Could be going to jail. IDK

via Vio

I live in a place where it is illegal to grow cannabis. Georgia, USA

This is my recent facebook status:



Marijuana = Schedule 1 Drug
Marinol/Dronabinol = Schedule 3 Drug

The DEA classifies Marijuana as dangerous as Meth. Marijuana and Marinol are the same thing. You get the same effects as if you would just smoke a joint.

These are both the same essentially, but guess which one costs a shit ton of money and which one is practically free if you grow it yourself?

I grow cannabis."

via Vio

I also want to say I would I have done this sooner, but I chickened out the first time on grasscity.

I made a grow journal under the name F5x and then deleted it cause I pussed out. Not this time.


Well-Known Member
You make a very good point, and this subject is ripe for discussion, but please do not make multiple threads linking to this one. You'll only piss people off and won't get any dialogue that way.

Here are some claims about Marinol straight from the DEA....

You would think they are actually promoting and endorsing Marinol. What pisses me off is, they claim the drug marijuana has NO medicinal value, yet they make this fucking statement on their site....

"The most comprehensive, scientifically rigorous review of studies of smoked marijuana was conducted by the Institute of Medicine, an organization chartered by the National Academy of Sciences. In a report released in 1999, the Institute did not recommend the use of smoked marijuana, but did conclude that active ingredients in marijuana could be isolated and developed into a variety of pharmaceuticals, such as Marinol."

What a coincidence. It was in 1999 that the Department of Health and Human Services was awarded a patent on the medicinal value of marijuana in treating a number of diseases and illnesses. The DEA actively facilitated the research on Marinol. The DEA knows damn well that marijuana is medicinal. In fact, they are switching gears and instead of denying marijuana has useful properties, they are now claiming that SMOKED marijuana contains over 400 dangerous chemicals. They go on to maintain that smoking is not a good drug delivery system.

It is obvious that the DEA is changing it's tactics. It realizes that as more states recognize the medicinal value of marijuana, it's war against the drug is lost. Now rather than claim it is a gateway drug, they claim that extracted or synthetic variations are safer. That may very well be, but at what cost to consumers? Why should a pharmacuetical be enriched for a drug that we can grow and administer ourselves? Educate your friends and family and anyone that will listen. I have personally seen marijuana change a cancer patient's outlook for the better. They had dreaded chemo and considered stopping the treatment because of the terrible nausea associated witht he treatments. This person was a bible thumper and anti drugs all the way. His son persuaded him to try it, convincing his father God put the plant on this planet to benefit us. His father overcame the nausea, continued treatment and lived for another 8 months. While marijuana was not able to replace his damaged organs, it provided him with pain and nasuea relief and allowed him to live out his life with dignity.

Contact your local NORML representative to see what you can do to advance the decriminilization of a plant that has proven benefits for mankind.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Thank you for your activism, more people need to step up.

The continued classification of "MARIHUANA" as a schedule one drug is one of the biggest boldfaced lies the government has put out there.

To be a shedule one drug there is supposed to be no known medical use. History shows many uses and there are now 15 states and counting as well as a fed program and Wash. D.C. that have "medical marijuana".

A friend of mine is involved in an investigation that will prove the government of one state has not followed the law in regards to the proper scheduling...he'll prove it and then it will be laughed at and swept under the rug.

Activism among the marijuana user class is low, which is one of the reasons it has remained illegal. Some of the low activism may be because of couchlock, but I think alot of people aren't active because of the very real fear of having their lives or their property stolen
by the people that make a living destroying others lives.

via Vio

Sorry, I linked it like that. My apologies. I just want to make sure my efforts are not in vain. That is all.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I linked it like that. My apologies. I just want to make sure my efforts are not in vain. That is all.
Then keep this thread active by bumping it if necessary. No sense in putting an empty thread at the top is there? Responses to my earlier post? Keep the thread going.... :)

via Vio

We share the same anger :)

I have also posted this on the GA NORML FB page

says 62 members right now. Unacceptable.

Might as well say 62 people care about their rights.


Well-Known Member
We share the same anger :)

I have also posted this on the GA NORML FB page

says 62 members right now. Unacceptable.
A lot of people won't publicly associate with groups like NORML for fear that potential employers or university administrators may discover their position on marijuana. More than likely, a lot of Ga smokers don't even realize the page exists. Spread the word!
This post will be intended to serve as a record of foolishness. I regret making this post but I think having a large enough amount of people tell Via Vio how stupid his behavior has been will be good to show that becoming a meaningless martyr is not good even if you are, in principle, correct about your belief that marijuana should be legal.

As of right now the OP of this thread is in jail. He went to his school earlier today, holding a sign that said, "Free Cannabis" and had brought joints with him, as well as a small seedling. I have no idea if he was successful in distributing any of this but I do know that he was subsequently arrested soon after beginning this idiotic demonstration.

Protest is not protest if it does nothing but land your ass in jail. Successful protests make a point and have a real purpose. This is obvious to anyone who can think clearly.

I am posting this so that other people can deliver their own thoughts on my friends behavior. My hope is that when he is released from jail this will better help him understand the foolishness of his actions. He was seen, at most, by maybe fifty people before he was arrested. My friend has a pregnant girlfriend who is two months along. Instead of reacting to the stress of the situation by getting a job and becoming responsible, he has instead decided to excuse himself from responsibility by becoming the most insignificant martyr for marijuana legalization that the world has ever seen. Now he faces having an arrest on his record and who knows how long in jail.

After he made that facebook post and received positive responses from people here, he then decided to go to his school. I want him to know that our friends in the marijuana community support protests but not blatant stupidity.


Well-Known Member
You can't martyr yourself unless you die. Now that has been said, what your friend did was dumb but its more than most will ever do.
I support anyone that grows cannabis legally or illegally. SUPPORT ME PLEASE OR THE LAWS WILL STAY THE SAME.

- via Vio (this is a pic of via Vio smokin some kush) FRESH!

This was taken on Saturday before Brent Taylor Parker AKA via Vio was arrested.



Well-Known Member
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so" - Thomas Jefferson
One of the founding fathers of our country, and hemp grower i might add, said this seldom heard quote.I live in a state that is currently an illegal state but under the spirit of this very quote I grow and there is no goverment entity or official that will ever convince me i am wrong in breaking this paticular law.All smokers medicinal and otherwise need to stand up against the tyrany of a law that takes away your freedom to choose for yourself, and give you the illusion that they know whats best in the form of lies and misinformation.


Active Member
If I ever get busted for grwing. I'll go all the way and falsely confess that I've been selling to funnel monies to islamic jihad in Africa through a Somalian liaison who stops by once in a while. I'll go all the way alot of noise, dhs, cia, fbi and the rest of those pork fuckers would have to divert into my confession. They're going to have to work to try to prove my confession look into all those ends of my story. If I'm going to locked up with my life/career ruined just for growing plants by these fucking pigs anyways, why not waste their time, money with misinformation and make mockery of them?