Guerilla growing sub-forum

Let me say that right there is a load of bullcrap, that is completely stereotypical. Whats the definition of guerilla growing, well simply put it basically is growing on somebody elses land, deep in the bush. I dont see how you got to your statement with real geurilla growers not using this site, and not using any, I have came across many, many guerilla growers including me on this forum, I dont see how you can get wannabe out of people who have had many succusful harvests growing guerilla and posting it on these forums to PROVE it.
Everything you said in my oppinion is false, whered you get that most guerilla growers dont even speak english? What did you do, go around the world and survey everybody? For some reason your probably thinking of big commercial growers like mexicans, they'll put out thousands of plants and simply press them into bricks. It is almost impossible to grow big with todays technology, helicopters and what not, thats why everybodys getting smaller, smaller plots I mean. I do enjoy spending 6 months of a year doing nothing but growing pot (and smoking it) but I still come back home, I treat it like a job. Your saying giving up your life for several months to be able to guerilla grow, wtf? Its not going to take anytime to grow only a couple of plants guerilla style like some people enjoy to do. Just dont be going around spreading false statements and theorys of yours, its pointless and redundent reading information that is wrong.

at least what I write is not downgrading real guerilla growers.

I do hope you kids have fun this year and stay safe...I just think you should call the thread "outdoor growers" because that is what you are all doing.

I do see that some pride and feelings are getting hurt. And yes it is true you were all playing nicely before I came. I will leave you guys alone with your beliefs.
Way to fuck up this thead. Guerilla is just a broad term for pol who grow in the wilderness in my mind.
Wats with all the idiots
OK heres how I do my (Guerilla Grow)
Mix 1 bag of FFOF and 1 Bag of manure and 3 cups Perlite and some polymer crystals Put it in a burlap bag find where Im growing and throw the bag down let it sit for a week or to to settle and let the diggers dig and sniff and find out there is nothing there for them
Then go back cut a slit Jillybean.jpgin the side of the bag that is facing up plant my clones maybe check them in the middle of a long dry spell other then that fert with AN HH
No IranianG13.jpgdigging no hauling or hidding dug up dirt
The burlap soakes up morning dew never had to water in the 2 years that I have done this works greatIR 13.jpg
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Wow Dave, that's an easy method, and the proof is in your gorgeous plants. I like the stealthness of the surrounding plants-- everything blends.

Do you mix the burlap bag at the site or carry it in and about how much does it weigh?
And about how big are your plants when you plant?

Do you have to do any clearing? It looks pretty lush there.
Never weiged the bags but the first 3 or 4 arent to bad but at around 15 20 they weigh a ton LOL and I mix at home so im in the woods for as little time as possable
No clearing just pick the right spot when you cut trees and shrubs you see it a mile away
Last year I had a hard time finding 2 of my girls and I was only 10' from them
Sorry forgot the plant question
I try to be at about 12" at least some times bigger but some times I have a few that are 5-6"
Thanx for the info.
Do they still get alot of sunlite with all that foliage or is it all low profile?
the other plants are still small so the MJ just has to keep up , works out well and you have camo from the git go
no root problem they grow right through the bag into the ground

No problem sharing that is what the site is for