatever asinine caricature you want to make of me.

i can figure out the choices i make in my own life, and having health insurance is one of them. and i like that the gov is following the lead of every other rich country like us that actually has universal coverage and requiring those that can afford it to be responsible and insure themselves as well. how this ends in my bloody body being littered on the ground is beyond me.

to me it sounds like you love being controlled by whatever line of bs beck and palin want you to swallow and are very comfortable being led around like a child by them.


Well-Known Member,17215/

"Denying insurance to Americans with preexisting conditions and ensuring that low-income Americans stand no chance of receiving quality health care are just a few of the core beliefs that the GOP and leukemia share.And believe me, if anyone is angrier than the Republican Party that children can no longer be denied coverage for having preexisting conditions, it's leukemia." DeMint continued. "We're a match made in heaven."

jeff f

New Member
jeff, you are right again. budmclovin is wasting his breath (or keystrokes), but not because i love being controlled by other people or whatever asinine caricature you want to make of me.

i can figure out the choices i make in my own life, and having health insurance is one of them. and i like that the gov is following the lead of every other rich country like us that actually has universal coverage and requiring those that can afford it to be responsible and insure themselves as well. how this ends in my bloody body being littered on the ground is beyond me.

to me it sounds like you love being controlled by whatever line of bs beck and palin want you to swallow and are very comfortable being led around like a child by them.
because what you are asking for is tyranny.

what kind of lightbulb do you HAVE to buy?
how much gas mileage MUST your vehicle get?
how far from the road are you ALLOWED to build a house on YOUR property?
how much money is CONFISCATED from your check and given to other people?
what kind of crops are you ALLOWED to grow on your farm?
what hospital will you be MADE to go to for care?
what type of specialist will you be ALLOWED to see for your ailments?

you are a puppet. but dont worry bro, the people who despise the people who regulate you are now awakened. we will fight your regulations and your assault on personal liberty. because apparently, there are a lot of YOU that are too stupid to even realize youre losing your liberty.

my caricature of you? a useful idiot.


Well-Known Member
how far from the road are you ALLOWED to build a house on YOUR property?

what kind of crops are you ALLOWED to grow on your farm?
what hospital will you be MADE to go to for care?
what type of specialist will you be ALLOWED to see for your ailments?
i havent seen those ones can you elaborate on them a bit like how far from the road do you have to build?

tbh if that list is the extent of your "tyranny" then compared to the parts of the world with real tyranny you very well off


Well-Known Member
what kind of lightbulb do you HAVE to buy?
nice. just make stuff up all day. easier for me to refute.

how much gas mileage MUST your vehicle get?
making up more stuff. now, if you are referring to standards by which NEW autos must be built, i don't see the harm. saves me money to get good gas mileage, and weens us off foreign oil. i will see your gas mileage tyranny and raise you a safety standards tyranny. i like the tyranny of knowing my car won't explode when your drunk ass rear ends me. i also like the tyranny of knowing how much alcohol one can have and not be allowed to drive.

how far from the road are you ALLOWED to build a house on YOUR property?
i know there is a good reason for this and it varies based on local jurisdictions (i thought you small govt lovers liked decentralizing power to local jurisdictions?). perhaps you, the carpenter, can tell me, the handyman, the reason behind this?

how much money is CONFISCATED from your check and given to other people?
don't like taxes, ss, and medicare? too bad. just try to get rid of them. you will be lashed by a million canes and run over by a million wheelchairs. go try to make your living in a place with no taxes. my standard location i refer people to is warlordville, africa.

what kind of crops are you ALLOWED to grow on your farm?
hmmmmm, besides cannabis and what the climate allows, i wasn't aware of this. are you making this up, too?

what hospital will you be MADE to go to for care?
wasn't aware anyone was making me go anywhere for care. besides what my rivate insurer allows....ahhh, the tyranny of private insurance!

what type of specialist will you be ALLOWED to see for your ailments?
again, you are making shit up. the only limit here is what my wallet and private insurer allow. damn the tyranny of private health insurance.

you are a puppet. but dont worry bro, the people who despise the people who regulate you are now awakened. we will fight your regulations and your assault on personal liberty. because apparently, there are a lot of YOU that are too stupid to even realize youre losing your liberty.

my caricature of you? a useful idiot.
a puppet, a useful idiot, too stupid....nice insults. tells me you are fresh out of responses containing reason or rationality.

sorry, i like regulations. i like knowing my tap water does not contain certain chemicals. i like that my car will keep me safe i a crash. i like not having lead in my paint or plumbing. i like all those tyrannical loss of liberty regulations.

again, thank you for the multiple insults.


Well-Known Member
Congress bans incandescent bulbs

[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Massive energy bill phases out Edison's invention by 2014
awesome. i'm glad i was wrong and that dubya signed that bill into law. saves the people money. i have already replaced every bulb in my house with cfl and reaped the savings from it.

i love tyranny even more when it reduces my electric bill. 8)

jeff f

New Member
Congress bans incandescent bulbs

[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Massive energy bill phases out Edison's invention by 2014
no no, i am just making it all up....

unless you have a treefrog on your property. dolts and leeches. either way, can you say november 2nd and goodby govt forced healthcare. hey statists....we aint going back to sleep. your days are numbered.....

jeff f

New Member
awesome. i'm glad i was wrong and that dubya signed that bill into law. saves the people money. i have already replaced every bulb in my house with cfl and reaped the savings from it.

i love tyranny even more when it reduces my electric bill. 8)
how do you like tyranny when it takes a trillion bucks and gives it to bankers?

how do the 8 million people who are out of work because politicians fucked up the housing do those folks feel?

how about the few million who lost their homes because they couldnt make payments due to the huge tax burden associated with paying politicians a million bucks to run a podunk town in cali?

how about the farmers in central cali who were stripped of WATER to save a fucking toad, fish or lizard or some bullshit? how are they liking that their lively hood was TAKEN by politicians?

how bout the oil workers losing their jobs now because of a stupid moritorium that forced equipment to be shipped to other parts of the world?

your vocabulary may be big but your brain is little. like i said, dont worry because defenders of liberty will save your ass.

see, the people who made the country great are now going to take it back. we are sort of like the military, you can bitch about us all you want...but there aint a fucking thing you can do about us. we are here, we aint queer, and we are taking down your big govt buddies. jokes on you UB.


Well-Known Member
how do the 8 million people who are out of work because politicians fucked up the housing do those folks feel?
as one of them, i'll say it: pretty darn good. i started selling weed. haven't punched a clock since. just turn the lights on and then off every day. answer to no one but myself.

how about the few million who lost their homes because they couldnt make payments due to the huge tax burden associated with paying politicians a million bucks to run a podunk town in cali?
i'm fairly sure that the root cause of those foreclosures was not a few overpaid fuckers in bell, ca.

how about the farmers in central cali who were stripped of WATER to save a fucking toad, fish or lizard or some bullshit? how are they liking that their lively hood was TAKEN by politicians?
those dumb fucks sold that water down the river. that is THEIR fault. not everyone did, some were smart. and the alternative would be to collapse the food chain that the fishermen depend on for their livelihoods. damned if you do, damned if you don't.

how bout the oil workers losing their jobs now because of a stupid moritorium that forced equipment to be shipped to other parts of the world?
i'll be sure to cry some crocodile tears for them right after i shed an authentic tear or two for the massive damage we did to the gulf of mexico, the wetlands, and the coastal economies around the gulf.

thanks for another insult...'my brain is little'...ha, wow. i am hurt as fuck about that. stop being so mean, you charlatan.


Well-Known Member
awesome. i'm glad i was wrong and that dubya signed that bill into law. saves the people money. i have already replaced every bulb in my house with cfl and reaped the savings from it.

i love tyranny even more when it reduces my electric bill. 8)
yea you save a few pennies, but is the mercury worth it? now led's, thats where it's at.


Well-Known Member
LEDs for sure. right now the initial investment is a bit high, but they are to cfl what cfl is to incandescent. at the gizmo store near me, i often envy the 1 watt LEDs, they are brighter than 14 watt cfl. if only i knew how to solder...


Well-Known Member
ah hell it aint that hard. what you trying to solder? if its just wire to wire you hold the gun on the wire and let those get hot then just feed the solder onto the wire.