

Active Member
Alright guys everyone says you go crazy and such. I have picked up a gur, lost my face for some time. But I am here still semi sensible, I look at things and they begin to move. But nothing to bad. I did the math, I am age 19 almost 20. I have ingested ~5000 drops/tabs whatever you want to call it since I started taking them at age 14. In my opinion it's all in how you can accept the dimensions turning around you, to this day people doubt this. I've earned my hat, stealing faces. it's a way of life.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
As interesting as your first post is ..... I doubt that you have anything interesting to say.
If you have started taking LSD at the age of 14 .... this leads me to believe that you have spent a great deal of time TRIPPIN
and not enough time learning how to communicate and interface with "regular folks'. Hence my trepidation.

I believe, what you r saying is MAD .... HATTER !
Do prove me wrong.

I eat a lot of LSD and the real MAD HaTTER
already works with ME.



Active Member
I have spent a great deal of time tripping, but even more learning. I know how to communicate pretty well, who would YOU say "regular folks" are tho. I have many sorts people I say are regular, because to me we are the same. Some have different perceptions which make them different, but aren't we all?? Isn't that regular???


Active Member
And you are the type of person who can sit online saying you are tripping in a forum. You obviously are a no body, in this game we call life. You say I haven't learned to communicate with people, looks like you have a fail of communication skills. I will own you any day in this game. You are a joker, not a prankster but a joker as in you are a joke.


Well-Known Member
1000 trips a year? thats a big steaming pile o' bullshit right there...

im 31 i've done huge amounts of lsd in my life but even i wouldnt come close to 5000 hits.... next time you wanna make something up work on your maths a bit more first

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
And you are the type of person who can sit online saying you are tripping in a forum. You obviously are a no body, in this game we call life. You say I haven't learned to communicate with people, looks like you have a fail of communication skills. I will own you any day in this game. You are a joker, not a prankster but a joker as in you are a joke.
That is so FUNNY ...
You are already on this board .... kinda owned.
Please allow me deeper into your mind ...

In your reply, You have revealed about the insecurities. You are slowly settling into your 'flesh' how cute !
All people are the same ... then comes the programming. Taking into consideration YOUr abrupt reply, not only do you come across as a 'duckling',
But, inexperienced one at THAT.

I am 5000 years ahead of you in Programming ...
And I do a lot of LSD.

You have spent a great deal of time learning .... as in Hypnopædia ?
Explain ?
Welcome to RIU stranger !
What a way to start !
Can't wait to see where this will unfold.
My Dear Epsilon!



Active Member
ya 5000 hits in 5 years is pretty outrageous. i mean i average about 50 a year.... trippin almost once a month... i do agree once you have ingested enough L certain things will move if i concentrate on them. spakled ceilings ALWAYS look like quick sand. Its all about being able to ignore those things when im not tripping and liek you said accepting the dimensions around you.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Yes ... the magic comes from the right use ... in the right dosage .... in perfect junction with universe.

Not massive amounts consumed at early age.
I call that child abuse.



Active Member
I guess some people will never reach my height. I could really careless what any of you know or think you know. You haven't hit this part of that life. Yes I abused the hell out of that substance, but I can bet none of you have ever even seen a gur. You eat a strip and think your frying, which is what your doing. lmao fools in this game, and the game is deep.


Well-Known Member
sorry dude. disrespect to an elder like puffer is a bad way to start ur RIU life. to say he doesnt know anything is just ridicilous. maybe read a thread or two before u start running ur mouth.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys everyone says you go crazy and such. I have picked up a gur, lost my face for some time. But I am here still semi sensible, I look at things and they begin to move. But nothing to bad. I did the math, I am age 19 almost 20. I have ingested ~5000 drops/tabs whatever you want to call it since I started taking them at age 14. In my opinion it's all in how you can accept the dimensions turning around you, to this day people doubt this. I've earned my hat, stealing faces. it's a way of life.
Stealing faces a much obliged song by the band Orgy ;)

But 5,000 doses... I must say that is a corner stone for any modern day Shaman :D

Its not predestine to make you insane per say.... however, psychedelics can offset or trigger pre-latent mental disorders sought after heredity. The picture that is painted by those who are against it... depict that of the crazy and gruesome. The human brain is a fine wired machine... to take it off its natural course is a pretty hard thing to do ;)


Active Member
That number is give or take on a vial or two, maybe. But after you have broke the the barrier, a vial is a strip. It is something very few will ever understand, as I have met one other on my west coast journeys. and To you say I am bad mouthing an "elder"...An elder how?Because he has so many post on a web forum?? That is no way an elder to me, mine would laugh at you for just speaking. My wings are on, and I fly high.