Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil


Well-Known Member
Just dropping in real quick to say hi bro. Hi lol!! I would vote to repot too prolly ; !)

Have a great one!
thanks hc you ava goodun too.

made me mind up aint gonna repot skint as it is dont need to be spending another 40quid on soil n pots and plus dont wana risk em outgrowing me tent no doubt i will live to regret it tho lolol

so they are getting flipped 2night.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well the gangs all here lets get on with the show!!!! interesting bout the seeds of the blues going about. its a really solid geno so i can see that the beans should be fairly solid too, wonder how they went about it. colloidal silver no doubt.

happy gardening sambro

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi Sambo, :-P:leaf::-P
I tested out my exhust fan controller this weekend and it totally rocks dude. It completey alliviated the intense neg pressure of the tent. I would have to say it was one of my best purchases!!!!!!:leaf::-P:leaf:

garden 019.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nah it'll be fine bru,,,pulling the trigger tonight eh now the fun starts!
am looking forward to flowering these i really am m8, have never grown anything strainwise as nice as these.

well the gangs all here lets get on with the show!!!! interesting bout the seeds of the blues going about. its a really solid geno so i can see that the beans should be fairly solid too, wonder how they went about it. colloidal silver no doubt.

happy gardening sambro
yeah there was quite a few on the site that had been given the seeds for test grows i think the person who runs underground orgianals is on the site regular. The journal i read with the clone v seed grow off was done by a respected member of the site and there was others who had the seeds so looks like there might be seeds of it soon? the journal did say tho that the yield wasnt as good? was just a intresting read i dont really care i got the cutting ;-)

Hi Sambo, :-P:leaf::-P
I tested out my exhust fan controller this weekend and it totally rocks dude. It completey alliviated the intense neg pressure of the tent. I would have to say it was one of my best purchases!!!!!!:leaf::-P:leaf:

View attachment 1493195
carnt wait to get me own fan controller i should av got 1 ages ago!


Well-Known Member
well 1st of many mistakes lol thought seeing as its only bio-bizz that it would be ok so i just gave the 3strains the same and the livers got abit burnt noob mistake pissed off pyschosis loved it and cm was fine but see some nute burn on livers.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah its a fucker i find with the multi strain growing sometimes :( hahaha yesterday i feed them all quite strong so might see the same in a few days lol.

hope ur good bro, off 2 see my mates new gaff today :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i do the same thing. I have about 5 different bottles/mixes of nutes and its usually all good but the livers generally looks a bit burnt. still puts out well mind.


Well-Known Member
yeah its a fucker i find with the multi strain growing sometimes :( hahaha yesterday i feed them all quite strong so might see the same in a few days lol.

hope ur good bro, off 2 see my mates new gaff today :)
yeah im all good m8 been getting on it a abit to much these last few days so need to start behaveing now lol fingers crossed you dont get no burn there wasnt much on the livers but i was still pissed of with meself!

man i do the same thing. I have about 5 different bottles/mixes of nutes and its usually all good but the livers generally looks a bit burnt. still puts out well mind.
good to no don thanks m8, i didnt burn her too bad so should be fine.


Well-Known Member
I got pissed mixing two different nute mixes on my grow, idleness is a bitch eh haha. Dons livers and psyc look awesome, im sure yours will be just as good.


Well-Known Member
haha it is sambos u nutta ;) it was a subtle hint that obviously didnt work lmao ;)
ohhhh las the irony pains me mate, I was bein a sarcy twat lol.

too funny WoW was you on the butter last night m8?
hey! I've said it before, i aint no world of warcraft nerd! I've never even played the game haha. my name is just WOW as in "WOW! your penis is so small" etc. I did get on the butter mate, just put planet earth on the blu ray and melted away lol.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
ohhhh las the irony pains me mate, I was bein a sarcy twat lol.

hey! I've said it before, i aint no world of warcraft nerd! I've never even played the game haha. my name is just WOW as in "WOW! your penis is so small" etc. I did get on the butter mate, just put planet earth on the blu ray and melted away lol.
:oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: lol

stop telling lies WoW it was only yesterday u told me u was on level 40 on world of warcraft's new game hahaha ;)


Well-Known Member
an update of pics and my apologies wow seems im more stupid in the morning straight than you are on butter not good lolol

