Time to Panic?


My plants are on Day 24 and they seem to be getting worse. From Day 10 to Day 20, I was feeding the plants (about 1 cup/day) from a mixture of 1/4 TSP Jack's 20-20-20 and 1TBSP molasses (1 Gallon). The temp had got up to 86 degrees so I switched out the 2 85W bulbs for 2 42W bulbs and now the tent (3x2x5) is at 79 degrees. I have a fan blowing on the plants to help circulation and have given the plants some water with a pH of 6.0 when their pots have felt light.

I started from seed and now the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow and then develop brown spots and become brittle to touch. I was thinking of transplanting into bigger pots with new soil, would that help with the problems I am encountering? What is the best source of action to take in order to save these plants?

IMG_20110405_200721.jpgPhoto Apr 13, 7 57 20 PM.jpgPhoto Apr 13, 7 58 08 PM.jpgPhoto Apr 13, 7 57 48 PM.jpg


New Member
you are burning your plants up u already got nitro burn
dont give the anything but water for awhile


Well-Known Member
i think u are over watering and burning them up with nutes ....either leach them or transplant into new dirt


Active Member
epic fail right from the start... this must be your first grow..... and you never water 1 cup every day unless you have a 6' bush, lol but still if you keep it up you will rot your roots, burn your plants and stress them to male or death..... I would replant them in new soil let the root ball dry for a day or two and start watering with plain water for awhile, let the soil dry out before you water so that way you know the roots wont get moldy and rot.

So if you want to start growing, start reading


Well-Known Member
Dude chill on that jacks shit. I wouldn't give them anything but ph'd water plain and simple until they don't look so pissed off at you. I believe in superthrive, seems to get them back in the groove quicker once stressed I've found. Less is better. I wouldn't be feeding with jacks either. I use General Hydroponics flora series and just go off the chart, its idiot proof. There's a chart for seedlings and I have been successful on this feeding regiment. 20-20-20 seems hot for a seedling..


Active Member
Im not a soil man so dunno if you should change the soil but if I were having same problem I would flush and use just normal ph calibrated water for a week and then start a 1/4 strengh nute mix and build up,may be not so easy in soil I dunno,I dont do soil.
Another thing,never use the manufacturers dosage guid and if you have no guid but that then do 1/4 of 1/2 strengh.
I would never use the full manufacturer dilution recommendations.
Stop being so hard guys,we all live and learn.

I cant see your new growth properly,give us a shot of new growth.
Your old growth wont fully recover but new growth will tell you if you are fixing the problem.


New Member
i think what u said applies more to your post
troll much?
and all that just to say the same everyone else said brilliant real original
instead maybe u should think more and not even bother posting
82 post huh wonder if u are a dick on the other 81 also

^^^think more, post less.

and OP
definitely nute burn


Well-Known Member
Well those plants are small for the pot size and i do grow in soil, id say even after 20 days they wouldnt need ferts! In my soil i get about 4/5 weeks before they 'TELL' me that they are hungry. Also as everyone has said overwatering is bad. Wait for the soil to dry or the pot to become very lightweight before the next watering, not original but just to reinforce what everyone else has said. Soil has nutrients in it already, you need to let the plant use the nutes in the soil before you add anymore.


Rebel From The North
to much water, to much nutes and a PH issue to top it off! start flushing asap and wait a week then
start to think about nutes. but im sure you have no way to check the ppms do you? or the ph?
If I were you I would start reading and learning


Well-Known Member
to much water, to much nutes and a PH issue to top it off! start flushing asap and wait a week then
start to think about nutes. but im sure you have no way to check the ppms do you? or the ph?
If I were you I would start reading and learning
Definitely right on. Flush them asap and don't feed them for a long time. You don't need to feed until the soil is depleted of its nutrients.

A few things:

Your humidity is low
Your pot size is fine, not too big, not too small
You're watering too frequently
You're feeding them too much
Your PH is a bit low (for me personally I like a bit higher in veg)
The direct air may be causing excess transpiration which is causing the leaf cupping. This can also be due to other possible factors including heat though.

Flush them with about 1.5 gallons of water each, do it in sink or tub. Do not water again until they are completely dry. Bump your PH up to 6.2-6.5. Bring your humidity above 40%. Turn the fan to circulate air as opposed to blow directly on the plants. When you water them in the future drench the soil. Let them dry out completely before you administer water again.

Watch them grow until they ask you for food.

Keep reading and learning, I do every day :D


Well-Known Member
I think, or would like to think, of both my seedling soil and flowering soil that i buy from my local B&q/Homebase that the pH is of 6.5 roughly with lime in to buffer this for at least a month or probably longer. So if instead of using lots of fertilizers simply repot to keep a more suitable and stable pH of the soil. Just a simple way i have found to avoid fertilizers lowering my pH and because i don't have a pH meter this gives me a little more peace of mind in my garden.
I'm not saying don't use fertilizers but just don't underestimate the power of good soil, its got stuff in to keep pH near nuetral or pH7, its got fertilizers in it till the plant starts to get a little root bound and outgrow the pot, its got drainage properties and lots of minerals and microbes and will support plants for some decent amount of time without even a drop of fertilizer. Yer halfway through flowering my plants deplete the nutrients in the pot and i wont repot at this stage so they get a couple of feeds with the organic nutes and micro/macro's but thats really it for me. I repot three times now in a four month grow from start to finish. Dont nessecary take my advice but bear it in mind when your researching as at least one point of view against fertilizers and pH problems and a simple one to implement to get the hang of growing in pots. Hope i could be helpfull in some small way, it took me quite a few attempts to even get from the seedling stage to the veg stage when i first started out, you just got to carry the knowledge you gain from each grow over to the next one.


Wow. I didn't suspect this much feedback, thanks everyone. I took the first bit of advice I got and leached them; I upgraded to a bigger pot (8in) and now praying that they can recover. The first set of leaves on each plant are toast; lesson learned I guess. I have some more pics; they are still looking in rough shape but hopefully with a couple of days of NO WATER ;) they will recover.

Photo Apr 15, 10 13 01 PM.jpgPhoto Apr 15, 10 11 36 PM.jpgPhoto Apr 15, 10 12 28 PM.jpgPhoto Apr 15, 10 12 02 PM.jpg


Well-Known Member
Good save dude, look like they in a better situation to recover, what soil have you used, really hoping it was a seedling soil or somthing lightish at least. Leave of the ferts for a while in these pots and hopefully in a couple of weeks these plants will be growing good and healthy. Well done they looking better alreaady.


Well-Known Member
thats a damn shame. in the first pic, it looked proper.
now, your overlovin it....dont use nutes until second week of flowering if you dont know your plant yet.
some plants can take nutes early, some dont.


Well-Known Member
With the watering in those big pots maybe don't water all the soil but just the soil round the plant first couple of times just so the soil dosen't take a long time to dry out and promote root growth, overwatering these plants would be really disasterous at this point i think and fertilizing even worse still. I use to get eager with my plants and always changed somthing or overloved them but now i just let them grow themselves without much help from me, soil seed and the occasional water and repot with plenty of light, nothing else seems to work in soil except this and ferts are my worst enemy at the moment in the veg room, i never use them here and whoever said dont use them till the second week of flowering is spot on in my eyes. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
And another thing Shwagbag, your profile pic looks spot on exactly like my girfriends ass, you got to change it man, its driving me crazy, everytime i see it i just wana go bone my girlfriend from behind! God damn you Shwagbag you need to stop posting such sexual images and grow up, whats wrong with a picture of a marijuana plant or somthing! I'm sorry this isn't constructive in any way but hey man just stop doing that!lol


Well-Known Member
And another thing Shwagbag, your profile pic looks spot on exactly like my girfriends ass, you got to change it man, its driving me crazy, everytime i see it i just wana go bone my girlfriend from behind! God damn you Shwagbag you need to stop posting such sexual images and grow up, whats wrong with a picture of a marijuana plant or somthing! I'm sorry this isn't constructive in any way but hey man just stop doing that!lol
Well get off your keyboard and pound it out son! lol


Is it to much if i give my 2 week plants fox farm big bloom liquid plant food they are Iranian autos i know to give them half already but is it to early help me out guys



Plants have come back and are thriving. I can now see how little water these things need. Is there any typical rule of thumb for watering? How do you know when the plants are "asking" for water and then nutes?

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