Is It Wrong To Shoot A Crate Full Of Rats If You Have Nice Shotgun?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
For all those who think they are a lesser species so it's okay to kill them that's fine, you have your beliefs... Just keep in mind that one day some E.T.'s might come here and think of us as some animals, if that happens you cant bitch, you just have to accept it when they put your family in a create and blow them to pieces.
that would be epic

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I have. My father has a cabin in pike county, which is close to bath, where we hunt whitetail, quail, pheasant, turkey etc... We dont fish the waters here because of this problem. also, dont really like brown water fish. vomit. I have been on boat rides just to see it. of course we are alone in when we do this, but weve been known to pull a little target practice on them. Pistols, shotguns, rifles, bows. Im not much a shot with a bow, but my old man used to make and sell both custom recurve bows and arrows, and is one hell of a shot.:wink:

I hunt and fill a freezer full a couple times a year. use almost all parts I or the butcher can, including fertilizer for local farmers. or antlers for my dog to chew. So for anyone who says you shouldnt hunt when you could just buy it. Here ya go...[video][/video]
I was born in Bath.

Dude, i had to put that video off after just a minute or so, fucking disgusting :( I used to work where i worked for a reason, if we needed beef, it came from the field behind work, all humane and free range and whatnot. It's still not a perfect situation, but people who feel good because they got a bit of meat at a great price, you gotta wonder how in fuck it got tto that great price :( I'd never go veggie, but i'd never let my food needs cause that unless i had no other choice. And unfortunately, because of our dependance on supermarket, we enver consider "can i suply enough food for my family" just "can the supermarket suply enough food for my family" the morality of where it comes from dissapears. I long for the days when a family would sit down and think right, we can't feed another baby so we won't have another baby, because if we do, it'll starve to death. Nope, instead we say have all the babies you want, take some beenfits if you can't keep them warn and if we can't feed them, no worries, we'll import lots of foo from mexico.

/rant sorry, I just can't see how we have a thing called human rights and crimes against humanity when people can do what eh fuck they like. If you were to do anythig like that to your pet you'd probably be in jail for animal cruelty, the mopment there's money behind the reasons or doing it, well carry on but don't label it free range please.... double faced corrupt governments eh


Well-Known Member
It scares me that you don't know the difference between a semi automatic and a Pump. The 590 is a pump.
Your right, it scares me too. If someone hadn't traded me for hydroponic merchandise I would never have even owned a gun, but now that I do. These new feelings of power and bloodlust are pulsing through my arms with each shot. I couldnt even get it to fire till I realized the safety was on.

I have a lot of gun owning friends who are pissed pants jealous that I have a Mossberg 6 shot 690a1 government tacticle shotgun as my first weapon ever. Actually the second, but a marksman BB gun doesnt count. I will post videos of the gun soon in action.

I don't know about the rats though. Thats for me, Its not a public hanging..


Well-Known Member
Pet stores that sell snakes
still an entire crate of rats?? how big of a crate are we talking?? I own snakes and still have never bought more than two rats at a time. snakes aren't that hungary.. still i see your point im sure you could find them...

have you considered shooting a crate full of cockroaches...

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
yeah a crate full seems like a lota rats...i dont even think the petstore carries crates full lol.

fuck shooting rats...i only shoot terrorists and deers and squirrels...i let my terriers sort the rest out...ratting is fun....cuz vermin isnt


Well-Known Member
still an entire crate of rats?? how big of a crate are we talking?? I own snakes and still have never bought more than two rats at a time. snakes aren't that hungary.. still i see your point im sure you could find them...

have you considered shooting a crate full of cockroaches...
Well as owner of a store, Im able to talk to other small business owners so I just ask how much it would cost for crate of rats. 80 bucks for 44 of them after a small jargon, he just special orders for me.

He actually kinda competes with me because he sells aquarium lighting which old skool growers still go to places like that and 300 gal horse trough res's and soluble nitrogen and phosphate tabs, and Co2 release systems for tropical underwater plants. You just gotta talk to em