Radiation and Growing


New Member
Okay, so I'm sure ya'll have all heard about the nuclear reactors in Japan, I am trying to make a plan of what to do to prepare, but I am also wondering, what am I going to do about the plants? They have to be ventilated, but that will expose them to any radiation in the air/wind that would not normally be let inside. Any thoughts or concerns about how to protect ourselves and our plants from potential radiation contamination?

P.S. Sucks this is my first post. Glad to be here though, thanks for all the amazing grow info I've gathered here before needing to ever post!


Well-Known Member
If you were in my cult, you would already know these answers and more.

All you have to do is post a receipt from either :
http://www.cancer.ca/canada-wide/how you can help/cw-make a donation.aspx
If you are in Canada...

Follow those directions for USA'er's :)

That show's $1 donation, and I will immediately PM you with the instructions you crave, along with that we will send you an honorary certificate of membership to "the organization" and our de-coder ring.

You can totally block out your name and address... just leave the pertinent information - take a pic of the receipt and jot your RIU handle on the page. I will contact you when the time is right.

(Likely not what you expected as your first response either)


Well-Known Member
No scam my friend. Lifetime enrollment to the enlightenment connection, (includes access to our online database of tinfoil hat origami instructions, and 2012 survival handbook desk reference), de-coder ring, certificate of recognition to our cult, AND a $12 haircut is yours free. You're coming in saving $11... Just donate $1 to either the Canadian Cancer Society, or the American Cancer Society, and salvation will be within your grasp my brother.

Yes - I'm joking.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I'm sure ya'll have all heard about the nuclear reactors in Japan, I am trying to make a plan of what to do to prepare, but I am also wondering, what am I going to do about the plants? They have to be ventilated, but that will expose them to any radiation in the air/wind that would not normally be let inside. Any thoughts or concerns about how to protect ourselves and our plants from potential radiation contamination?

P.S. Sucks this is my first post. Glad to be here though, thanks for all the amazing grow info I've gathered here before needing to ever post!
Are you from Japan? If so, my condolences for the recent devastation.

If you're anywhere near the troubled reactor, I suggest you smoke everything at your disposal and get the fuck away.

If you live in America and you have just been watching too much Fox news...you have nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
it still amazes me how everyone living near coal burning power plants and mining operations haven't started yapping yet.
wait till they find out though...tee hee

...i thought radiation counters sales were gonna sky rocket for sure for a second there....ah well
...at least i can watch and laugh at the impending flood of radiation detox snake oil/schemes, amirite?


Well-Known Member
I live in Asia...

The Japanese government has gotten really quiet over the reactor leak. This is never a good sign.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious dude? Are you in Asia? Do you really listen to everything the media says? We are going to be fine. And if not, orgy at my house.


Well-Known Member
In 1968 Canadian researchers reported that sea vegetables contained a polysaccharide substance that selectively bound radioactive strontium and helped eliminate it from the body. In laboratory experiments, sodium alginate prepared from kelp, kombu, and other brown seaweeds off the Atlantic and pacific coasts was introduced along with strontium and calcium into rats. The reduction of radioactive particles in bone uptake, measured in the femur, reached as high as 80%, with little interference with calcium absorption."
[SIZE=+1]"The evaluation of biological activity of different marine algae is important because of their practical significance in preventing absorption of radioactive products of atomic fission as well as in their use as possible natural decontaminators."

Source: Y. Tanaka et. Al. " Studies on Inhibition of Intestinal Absorption of Radioactive Strontium", Canadian Medical Association Journal 99: 169-75.

I have a bunch of seaweed and kelp extract for my plants. Since I live in SoCal, I just might be having some in a soup for dinner tomorrow, ha ha.



New Member
I'm glad almost everyone here is just fine with it, but seriously, when the Japanese gov't is being quiet, Obama says not to worry it is fine, and seriously 3 or 4 reactors have blown up, it seems like everything is maybe NOT fine. Wind could potentially bring the radiation from Japan across Alaska, Hawaii, and the West Coast of the USA, in which case, I was just wondering what one would do about an indoor garden's ventilation whilst waiting out the radioactive wind, inside of a sealed home. Instead of bringing up tinfoil hats, or dismissing the whole concept as unnecessary, does anyone have any ideas about what one could do in this "hypothetical/potential" situation?

Sure would suck to avoid potentially damaging contamination, only to have a contaminated crop.

P.S. This forum has weak ass spellcheck, it asked to to install some crap plugin....declined, so sorry if there are aehroars


Well-Known Member
Honestly, what are you gonna do about it?? Wrap your house in lead?Wear a hazmat suit for the rest of your life? Know what? Smoke weed, it fights cancer , and dont worry about it. We've been getting all the air pollutants from the asian countries for decades. Most of our food supply has been genetically modified,treated with pesticides and preservatives, and our water has been filled with Industrial waste,flouride,hormones,and who knows what else. At this point the low levels of radiation your gonna get on yhe west coast are of no concern.Our local news did a story on everyday radiation and guess what, have any granite around you? Has naturally high levels of radiation,some statues they tested pegged the gieger(sp?) counter.So just relax, roll up a fatty and wait-this is just the begining of THE END! mmwaahhh!! LMAO

I am become death,destroyer of worlds-oppenheimer


Well-Known Member
yeah...um...we sort of live in a closed environment of sorts..not really, but basically.

a dirty bomb...a fire...an oil slick...a new highway...a train full of chemicals derailing... a strip mine....ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET, results in change over the whole thing...and in your backyard
you can't hide. If you want safety you're pretty much screwed, i'm thinking...history bears this out even...diy and cheap ain't gonna cut it i'm afraid.