Guerilla growing sub-forum


Well-Known Member
Ive seen on another online marijuana site that their outdoor growing forum had a subforum for guerilla growing. I thought that doing that made everything so much simpler, I'm a huge guerilla grower myself and can never soak up enough knowledge on the topic. I think its a little difficult having to use searchs when you specifically only want to look at guerilla grows because alot of people posting dont use guerilla in the title.
I am not really sure of the procedure of how it could happen, Is it as simple as e-mailing the rollitup staff (if there is a such thing)? I was wondering if anybody else enjoys the idea of a sub forum for guerilla growing because guerilla growing is an art in itself and has a huge population of growers. If anybody could help me out, That would be great, I'm just thinking it would help alot of people out, possibly save them time through searching. Love to hear some feedback, happy toking guys :joint:
Good call, because it is completely different guerilla growing compared to in the backyard.
that would be nice not having to sift through the backyard grow to find the guerrilla grows.
Come over to Michigan growers tell your plans for the year we do all kinds of growing there Guerrilla , back yard indoors and breeding
More then welcome to come and learn as well as share what you know
Peace out
Hell yeh i'm all for it,im in the process of my first guerilla grow (in my sig) and i love it,its by far the most exciting form of growing IMO.

Im like u stonerman,im always reading up anything i can about guerilla techniques etc,and im forever searching for ACTUAL guerilla grows on here,(not just ppl telling us about their plans for next year and then never actually following up on it).
Real guerilla growers do not use this site. They do not use any. These are merley wannabes. They are growers but in recent years the term "guerilla growers" is used for marketing and to make people feel like they are special.

Most guerilla growers do not even speak english - so I assure you the so called guerilla growers you meet on here are no more then outdoor growers. Sorry to let the cat out of the bag but honestly people!
If you are speaking of me or my thread BLOW ME and read I and the rest of the guys have told and posted pics of our grows
As hic has pointed out you are no Guerilla grower just a wana be a normal outdoor grower
I think that hic takes the term "guerrilla" a little to seriously, he is thinking of the mexican drug cartels who live in the woods for the entire duration of the grow, placing booby traps throughout the forest and sleep with their AK by their side.

Were everybody else thinks of it a little less severe, plants scattered through a forest or open land, no discernible pattern no large commercial equipment. walking to the grow area no vehicle transportation and trying to be as inconspicuous as possible
Real guerilla growers do not use this site. They do not use any. These are merley wannabes. They are growers but in recent years the term "guerilla growers" is used for marketing and to make people feel like they are special.

Most guerilla growers do not even speak english - so I assure you the so called guerilla growers you meet on here are no more then outdoor growers. Sorry to let the cat out of the bag but honestly people!

how about you fuck off troll.
what else would we call it?
none of us claim to be "the real deal" with thousands of plants. It is a fact that we use the same techniques just on a smaller scale. if the mods want they can call the new forum "small scale guerilla growing"

this is the only forum where someone always comes into a peaceful thread and stirs shit up.
well yes the term guerilla grower is not the same as it was 20 years ago I am sorry. The drug cartels are the ones who created guerilla growing so as for you to say my definition of this "guerilla growing". well that is not true

I am sorry as though you wanted to grow up to be a guerlla grower and you grew up to be an outdoor grower instead well that is no reason to call me a troll or ask me to fuck off. again so sorry to shatter the not so real guerilla growers that thought they were.

If you wanna be a guerilla grower you have to give up your life for a few months at a time. None of this walking down to the creek shit. I tell you what that cervantes guy did was mess most of you up.
I think that hic takes the term "guerrilla" a little to seriously, he is thinking of the mexican drug cartels who live in the woods for the entire duration of the grow, placing booby traps throughout the forest and sleep with their AK by their side.

Were everybody else thinks of it a little less severe, plants scattered through a forest or open land, no discernible pattern no large commercial equipment. walking to the grow area no vehicle transportation and trying to be as inconspicuous as possible

I think you ALL use the term too loosley. As do many that have been in the game.
well yes the term guerilla grower is not the same as it was 20 years ago I am sorry. The drug cartels are the ones who created guerilla growing so as for you to say my definition of this "guerilla growing". well that is not true

I am sorry as though you wanted to grow up to be a guerlla grower and you grew up to be an outdoor grower instead well that is no reason to call me a troll or ask me to fuck off. again so sorry to shatter the not so real guerilla growers that thought they were.

If you wanna be a guerilla grower you have to give up your life for a few months at a time. None of this walking down to the creek shit. I tell you what that cervantes guy did was mess most of you up.

regardless i still think u tryin to start shit. if u dont like it, start a "fake ass guerilla growers" thread and have at it with whoever wants to come on there and argue with you. however if we arent as "hard core" and "large scale" as the mexican mafia oh well, we still doin the same shit so we still call it the same thing. high school football players may not be the "real deal" like the NFL, but they still r football players so like i said start your own thread and leave us b. fuck off either way
Since the time to put out is almost here i think this forum needs to be put together quick if it can, so we can all share methods for this years for guerilla growing ....well i may not be to a mexican grower.. In these states ?00 plus plants puts me up pretty high....i really dont care what im called i wanna hear from people that do 500 plus but anyone that post in the forum can teach me a trick or 2 ...AS for a full time job i own a biz with crews that work for me plus i put way more than 40 hours a week into my out door grows .....LETS GET THIS GOING PLEASE!!!!! P.S .although i may not be a guerilla grower ..monkey grower will do
Real guerilla growers do not use this site. They do not use any. These are merley wannabes. They are growers but in recent years the term "guerilla growers" is used for marketing and to make people feel like they are special.

Most guerilla growers do not even speak english - so I assure you the so called guerilla growers you meet on here are no more then outdoor growers. Sorry to let the cat out of the bag but honestly people!

Let me say that right there is a load of bullcrap, that is completely stereotypical. Whats the definition of guerilla growing, well simply put it basically is growing on somebody elses land, deep in the bush. I dont see how you got to your statement with real geurilla growers not using this site, and not using any, I have came across many, many guerilla growers including me on this forum, I dont see how you can get wannabe out of people who have had many succusful harvests growing guerilla and posting it on these forums to PROVE it.
Everything you said in my oppinion is false, whered you get that most guerilla growers dont even speak english? What did you do, go around the world and survey everybody? For some reason your probably thinking of big commercial growers like mexicans, they'll put out thousands of plants and simply press them into bricks. It is almost impossible to grow big with todays technology, helicopters and what not, thats why everybodys getting smaller, smaller plots I mean. I do enjoy spending 6 months of a year doing nothing but growing pot (and smoking it) but I still come back home, I treat it like a job. Your saying giving up your life for several months to be able to guerilla grow, wtf? Its not going to take anytime to grow only a couple of plants guerilla style like some people enjoy to do. Just dont be going around spreading false statements and theorys of yours, its pointless and redundent reading information that is wrong.
A person who grows marijuana plants outdoors in secret areas, also known as a "Ganja Farmer". Guerrilla refers to the tactics they use to plant the marijuana and keep it secret. A Guerrilla Grower is hard to find because they are not known by many people, they are usually intelligent, stealth and chill.
Tom was a guerrilla grower until the police found his crops..................this was the definition i found
wow.... sooo everyone i agree we should have this forum

Far as the whole "you'll are fake" statement..... lmoa! you have some balls or you smoked yourself a little slow... come on man.. No one said anything to you or anything... we were all getting along.. And here comes your ass wanting to start shit?! lol.. we are guerilla growers.. We sneak around and plant.. True.. We’re not all Mexicans here.. We don't sleep with guns.. We normally don't shit in the woods unless we just have too.. we don't eat much in the woods.. we drive to the woods.. BUT we do grow there. .we do hide there.. we do run from the cops there.. we do keep people from coming in there.. BUT from what I’ve seen from this website.. no one around here is trying to be a "bad' ass trying to pump there selves up to something there not *but there are a lot of people who start shit*.. We consider ourselves guerilla growers.. Ok you don't see us that way... let us be the "without knowledge" and you be the one with "knowledge" ... and knowledge is keeping your mouth shut laughing at others in your head at their ignorance... JUST BEING HONEST
Come over to Michigan growers tell your plans for the year we do all kinds of growing there Guerrilla , back yard indoors and breeding
More then welcome to come and learn as well as share what you know
Peace out

I asked there earlier in the year and got no responses. :(