the most fucking weird thing happeed to me!!!!


Active Member
ok so i just harvested my ladies and i have a shed in the corner of my property that i dried and trimmed in and they just finished drying today so i trimmed and jarred them up....annnndddd i went back about 3 hours later and one of the jars was open spilled all over the floor along with a container of trimmings is everywhere!! however the rest of them is right where i left them. So i couldnt have been my parents otherwise they would have said something or at least taken it from me (im 18 and last year of highschool) and it couldnt have been an animal cause u need thumbs to open one of the jars and if it was some random person they would have taken all the weed (its about 6 ozs) so ideas???? weirdest thing iv possibly ever seen in my life...


ok so i just harvested my ladies and i have a shed in the corner of my property that i dried and trimmed in and they just finished drying today so i trimmed and jarred them up....annnndddd i went back about 3 hours later and one of the jars was open spilled all over the floor along with a container of trimmings is everywhere!! however the rest of them is right where i left them. So i couldnt have been my parents otherwise they would have said something or at least taken it from me (im 18 and last year of highschool) and it couldnt have been an animal cause u need thumbs to open one of the jars and if it was some random person they would have taken all the weed (its about 6 ozs) so ideas???? weirdest thing iv possibly ever seen in my life...
Do you have younger siblings? Any younger neighbor 6-10? My grandkids are 5 and 8 and they would do something like that...just cuz they're curious.


Weed Modifier
ok so i just harvested my ladies and i have a shed in the corner of my property that i dried and trimmed in and they just finished drying today so i trimmed and jarred them up....annnndddd i went back about 3 hours later and one of the jars was open spilled all over the floor along with a container of trimmings is everywhere!! however the rest of them is right where i left them. So i couldnt have been my parents otherwise they would have said something or at least taken it from me (im 18 and last year of highschool) and it couldnt have been an animal cause u need thumbs to open one of the jars and if it was some random person they would have taken all the weed (its about 6 ozs) so ideas???? weirdest thing iv possibly ever seen in my life...
:idea:Time for a StakeOut!!!:fire: Catchem in the act!!!

I would still take all my shit out first and when they come back...which they will, you can bust them... and not have to worry about losing your shit!


Well-Known Member
ur parents are tryin to set u up... maybe their gonna wait and see if u have some money all of a sudden to see if ur sellin it...? maybe a younger sibling or relative came and snatched a nug and knocked some shit down on the way out and got spooked so they just ran and left everything the way it was... im just tossin ideas out here i may be way off. id bring it into my house or if thats not possible toss it in ur car if u got one.


Active Member
nope no younger siblings or neighbors or any kind and couldnt be someone trying to set up a rip because its a clear view of the shed as u walk up and i would have seen someone plus my house is wayyy off of roads and my backyard is 50 acres of hilly tree covered nothingness so no one EVER goes back there (which is why i grow weed back there lol) but FREAKING me out like it seems like an animal that got through the window but the one jar how it got opened and it was spread all over the place so its not like it just got knocked over.....had to be something with thumbs to open the jar..


Active Member
a mason jar lid that u HAVE to screw off with a human hand popped off? like i have been having this race through my head for the last couple hours and i literally have NO explanation other than no joke like a fucking ghost or something!!....and i havent smoked all day so it wasnt me being completly baked and not remembering to put a lid on or something


Global Moderator
Staff member
nope no younger siblings or neighbors or any kind and couldnt be someone trying to set up a rip because its a clear view of the shed as u walk up and i would have seen someone plus my house is wayyy off of roads and my backyard is 50 acres of hilly tree covered nothingness so no one EVER goes back there (which is why i grow weed back there lol) but FREAKING me out like it seems like an animal that got through the window but the one jar how it got opened and it was spread all over the place so its not like it just got knocked over.....had to be something with thumbs to open the jar..
Don't ignore the obvious - aside from Humans, Simians & Octopus nothing else can open jars that I'm aware of.
Seems like you might be disreguarding the evidence before you.


Well-Known Member
Dude, black bear can open anything! Even bear-proof canisters! Raccoons are able to open mason jars too. Black bear will climb through a window. This time of year, animals are feeding like crazy, they need to fatten up before the snow starts to fall. If not an animal then you have a spirit who likes to smoke, LOL!!!


Active Member
it seems exactly like an animal did it since i know it wasnt a person otherwise they would have taken it ect ect and it was spread out everywhere but im unaware that animals are able to open mason jars....still hell of weird but i just brushed it off and put it back in the jar so no problems