Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!


IM griowng in fox farms ocean soil and using there nutrient line.everything was cool threw veg but once i changed the light to 12/12 my bottom leaves started yellowing and some green ones have spots my day temps are 78.5 and night is 69/71.0 after feeding and or watering the run off water ph is 6.0 can someone please help. also these pics are after i flushed the plants are in2nd week flower and there master kush from nirvana.400mhveg 400hpsflower



Active Member
why did you flush? ur girls are hungry and need some food. make sure ur pH gets raised up a bit. You've likely flushed out what little dolmitic lime they put into their soil. the PK boost typically lowers the pH of ur nutrient solution so bring it up. are you using open sesame right now? or just growbig, tigerbloom and big bloom?


Well-Known Member
Still pretty new to growing but you need to raise your pH some since it's soil to like 6.5ish. Looks like it's lacking some N and I don't think you needed to flush it out. My guess is pH lock but like I said I'm still pretty new.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
NITROGEN, it is unusual for the plant to start using up stored Nitrogen this early. I keep my plants on veg nutes with bloom supplements the first two weeks of flowering and I don't have the problem with Nitrogen being used up until the very end of flowering.
thy are not getting enough nutes, the upper leaves and new growth are draining everything out of your lower leaves. plants will burst up the first fewweeks of flower. your grow supplement should include N, P, and K and your plants needs more of one or all three.


thy are not getting enough nutes, the upper leaves and new growth are draining everything out of your lower leaves. plants will burst up the first fewweeks of flower. your grow supplement should include N, P, and K and your plants needs more of one or all three.
yes ive only been giving a1/4 tsp because i was scared to over feed or burn them


ive only been givin them 1/4 tsp because im scared to burn or over feed them but you guys are sayin they look hungry should i up it to 1tsp or table spoon ? will it stress them in anyway?


Active Member
Looks like nute lock is locking out N. Probably due to low Ph. Fox Farm would be the culprit, I've experienced the exact same thing with this line. I made the switch to Advanced Nutes and never had a problem. I would add a little epsom salt to your next regular watering. I measure my Ph after nutes are added and FoxFarm will lower the Ph. Make sure you adjust accordingly. I would up the amount of nutes too, the problem is due to lack of nutes; too much would result in burnt tips (i.e. nute burn). GL
ive only been givin them 1/4 tsp because im scared to burn or over feed them but you guys are sayin they look hungry should i up it to 1tsp or table spoon ? will it stress them in anyway?
im not sure how strong those chems arein your nutes, but yes up the amount, a tbl spoon or 3/4 of a tbl spoon is a good place to start, after that give her a couple days to get used to the new nutes and she will let you know whats up, if they get better but still not totally green on bottom, try a little more nutes. if you start to see this tips and edges of the leaves looking burnt then the nutes are too strong and burning the plant so you would want to flush an lower the nute level a bit.


Active Member
NITROGEN deficiency i dont know if its because your plant used it all or our PH is locking it out. figure out your PH situation then fertilize with nitrogen if / as needed.


Well-Known Member
Yea, it looks like it might be a N def. But from what I've read that is normal. How much longer are you gonna flower them? If you plan on going another couple weeks, then you can add some Blood Meal to up the Nitrogen levels. It works pretty good, but smells kinda like that catfish bait that Wal-Mart sells. lol


Yea, it looks like it might be a N def. But from what I've read that is normal. How much longer are you gonna flower them? If you plan on going another couple weeks, then you can add some Blood Meal to up the Nitrogen levels. It works pretty good, but smells kinda like that catfish bait that Wal-Mart sells. lol
yes they have atlest 5 more weeks to go in flower they only been in flower 2 1/2 weeks thanks for you insight on my plants anything else you can think of let me know.....thanks


Looks like nute lock is locking out N. Probably due to low Ph. Fox Farm would be the culprit, I've experienced the exact same thing with this line. I made the switch to Advanced Nutes and never had a problem. I would add a little epsom salt to your next regular watering. I measure my Ph after nutes are added and FoxFarm will lower the Ph. Make sure you adjust accordingly. I would up the amount of nutes too, the problem is due to lack of nutes; too much would result in burnt tips (i.e. nute burn). GL
regular epson salt and what amount per gallon ?