*How To Make THC DROPS.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if there is a way to inject this thread,,, cause I feel like Iam addicted to it,,,, :peace:..........................................................................................


Well-Known Member
got my ricer.




i only got about 1/4 of the glycerin back that i started with. i will go get more and rinse it again. just long enough to stir it and rinse it. i put 1 teaspoon in a cup of coffee. 30 mins later i thought i felt a little buzz so i had a second cup with another teaspoon full. looped me.


Well-Known Member
i dont think caffeine and that are complementing each other...maybe use decaf

it laid me out. we had to go to the cable office twice. i was so fucked up. perma grin. couldn't stay focused. got home and napped for 6 hours during the day. i just made a pot of coffee, i'll try i spoon full this time and stop. i have things to do later.:mrgreen:


i only read journals during the last 2 weeks of flower. :mrgreen: let me know when.:blsmoke:
if you have been reading my thread you'd know i'm not flowering for prolly like 1/2 a year...

i am however vegging 14+ strains...

sorry for the mini hijack of the thread too...


Well-Known Member
soooo,, FDD,,,, do you have an overall view of this whole thing,, what do you think about every part of it ,, making to injesting.........:peace:........................


Active Member
"glycerin will extract the following - sugars, enzymes (dilute), glucosides, bitter compounds, saponins (dilute), and tannins
absolute alcohol will extract the following - alkaloids (some), glycosides, volatile oils, waxes, resins, fats, some tannins, balsam, sugars, and vitamins.[5]"

so could u make thc drops using a high alcohol content liquor like bacardi 151 or moonshine?


Well-Known Member
well i had a batch of 1/4 oz with a 1/4 cup of food grade glycerin, shook it everyday for 2 months, squeezed out and have tried it totally sober, and it was totally a waste, no way would 2-3 drops fuck u, this is just a waste of time, stick with alchy if u want to experiment with this kinda stuff, but all i know is i did it all correct and it was a waste of weed, i now have a little vial of this glyc crap that prolly wouldnt fuck me up unless i drank the whole thing, so i would advise against people going for this


Well-Known Member
well i had a batch of 1/4 oz with a 1/4 cup of food grade glycerin, shook it everyday for 2 months, squeezed out and have tried it totally sober, and it was totally a waste, no way would 2-3 drops fuck u, this is just a waste of time, stick with alchy if u want to experiment with this kinda stuff, but all i know is i did it all correct and it was a waste of weed, i now have a little vial of this glyc crap that prolly wouldnt fuck me up unless i drank the whole thing, so i would advise against people going for this

so now what do we do with it all? i have a 1/4 lbs worth here. garbage. fuck it.:mrgreen::blsmoke: it's soooooo fuckin' sticky. :spew:


Well-Known Member
now i dunno if using the glyc in larger quantaties like you would if u used say, vodka(like a shot or 2 to fuck u up) but i do know the concentrated stuff i did thats supposed to work with 3-5 drops dun work