

Well-Known Member
I never layed L all by myself,but fell into the right crowd when I was about 19 and was around a lot of was about the time I was 23 that I was allowed,and had gained the wisdom and balls to touch some raw,but by then I was eating strips everyother show it seemed and,well truthfully,I had gotten off more by eating 15 gels..I guess its a matter of volume..maybe brojohnsons right..I spilled some wash on my you missed something..we passed the vial but you weren't here!


New Member
haha soon as i started readin this thread, I was like 'ding' LOT KID. The uncleanest of souls and purest of hearts can be found on lot, but really thats everywhere, not just the scene. I dont like a lot of the kids, they tend to delve into some pretty unclean shit. Dont get me wrong, love the dead, love alotta heads, grew up in Eugene but man every time I strayed down to cali, I felt so out of my element. Not makin any judgements on you madhatter, I dont know you and it seems your in a bad light on this thread (partly your own doing), but theres nothin left to do but what? that's right.. smile, smile, smile


New Member
LSD does not love you - it has no interest in you one way or another. Those who approach this chemical with any sort of hubris will one day be thrust into a very hellish place from which the only escape is surrender and patience - and for a precious few will never ever be released.

No, mushrooms may be cruel at times but they do have regard for you, mescaline could be considered your benevolent teacher and even it will "correct" you but in a loving way. LSD makes no distinction it is a cool, almost cold method of transport that is indifferent to you as a self aware entity.
no I feel there are some strains of LSD (by strains I dont mean like a plant strain, I mean a soul with a certain karmic imprint. I do feel everything has a soul. but like I was saying) I do feel some strains of LSD are in their nature (gazed upon and judged by my own nature, of course) evil, wanting to consume souls and induct them into the paradigm it is fueling. I've experienced this acid before, fought it, and won fortunately. and on the contrary there is acid that does care for the nourishing development of your psyche


Well-Known Member
Damn... those are some weak ass hits. Must be the stuff we used have to eat 10 of. Crap.

After I realized everything it was a whole new meaning to life.

A gur is raw LSD,never bothered to figured it out exact because everyone dilutes differently but 1 gram = 100,000 give or take what you want to do.
Just talking about this is putting me there, getting the wavy's


Well-Known Member
That number is give or take on a vial or two, maybe. But after you have broke the the barrier, a vial is a strip. It is something very few will ever understand, as I have met one other on my west coast journeys. and To you say I am bad mouthing an "elder"...An elder how?Because he has so many post on a web forum?? That is no way an elder to me, mine would laugh at you for just speaking. My wings are on, and I fly high.
how can you claim to have obtained so much wisdom/experience yet you can't even remain humble on an internet forum?

real recognize real is an appropriate quote for this i believe, and i don't think you're being recognized:/


Well-Known Member
So u ate a mg of most likely 70% vial rite...? Fluff,silver,amber,checq,lavender?....I'm curious....


Well-Known Member
Perhaps someone noticed the thread that i posted "poisend with arsenic'. I battle with major deppression. I noticed when i take L im totally free of depression.

Big important Q. IS anyone here familiar with Styles who used to roam this thread? I need to talk to a Styles if you feel me.


New Member
send you crazy or nuts lol please i'm 28 10 years i been doing this now for 11 years. i have taken 2200 mics in about 5 hours once and fuck me ill never forget im as mad as hatter but im normal i have always come back from big doses its your mind you r in control what is the defintion of madness arent most great minds mad. i beleive it changes us for the better love to find some needle point again here in aus thats for fucking sure and ill go for 1400 at earthcoremad hatter.jpgmad hatter.jpg or rainbow