

Well-Known Member
I wanted to make a thread about Immigrants, all Immigrants legal and illegal from everywhere. what do you think about immigrants and immigration? what do you like or dislike about certain ones be spicific about which ones and what they do that you love or can't stand. Also what are your thoughts on importing and exporting things? international trade?


Well-Known Member
Without it we would all still be in Europe.....I get along really well with people from other countries...."New Canadians" as we call them up here are for the most part just like us...they wanna laugh, Love and raise a family. In my hood we have an awesome African Family 2 doors down that just loves our family and is always sending different African home made food to our door. When you actually speak to them you can learn so much about other places and people....


Active Member
i dont understand why people hate immigrants everyone came from somewhere most immigrants are great people theres only a little group of bad people but then again there is also a group of people that are legal and bad


Well-Known Member
Live in L.A. then form an opinion.

And we got em all.

and we pay dearly for them.

This is a Uhaul by my house. This summer it held up to 25 day laborers. Day laborers who would walk through my neighborhood and case vehicles, piss on the street, shit behind a car and leave garbage. The thefts were off the hook. Before this summer it was 2 guys that never bothered anybody. No "theft from vehicles" the year before.

Now these here "ILLEGAL ALIENS" did not take kindly to me taking their pictures. Followed me home. And got in. Ooooohhhhhrrrrraaaaa time. Took 911 31.45 minutes to get to my house. They "were" San Salvadorans.

Now when I go by that fucking Uhaul, there ain't no more "day laborers".

Imagine fucking that.

I don't where care where you come from. come here legally and assimilate.
Sneak in, overstay yer visa, WHATEVER and I'll kick yer ass.

Nuff said

Semper Fi



Well-Known Member
Live in L.A. then form an opinion.

And we got em all.

and we pay dearly for them.

This is a Uhaul by my house. This summer it held up to 25 day laborers. Day laborers who would walk through my neighborhood and case vehicles, piss on the street, shit behind a car and leave garbage. The thefts were off the hook. Before this summer it was 2 guys that never bothered anybody. No "theft from vehicles" the year before.

Now these here "ILLEGAL ALIENS" did not take kindly to me taking their pictures. Followed me home. And got in. Ooooohhhhhrrrrraaaaa time. Took 911 31.45 minutes to get to my house. They "were" San Salvadorans.

Now when I go by that fucking Uhaul, there ain't no more "day laborers".

Imagine fucking that.

I don't where care where you come from. come here legally and assimilate.
Sneak in, overstay yer visa, WHATEVER and I'll kick yer ass.

Nuff said

Semper Fi
Those are not immigrants man....they are illegal aliens.....big difference in my opinion


Well-Known Member
Not here in California bub. Illegal Immigrant's are our worst problem here in the sunshine state.

Legal Immigrant's I have no problem with. Just don't bring yer old way of life here and demand
to be taken care of by the taxpayer.

Assimilate. Learn the Lingo. Abide by the same fucking laws I do.

Immigration into this country is a joke of a process.


Well-Known Member
contrary to what some people say about illegal immigrants being a net drain to the system, they add enormous volume to our economy and pay in more than they use in services, according to the most comprehensive report done. a 2006 study by the state of texas found illegal immigrants added over $17 billion to local economies, and paid in $400+ million more than what they used in services.

some people seize this thread to spread their anti-immigration rhetoric and hatred. kinda sad and pathetic individuals they are.

i'll say that this country is better for all its immigrants, legal or not. irish built the erie canal, chinese built the railroads, making america prosperous.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
there not a net drain? come on. the librels brain washed u. they dont pay taxes they send their money to old country thats so beautiful there. did u hear they wrecked the health care, or did they not teach that at your school. u have to know what i mean. now there ruining the outdoor grows. wake up uncle buck.


Well-Known Member
I hate that liberians cant park/drive.
There will be a spot you can fit 6 cars in and it still takes these liberians on my street 10 minutes of backing in and out to park it.When im out there they ask me to just park it lol.
They said there here illegally.

What I like lol.
There some of the nicest people around here and they have crazy parties lol.
There parties seem like they invited half there country lol.Blocks and blocks will be filled with there cars(all fucked up park jobs to lol)
They just need a better choice in music,it sounds like they blast the fucking lion king theme soundtrack.


Well-Known Member
And that there is how a mongo frog jumps.

Smack dab in the middle of the fray.

Give ya an 'Attaboy' on that there pearl.


Active Member
contrary to what some people say about illegal immigrants being a net drain to the system, they add enormous volume to our economy and pay in more than they use in services, according to the most comprehensive report done. a 2006 study by the state of texas found illegal immigrants added over $17 billion to local economies, and paid in $400+ million more than what they used in services.

some people seize this thread to spread their anti-immigration rhetoric and hatred. kinda sad and pathetic individuals they are.

i'll say that this country is better for all its immigrants, legal or not. irish built the erie canal, chinese built the railroads, making america prosperous.

smart +rep


Well-Known Member
there not a net drain? come on. the librels brain washed u. they dont pay taxes they send their money to old country thats so beautiful there. did u hear they wrecked the health care, or did they not teach that at your school. u have to know what i mean. now there ruining the outdoor grows. wake up uncle buck.
don't believe me? go take a look at the report. it was done in the state of texas in 2006 by the state comptroller and is the most comprehensive fiscal study on the impact of illegal immigration.

net gain.

contrary to popular belief, illegals do pay taxes, often under false SS numbers, and thus do not get to derive the benefits. they do cost money on education and healthcare, but pay more into the system than they take.

they also do send money back to their home countries, but they also contribute greatly to local economies.

did i hear they wrecked healthcare? no, i did not. why don't you explain that to me. but please, for your own sake, do use 'their', 'there' and 'they're' correctly, otherwise you are just letting everyone see your lack of education. you'd hate to be schooled by a brainwashed 'librel' (sic).

i've worked with illegal immigrants who spoke english better than you do. :lol:

anyhoo, america would not be what it is without immigrants, legal and not. hell, if it weren't for german immigrants we would not have shiner beer, the only beer to survive alcohol prohibition and an excellent libation to boot.