1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Hey nice looking plant- hows the hermie staus? The weather still bad up your end too? I cant get ny tent above 8 C even with a bloody heater in it- gonna take ages i reckon the LSD's gone into hibernation methinks :( Thanks for stopping by earlier :)


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
8c is pretty cold, is that when lights on or off? aye its starting to thaw out a bit here now its raining presently and about 3c, cant face the prospect of going to work just yet....


Well-Known Member
Anything below 5 and your plants will def suffer....enjoying the last of the slipper days Don?


Well-Known Member
Well I am on a 48 hour hangover now!!! Due to the fact that I haven't had a thermometer for about 6 months, and I am sweating as it is, it's quite hard to tell if my new air circulation thing is working....I have changed it 3 times already and still not happy.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Anything below 5 and your plants will def suffer....enjoying the last of the slipper days Don?
am back at graft now man ghahah well if you can call it that its dead so have been to the pub every day weve been in. i blame the bigger boys they coerce me into it.
Well I am on a 48 hour hangover now!!! Due to the fact that I haven't had a thermometer for about 6 months, and I am sweating as it is, it's quite hard to tell if my new air circulation thing is working....I have changed it 3 times already and still not happy.
48hr stinker. man you must have had your drinking strides on lmao still sweatin it out now sounds like you poisoned yourself bru !?
See that Charlie got his Rolls scratched yesterday...
yeah i saw that this morning. bit unnecessary if you ask me. he had nowt to do with raising fees. mind i did read interestingly enough the protesters/rioters were tech savvy they had apps for their mobiles showing the positions of the police horses and vans etc so they were effectivley unable to be kettled into one area by the plod.
Morning all...Just thought i'd stop in for a quick look...
nowt much going on to be honest man! but thanks for stopping by!

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
about 8-13 with lights on- im blissfully unaware of how cold it drops when they are off but tbh i dont think its much less as my HPS dont seem to throw any heat off- weird i know- but they were advertised as low heat anyway as had opposite problem with my last bulb by different brand- so went for a cool option- kinda wish i hadnt now lol. But then again blazing heat followed by siberian cold might have been even worse i guess.


Well-Known Member
Alright Neeb's, just a quicky to say Alreet Man! Been oot aw day gettin shoppin and had to visit some family, so had to stay half straight, but got some nice Malt from the old man! Had one for ya brother! Thats me in for the night now, so its feet up, chinky and see how this nice lookin bit silver smokes! Speak soon Pal.



Well-Known Member
Take it you had a good One yest Donny Boy! You's played well, Andy Carrol's your man eh! The old JamTarts done over the sheep too 5-0! My lad was there while I stayed home and watched it on BBC Allba which is a nothern channel so had to watch it in fookin Gaelic! But we played well!
Take it you got the bast's behind the eye's the day then lol. Catch up wi you later mate!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
about 8-13 with lights on- im blissfully unaware of how cold it drops when they are off but tbh i dont think its much less as my HPS dont seem to throw any heat off- weird i know- but they were advertised as low heat anyway as had opposite problem with my last bulb by different brand- so went for a cool option- kinda wish i hadnt now lol. But then again blazing heat followed by siberian cold might have been even worse i guess.
hmmm interesting ive never heard of a low heat bulb. cooltubes etc yeah bbut the actual bulb runs at a lower rate is a new one to me. kool tho if youll pardon the pun....
Bird is in the air my brother ;)
awesome brother! [youtube]ZThquH5t0ow?fs=1&hl=en_GB"[/youtube]
Alright Neeb's, just a quicky to say Alreet Man! Been oot aw day gettin shoppin and had to visit some family, so had to stay half straight, but got some nice Malt from the old man! Had one for ya brother! Thats me in for the night now, so its feet up, chinky and see how this nice lookin bit silver smokes! Speak soon Pal.
aye lad jobs done and back in the crib with a fatty is the way forward! what malt did you get? i was out friday night with my folkks to see a Trex tribute band' trextasy' they were surprisingly good. think my pa was a bit over excited and it was infectious!! many drams later we both had the horses teeth in and my mother, the designated driver was not amused we were both steamin hahaha
Morning Don, have a good weekend lad! DST
cheers bruski! you too!scalping the scousers was amazing.
Take it you had a good One yest Donny Boy! You's played well, Andy Carrol's your man eh! The old JamTarts done over the sheep too 5-0! My lad was there while I stayed home and watched it on BBC Allba which is a nothern channel so had to watch it in fookin Gaelic! But we played well!
Take it you got the bast's behind the eye's the day then lol. Catch up wi you later mate!
was in a bad way most of saturday till i got the boozin britches back on for the match. didnt kick the arse out of it again tho i left the lads in the spoons at 10, am fresh as a daisy today! the mrs left in a tirade of shoutin n ballin that my gaff was that of a slobs so ive been on a mission today. hoovered mopped washed up cleaned the oven and the bathroom only to realise id brought mud all up the stairs on the way in last night FFS 1 step forward n all that ....

hahahha jammy dodgers 5-0 nicely done!!

plant wise im having some clawing i think im feeding a bit hot :S new growth is fine but am still fighting the yellowing. post is still backlogged so the bat poop still aint come :(

the crech is starting to look like it was. jtr x dpp all up and lookin good :)

a good weekend to all!!!


Well-Known Member
Hoovered, mopped,Oven n Bog! I'm in the wrong thread ??? lol. Hope you get you'r Guanno soon as n get that sorted, sure their fine. Cant wai to see these jtr x dpp perform! How's the Dog's doin?